Thanks for the tips. Training your dog … Merilee, I haven’t tried mint, so I don’t have any experience to offer on it. Your description of Kiera, minus the drooling, sounds just like Archie. With your Newfie, I’d start at 6 mg and go up to 9 mg if the 6 mg doesn’t seem to help. Casey is petrified when a thunderstorm is impending and is hysterical when it arrives! In other words, don’t wait for the thunderstorm to hit and then give a remedy, be proactive and give it ahead of time to allow it to start working before the storm hits. This combination helps tremendously. :(  Yes, I’d like to hear how your guys do. “What Can I Give My Dog to Calm Him Down During Thunderstorms and Fireworks?”, Trying to escape (excessively scratching the door or trying to leap the fence), Becoming destructive (demonstrating a newfound taste for drywall or shredding furniture), Leaving a big puddle of drool or urine on the floor, Pacing (your dog can’t relax or sit down), Clinginess (your dog won’t leave your side), If your dog is crate trained, you may want to. The thing with Kiera is that she was never bothered by thunder until after she contracted Lyme. Feverish, tired…, Some vets will tell you that dogs don't get the…, Just back in from the garden, where the peas will…, Kiera is too old now and the chronic lyme has…, Getting in TTouch With Your Dog: A Gentle Approach to Influencing Behavior, Health, and Performance, Five Facts You Need to Know Before Choosing an…, She's beautiful, isn't she? In consultation with your veterinarian, you could try giving your pet a sedative to reduce anxiety during thunderstorms. A dog’s reaction to noise anxiety can range from becoming clingy, to obsessively chewing, licking and even running away. If your dog gets anxiety during thunderstorms or fireworks, call us at 303-688-3757. Some natural anxiety remedies to look into are St.John’s Wort, SAMe, L-Theanine, and Tryptophan. I’ve tried everything but drugs. …Back to say that I did ask around and none of my dog friends have heard of it yet. I just prefer going with the least harsh on the body first. would. For years, veterinarians treated noise phobia with acepromazine, a tranquilizer. When it comes to dogs, just how much CBD should they take? If you’re just finding her to be a handful otherwise, finding a good positive trainer would help. One thing I just learned from a friend is peppermint essential oil… rubbing a tiny drop on each foot. The Melatonin also works for cats. Very cool. thanks alot, I have a dog, diagnosed with Atypical Cushings, and reccomended to take melatonin. Natural Remedies You may also consider giving your dog a natural remedy as a way to help calm anxiety. But generally, your dog is showing some mix of: You may want to give your dog a natural remedy — like vitamins or amino acids — that are known to have a calming effect. Would love to hear how it works for you.Â. But you need to give it to her an hour before you anticipate thunderstorms in the area. But that doesn't mean you have to sit back and watch them struggle on their own. For example, some dog anxiety medications are great for separation anxiety and obsessive behaviors, while others are better suited for anxiety during storms and fireworks. I am going to try the Benadryl. A mild phobia responds well to melatonin (I’d start with 6 mg for a large dog) and rescue remedy (10 drops). He was fine after it passed through and is now fine the next day, but those days(and mostly nights) prior were terrible for him. Make sure there is no food in your pet’s mouth when you administer the pellets. Yeah, I really want to avoid going the heavy drug route if I can. I have tried just about everything, including Rescue Remedy, a tee-shirt/wrap, Valerian, (have not tried Mellatonin yet)along with several other ways to desensitize Sam and only the Xanax has worked. Kiera never used to be bothered by thunderstorms, but for the last few years they’ve turned her into a quivering mess, courtesy of chronic Lyme disease. You’re welcome to come in and get this medication if we’ve seen your dog for an annual wellness checkup in the last year. And yes, there are things you can give your dog to calm him down. I will definately try these remedies for Casey and Zoe! It’s an easy blood test. And a little less exciting that you and Ridge are such good storm detectors. Train it to respond to a "relax," "calm," or "settle" command. That way, I can control how snug I make it and how much of her I cover. Or: Cherished Companions Animal Clinic is a veterinary clinic in Castle Rock, Colorado. Dogs’ eardrums starts to harden at that age, and therefore the dog is affected much more by loud sounds (fireworks, cars backfiring, gun shots, etc), and thunderstorms. Our veterinarians have seen it in just about every breed of dog. One wry kid. From there we move on to “Rhapsody in Blue” and “American in Paris” by Gershwin. Benadryl For Anxious Dogs Valerian is a sedative herb that relieves tension, anxiety, and over-excitability in dogs. Yesterday afternoon we had some terrible storms (while I was away at the office). “What Can I Give My Dog to Calm Him Down During Thunderstorms and Fireworks?” June 15th, 2018 by Cherished Companions Animal Clinic. I have a 15 lb. Astraphobia is the technical term for this: the fear of thunder and lightning. By replicating this signal of comfort, D.A.P. Plus how would you dose when you are leaving for the day with expected storms late in the day or evening to occur before you return home? Play a CD of thunder recordings at low … Please check with your vet before giving any kind of medication.Â. I’d put the pill in a little glob of peanut butter with some kibble in the feeder and set the timer for an hour before the storm is expected. Schedule a free dental evaluation ...for your cat or dog. The dose is given either at first evidence of thunderstorm – dog becomes agitated, distant rumbling of thunder, etc. Good luck. Your poor boy…! If your dog suffers with joint discomfort consult your vet about supplements that may help your dog cope. He has climbed the chain link fence on numerous occasions to get out, and just recently dug underneath her brand new privacy fence to get out of the yard. They keep your dog from feeling so ramped up and bothered. But if you’re concerned about your dog, you could certainly take her to your vets and have them test her for Lyme. It’s even harder to see when they’re older because it’s so stressful for them.  I hope you find something that helps her. If the phobia is severe, I’d take your dog to the vet and get a prescribed tranquilizer. Smaller dogs get 1.5 mg, and larger dogs may get 6mg. Julia, how lucky for Silver that you found such a soothing solution! But I did some more digging and it’s good for mental focus and for states of hysteria… Just have to be careful with little dogs.. a little oil goes a LONG way. Norma in Missouri. Oh and one note on Melatonin. June 15th, 2018 by Cherished Companions Animal Clinic. One went through Hurricane Katrina, so you know it’s a mess when it storms. While thunderstorm anxiety is a different issue than … I like using my own makeshift thundershirt. Giving your pet CBD supplements which is derived from cannabis plants can help calm your pet of anxiety during the fireworks show or thunder storms. mimics the properties of the natural appeasing pheromones of the lactating female, which gives dogs a sense of well-being and reassurance. Many animals can sense earthquakes and tsunamis days ahead. Because a dog’s flight response is on overload, it is seeking a haven. If so what has been your experience. She usually starts showing signs of acute stress — panting, shivering, pacing, whining, drooling, dilated pupils, the desire to crawl inside my skin for comfort– a few hours before the storm actually hits. thanks Jeanne. Essential Oils. But when a dog has a really severe case and you’ve worked your way through the natural stuff first, and then Benadryl, I’d have no compunction going for the drugs. Melatonin and Rescue Remedy can be purchased at your local health food store. How much CBD should you give your dog for thunderstorm anxiety? It is a good brand of melatonin fr a reputable health food store. Norma, I would start Matty at 25 mg, which is the dose for dogs between 30 – 50 lbs. Dog Teeth Extractions: Your Questions Answered! The dosage for Benadryl is as follows: Dosage every 8 hours Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats : 10 mg Dogs 30-50 lbs: 25 mg Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg. I’ve also had people ask me about Thundershirts. Thanks for any additional advice anyone can give, everyone. In severe cases of astraphobia, when all other options don’t work, some owners medicate their pets. This is especially true if your dog is home alone during those afternoon storms that rumble through the Front Range when you’re at work or getting the kids from school. Has anyone tried giving Gaba to treat t-storm/firework trauma? My Matty, an Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Mix, I rescued from the Humane Society last year, has all of these storm reactions and behaviors. my girlfriends golden is terrified of thunderstorms! (If you live in the Castle Rock area, we welcome your call.). Rudy restlessly paces at the sliding-glass patio door and nervously follows his humans around the house (as if to say, “Um, excuse me, guys, why aren’t we hiding?”). I’ll try it after their return with the next storm (we get them a lot here), and then, if it’s okay with you, I’ll post a link to your blog entry over at LabTails so my readers over there can glean from your wisdom! Our vet prescribed Alprazolam which needs to be given 1 to 2 hours before the storm. If you’re new to Cherished Companions, simply book a visit here. I don’t know anything about Gaba. Therese, this may be working on the principle of a body wrap that Linda Tellington originated. Benadryl is commonly prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety in dogs. Doubt the D.A.P. Valerian can be bought dried or in capsule form and given to the dog orally, wrapped in a piece of cheese, or with a treat. To treat thunderstorm phobias, some vets recommend a dose of 3mg for a 35-100 lb dog. From the Mailbag: Stacie writes: My daughter brought home a…. Anyway, when a dog is suffering, I think I’d be willing to try just about anything within reason.Â. Give it to the dog before situations that tend to cause anxiety and over-excitability in your dog. You might want to try D.A.P a natural dog appeasing phermone that comes as a colar, spray, and room diffuser. The dose is given either at first evidence of thunderstorm – dog becomes agitated, distant rumbling of thunder, etc. If it is, the Benadryl should help. I use the rescue remedy (a friend’s advice) with moderate results (my dog will still keep me up in a midnight storm). Â. Your mileage may vary. I have an Australian Shepherd and she has broken 4 fence boards(all have been replaced) destroyed her Thundershirt (returned to petsmart) Chewed up shoes, cords and corners on her doghouse. Don’t scold your dog during a thunderstorm . What can you give your dog during thunderstorms? Drugs from the diazepam family are most effective — they decrease anxiety and have amnesiac properties. Many people own dogs that have what veterinarians would say are behavior problems. I have a 100 pound pure-blood Collie, 8 years old, who exhibits all these signs, especially the drooling and “freaking out”, even trying to jump up on desks, sofa tables, etc. or click the link above to order online. I’ve found that giving her 5 mg of Melatonin as soon as she exhibits symptoms makes a big difference. … This is usually at least an hour prior to when the storm is anticipated to begin. Find out what causes thunderstorm phobia in dogs and learn how to manag… It’s considered very safe and these are low doses. My cat’s fur is dull, greasy, thin, clumping, falling out…why? Smaller dogs get 1.5 mg, and larger dogs may get 6mg. Hemp chews are a good example of this. And latest to the party, one cuddly Cavalier. When Silver senses a storm, she heads for her crate and we put on Beethoven’s “Pastoral” symphony. My girlfriend has a 3 year old beagle named Copper who is one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen as far as thunderstorm phobia. Pheromones are picked up and detected by an animal’s sense of smell. He begins to spend more time in his crate or becoming a velcro dog, not wanting to be away from me when he “senses” a change in barometric pressure/static build up. Last night we had a horrible storm and she first tried to open the door to escape [which she frequently does] then sat on my pillow most of the night trembling. Our favorite option for easy administration would be as a soft chew(Amazon link). As she is at 40 lbs I would assume then the 50 mg dose and how often? Then there are the dogs that suffer from separation anxiety, and cannot be left alone without … As always, I must say that I am not a vet and am not trying to prescribe. I’ll wrap Kiera in a large ace bandage around her chest wall. Thanks. It is a hormone, so although it’s considered safe now, HRT was also once considered “perfectly safe”. Her book is full of helpful ways to work with our animals: Getting in TTouch With Your Dog: A Gentle Approach to Influencing Behavior, Health, and Performance by Linda Tellington-Jones. I guess it’s true what they say about music taming the savage beast. I’ll ask around. Normally she is a loving, well behaved, smart dog—but when storms hit, it is a nightmare and many nights of lost sleep for me and I am sure, horrible experiences for her. Sertraline can … I give Kiera a 25 mg pill every 8 hours. Both are naturally occuring hormones. I am a college student and cannot afford to buy many expensive drugs to keep her calm..and I’m skeptical that they’ll even work. Karen. Owners who see their dogs experiencing this fear usually feel helpless and frustrated. I’m not saying don’t use it.. just be mindful that it is a hormone. It’s good to know there is something besides tranquilers to give to them. This + the emergency use of benadryl is the first truly helpful information I’ve found. Poor Ridge is the only one of our four to be bothered by storms, and like your Kiera, he’s a living barometer. Follow the instructions on the package for dose times. From what I found reading about it, the dosing seems a bit iffy to me. Good to know there are some remedies to help. And it’s always okay to post a link. I don’t have the problem since my Alpha Poodle seems to know what causes the thunder and is able to explain it to the other dogs. Do this only with your veterinarian’s prescription. About what dose of Melatonin, Rescue Remedy, and Benadryl should I use for a dog this size? Dogs naturally tend to look to their owners for help and nothing is worse than feeling helpless at that moment. © 2013-2020 Cherished Companions Animal Clinic. Thank you for the tip on melatonin + rescue remedy. Very exciting. The antihistamine is known to serve as a mild sedative. Rudy restlessly paces at the sliding-glass patio door and nervously follows his humans around the house (as … So I know a thunderstorm will be hitting here within an hour or two. Careful Desensitization. We’re afraid that the Collie is going to unintentionally hurt our cats. Kaelee, you don’ mention if your girl’s behavior is solely connected to thunderstorms. We have clients who come in to get a seasonal medication for their dogs (typically, for the late spring through summer). With the approval of your veterinarian, you can give your dog anxiety medication to help ease his anxiety. This reduces fear and anxiety and can help your dog relax. This may be used as a dose for animals with more generalized stress related disorders as well. Benadryl is commonly prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of anxiety in dogs. I have a Shiba Inu and he was showing all the signs of a fearful dog before a storm for 3 nights, but we didn’t get one until last night. Joan, please let us know what your book is so we can look for it when it comes out! Great info…but I have cats. With the approval of your veterinarian, you can give your dog anxiety medication to help ease his anxiety. Yesterday she was not on meds but I have tried the Vet prescribed prescriptions during past storms with no luck. Ask your vet how to get started on this technique with your dog. And she’s sitting right here on my lap (which makes typing a bit of a challenge). I didn’t think it made sense at first, since peppermint is a stimulating oil. If you’d like to help calm your dog — or you want to plan ahead for the Fourth of July fireworks in Castle Rock — call us today. One brilliant Australian Shepherd. In a Project CBD article, Oakland-based veterinarian Dr. Gary Richter explains how to use cannabis to treat pain and inflammation in pets. He is so sensitive to t-storms and to fireworks we just had a round of antibiotics and Xanax due to t-storm and fireworks induced ulcerative colitis(the 4th that lasts 2+weeks..why do people do that?) I had a dog in high school that was terrified of thunder. But there may be a cat equivalent. Other dogs suffer from noise anxieties, such as a fear of the sound of the garbage disposal, the vacuum cleaner and the sound of thunderstorms or fireworks. Talk with your vet. Thank you! Treating your dog to a long walk before you leave for the day can help calm your dog’s separation anxiety, as can extra cuddles, petting, and brushing, because anxious dogs are calmed by physical contact. Further to Tammy’s note about EM sensitivity in the paws, I had heard some speculation about sensitivity to buildup of static in the fur as a trigger. Try it on your own skin first, as well. I’ve heard of this, although it isn’t as common for thunderstorms as it is for some other weather / natural phenomena. My last tip for helping a dog through storm anxiety is not something I would … A month’s worth of antibiotics is the usual treatment. Dosing CBD is a common concern with humans and animals alike. “Amnesiac” means the dog may actually even forget the trauma of a severe storm or firework display, which can help build confidence in the longer term. Wonder if this would work? helps alleviate fear and stress-related signs associated with thunderstorms and loud noises, such as fireworks. Though Kiera’s anxiety seems to have recently gone to a new level so that the melatonin and rescue remedy don’t help as much, the benadryl is working like a charm.Â, I have an Airedale who we believe can sense a day or more in advance of a t-storm. If you’re expecting to be gone when a storm is due, I’d consider getting a dog feeder with timer that dispenses food according to the amount and time you set. Dogs with thunderstorm phobia become extremely frantic and overwhelmed with fear during storms. One comical Border Collie mix. I’ll give your suggestions a try after the canine kids get back from the cottage (they’re up there playing in the lake with DH Don, while I’m supposed to be here finishing up a book manuscript I contracted for due later this month — can you tell I’m restless?!). We have 3 springers, Casey, a mother age 9 and her two pups age 4, Abby and Zoe. If you love essential oils, there are lots of possibilities. To be effective, the sedative must be given, and be absorbed and actively working in the body, BEFORE the storm (and fear) starts. Hope this helps! To treat thunderstorm phobias, some vets recommend a dose of 3mg for a 35-100 lb dog. … Needless to say when I returned in the evening she had damaged a new wood, leaded glass door during the storms. This is a problem because we often will not have any signs of the storm at our house, but Silver will sense a storm in the area and go berserk. Stay Calm: The best thing to do is to remain calm around your dog during a thunderstorm. A Dog's Perspective on Fireworks Fireworks—classic component of the July 4th…, Just pulled four dear ticks, the carriers of Lyme disease,…, Latest Lyme Disease Info and Treatment for Dogs, Cait's little boy hasn't been feeling so well. It’s not uncommon for dogs to be bothered by thunder. Today at an excellent herb shop, someone recommended I give him “Gaba” (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)that it is a natural product similar to Xanax. This dose may be repeated up to 3 times daily. Thank you and looking forward to any additional insights and advice. I would dilute it first. To be clear, hemp oil is not a psychoactive substance, and the FDA (Food and … Shih tsu who was a rescue (she used to bite) but still exibits tension and anxiety by wanting me to scrach her back for hours! Static buildup and a drop in barometic pressure during thunderstorms may give some dogs anxiety. For some dogs, meds are the only things that will calm them down during thunderstorms and fireworks in Colorado. I hope it works – it is getting to where we are almost ready to place him in a foster home – he really ticks off our Sheltie/Shepherd mix (she’s great during t-storms and fireworks, of which we have a lot in Florida). It’s amazing how much it calms him down. D.A.P. More than once! The antihistamine is known to serve as a mild sedative. CBD oil is most effective at relieving anxiety and is the main reason why most dog owners choose to … He dashes to the closet in the hallway. She used to sleep with me and I remember waking up to the bed shaking because of her. I know panting can be a side effect of the atypical cushings disease, but this is so obviously after the pill….as she really does not pant that much since she has Atypical cushings and NOT cushings disease. Karen, thanks for these suggestions, which are new information for me and most welcome. as well as climbing under our feet where there isn’t enough room. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact your local veterinarian. It definitely has a positive effect on her. Thanks for the suggestions. … For instance, a dog with a fear of thunderstorms can be distracted with play or training during the storm. Once there, he tucks himself away under a blanket until the storm passes over. It sedates the dog but is not an anti-anxiety medication. My 11 yo Collie has thunderstorm anxiety: she paces, tries to hide under my desk, and digs at the floor. Dogs that fear thunderstorms often struggle with one or more other forms of anxiety, such as separation anxiety, social anxiety, and canine noise aversion. I was recently asked by a friend to help her…, I admit it, I used to be a regular Murphy's…, I Thought I Was Ready for an Aussie-Cavalier Puppy…, I recently got a note from a reader who was…, Aussies and Australian Shepherd puppies are very high energy dogs, which…. Like all drugs, the pharmaceuticals for anxious dogs come with potential side effects and may not be safe for all pups. There aren’t any known side-effects. Provide Distractions. Music with … I combine that with several drops of Rescue Remedy, and a D.A.P (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) plug-in diffuser. When dogs are afraid, they go where they feel the … Is My Australian Shepherd Puppy’s Energy Level Normal? A frightening experience during a storm—or being with a dog or person who was terrified of storms—can imprint this phobia at a young age. Give your dog a treat or a toy when it shows calm behavior during a storm, or when it obeys a command despite its fear. Sertraline (Zoloft) Type of Anxiety: Generalized anxiety and anxiety-related behaviors. Thanks so much for these suggestions. i think it making her pant more and heavier, do you know if this is a side effect of melatonin. Essential Oils. Recently, we discovered an almost immediate solution to Silver’s storm anxiety problem – it’s classical music. I am completely stressed out about this situation Please any advice would help! They are hyperactive, restlessness, sleeplessness, or exhibit obsessive compulsive disorders. Eric, thunderstorm phobia is eminently treatable, and therefore not something a dog should be given away for. The more field tests we do, the better we can see what works overall. Well, “mild” is relative. These soft dog chews are calming supplements that support relaxation. This article is intended to provide general guidance what you can give your dog to calm him down for thunder or fireworks. Yeah, I’d dilute it too. Medications. (If you live in or around Castle Rock, we welcome your call. There’s also cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and programs like Panic Away and The Linden Method, to name a few. My dog maggie can sense a storm up to an half an hour away and i tryed everything.She would go crazy and would not leave my side. Now Luigi’s behavior is starting to affect our Newfoundland mix, who never feared storms before…and we’ve got to nip this in the bud, so to speak, before we add a lake of drool to the mix! David, for my Graidy who’s close to Copper’s size, I’d start with one Benadryl at 25 mg as soon as he starts indicating a storm is coming. Between my aching left hand (the one I broke in Zambia last year), my migraine aura (changing barometric pressure is a migraine trigger for me), and Ridge’s panting, drooped tail, and neurotic need to be VERY close, I have a solid storm-warning system here. We have a little shih tzu, Luigi, who has become terrified in the same way you describe your dog’s experience (minus the Lyme connection) and nothing we’ve tried (play, desensitization, etc) has had any real effect. For dogs who have severe anxiety in certain situations, medication can be a huge help. my vet told me not to use the melatonin because of the long term effects but the benadryl works great. Sue. I understand from our vet that dogs sense thunderstorms via electromagnetic sensations coming through the pads of their feet, long before we hear the thunder. Zoe was mildly upset, but Abby just went to sleep. There are several which work extremely well. You may want to try calming your dog with other approaches first. In our veterinary clinic, we have a product called Composure™ available. I wouldn’t worry about overdosing with Melatonin. ), © 2018, Cherished Companions Animal Clinic. If you decide to try that for Copper and it doesn’t help, then I’d check with the vet for anti-anxiety meds. Petsmart carries D.A.P. It was a very bad one at that. It’s considered safe in recommended doses for short term use, but overdosing can cause risk of blood clotting abnormalities, increased risk of siezure etc etc. She is normally very well behaved and listens very good and never licks :) One thing I love about her. How to Help Your Dog If They Have a Fear of Storms Anxiety is natural in dogs, and so is a fear of storms. I’m finding that I’m now having the best luck with just the Benadryl. Usually, by the time Gershwin is over, so is the storm. We have an American Eskimo, Silver, who is terrified of thunderstorms – a major problem since we live in Florida. I would speak to your vet about getting her spayed. She's also smart, athletic, a snap…, Bringing Home an Australian Shepherd Puppy: What You…, From the Mailbag: Hi, I'm Jared. Giving them CBD may be the answer. Rely on positive reinforcement when dealing … If a dog is punished or ignored during a frightening event, it’s likely to worsen … Archie, my border collie, is terrified of storms as well.