It’s normally always difficult to figure out how a man actually feels and what he actually wants, especially when you’re at the beginning of a relationship. Is he losing interest in you or does he just need some space? Chances are, if you have a feeling he’s losing interest, he is. They dont wanna talk with you anymore. There is actually a fine line between avoiding and being busy. And here’s the answer… Your instincts are 100% correct. They feel that you are guy who is easily to conquer then they have no interest in you at all. So you can be sure that he probably knows what he wants, even if he’s not telling you. It's happened before due to his job and phone problems but never for this long. He isn't making the time or effort to really respond to you, which means he's losing interest. Now don’t prematurely panic, a lot go guys are just not good at texting, or communication in general (make sure to read our article on why guys don’t text back because it isn’t always a sign he’s losing interest and that is a huge mistake a lot of women make). › Gray area between low interest and REALLY busy/stressed? If your partner is beginning to show signs they're losing interest in you, or if you sense that they're pulling away, it may be time to make a few changes in your relationship — and fast. New Reply This topic has 40 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by anita. He’s right, everybody is different to an extent, but that doesn’t mean the above signs aren’t good indicators. He won’t drop off the earth when he’s super busy. Packed schedules can even present difficulties in finding the time for sex or make it feel like just one more chore on your mile-long "to-do list." We were in mid conversation and he just stopped replying. Maybe he is just tired and really stressed out? Or is this a sign of losing interest or not? Answer these questions Either he's prioritizing something (or someone!) Is she losing interest, or perhaps she’s just busy with other things? However, if his job situation recently changed or he’s been going through new and/or stressful situations in his personal life that you’re aware of, it might feel like he’s losing interest in you when he really is just trying to adjust. I've been seeing this girl for a couple months now, we only got physical once but it's been a very affectionate relationship. Your guy may not be losing interest; he might just be comfortable in the relationship and not feel the need to put in as much effort as he once use to. Laughing and eye contact, touching you on the arm or shoulder during a conversation – these are common telltale signs of interest. I am scared that his lack of proactiveness means he is not interested but maybe he is just stressed and So let’s practice a little bit of “mind reading” by paying closer attention to the things he does. Still haven't heard from him in 6 days What are the main difference between someone losing interest vs them being distant because of them being stressed out or depressed? Take things in stride with him- he's probably just stressed out and you are probably reacting to your hormonal changes due to your pregnancy. When … What I’m going to tell you next might shock you, or even piss you off a little. She said though that she has just wanted to take things slow because she is still healing from her last relationship but really likes me and doesn't want to let that go. Avoid getting angry or defensive with him right off the bat. He is an independent person but all I want is just to be there for him. For instance, when a relationship is based on weaker foundations, the couple is less equipped to deal with its highs and lows. If he still cared for you as much as he used to, he'd make every effort to see you. So, you’ve questioned yourself, “Is he losing interest in me?” You’ve known this guy for quite some time, now. Normally, with a girl who love changes, you need to make a new feeling to girl,mean you should try • Go with your gut, and if all else fails, just ask whether they're feeling it. He might also stop asking for your advice and There are lots of subtle (and unsubtle) cues men send off when they’re attracted to someone. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. If he isn’t showing as much interest, isn’t responding to your calls or texts or changes the way he uses social media around you, you might be thinking he is losing interest. Sometimes this just has to do with timing, other commitments in his or her life or just a sense of security that caused him or her to stop “trying so hard.” The good news is that because this person is into you, you shouldn’t be afraid to have a real conversation about what you’d like from them going forward if you feel that your needs aren’t being met. He's told me he needs depression pills or a new job..that his long hours are making him miserable and he feels dead inside. I have been with my bf for one year. And if he’s not but you still feel that way, you need to work Another sign that your guy is losing interest is he'll seem more interested in someone else. Some women start to notice that their boyfriend has a new female friend or group of friends. He or she may not know how to end it as they don't wish to hurt you. There are definitely signs he’s losing interest in you when you feel like your relationship is heading south. How can you tell if the guy you are dating is stressed or just losing interest? He has voiced that he feels overworked and is stressed about his test in two weeks. He explained that this was not the case and it was all because he was stressed and depressed. Ask yourself these questions if you want to figure out whether or not your Is He As your relationship progresses, your man might change how he acts around you, and you might be confused as to whether he is losing interest in you, or he’s just getting more comfortable with you. Nothing sends you into a panic more than thinking that he's losing interest in you. If you feel that she’s losing. If it happens that he has to cancel a date, a guy who’s genuinely busy and not just blowing you off … When your partner is depressed it may be very difficult to get clarity on this. Instead, asking him if everything is okay in his life and if there’s anything that you can help him with can often reveal what is really going on. You're trying to plan a date, but your schedules just don't line up. He doesn’t text back or gives you cold, one-word responses. else above you or his feelings are just fading away and he's losing interest in you. Losing interest quickly, Relationships, 41 replies Boyfriend is depressed and stressed out and withdrawing, Relationships, 17 replies When a man seems to be losing interest..., Relationships, 42 replies How do I know when a guy Losing interest in one’s partner, or in the relationship itself, stems from a few basic issues. Below I will discuss more signs he might be losing interest and tips to figure out what is going on. If he stops doing this, he’s probably losing interest. Very often when we are smitten with our partners, we tend to expect a lot from them. He has not texted me like he used to. Either When the relationship was healthy, he might have called you during the workday just to say hello or to ask about your day. If a busy lifestyle is behind your stress and low libido, you may consider making a plan for intimacy or sexual experimentation. However, these signs alone don’t always mean that he is losing interest, he may just be swamped in his life and have a lot going on. This topic contains 249 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Jade 3 years, 11 months ago. We start making plan for every second with them without considering if they too are Home → Forums → Relationships → Is he losing interest, or am I overthinking? And you know you have to get his interest back if you want to keep the Not feeling motivated to get excited. But now i feel worried that he might be losing interest.