Consider the statements “mass marketingis dead” and “mass marketing is still a viable way to build a profitable brand.”Take a stand and justify one statement, supporting it with examples. ellenharutyunyan April 12, 2020 Article. Interests are the next level of understanding psychographics. Psychographic characteristics are essential as they provide a much narrower and targeted description of your customer. Is he interested in photography, blogging, fashion, football, coin collecting or the latest technologies? Imagine running an ad meant for all 10,000 people in a town with a population of 10,000. It’s been said that demographics helps you understand who your customer is, while psychographic data allows you to learn why they’ve chosen you. Indiscriminate advertising is being replaced by web of trust marketing. Marketing, particularly mass marketing, became a discipline as we know it today after the emergence of (1) the mass production of goods; (2) channels of mass distribution of products; and (3) media for mass communication. Mass Marketing is a strategy in which organizations appeal to all the market with one offer or one strategy, ignoring the market segments. This is because; most people perceive it as something that takes away their attention-unnecessary evil. We have an infinite number of brands, services, products, tools, and mediums. It is, however, essential to adapt to today’s realities, and to evolve to keep up with the new standards. Psychographics enables you to get into the head of your customers and develop a long-term relationship with them. Their opinions may be related to politics, social issues, themselves, business, education, products, economics, social event, etc. Marketers have realized that it’s impossible to please everyone in a large market with a singular product or service. Is marketing dying? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We strongly believe in relevant and 1:1 marketing based on previous behavior which by default results in increased sales and profitability. “Mass marketing – blasting the same message to everyone – is dead,” Eoghan McCabe, co-founder and CEO at Intercom, told me via email. Customers’ opinion is one of the topmost factors affecting the rise or fall of a brand. As technology advances, marketers are able to gather more and more data about prospective customers and reach them in new and innovative ways. Activities include leisure activities, work, social events, entertainment, social communities, club membership, vacations of consumers. ( Log Out /  But, a combination of emerging technologies are about to usher in … After combining all the information about a person’s lifestyle, you can create their psychographic profile. Companies that employ this strategy expect to generate profits through economies of scale. Since childhood, I have been reading many books and every single book that I read inspired me to create something new. However, the numbers referenced above still stand as solid evidence that email remains a powerful channel of communication. In practically, by measuring mass marketing weight with oither concept, we should recognize that mass marketing is even not come very close to dead. Once you have all the necessary data, apply it to your website, email promotions, landing pages, ads to create a perfect experience for your customers. If you found out that a person is very much attached to a vegetarian lifestyle, but your promotional campaign involves information about your restaurant’s new meat dishes, then this person can’t be considered your customer. Whereas if we got to know a freelancer who enjoys indoor activities, such as playing computer shooting games and watch TV series, then we have someone who is not likely to head out of the home on his weekends and you should consider offering him delivery service. I am in the mindset to believe that mass marketing is becoming less and less significant and is on the road to meeting its demise. The way we do marketing has drastically changed just in the past few years. ...Mass Marketing is Diminishing Some claim that mass marketing will always exist for the large brands that target the mass market. marketing ideas. A mother of four children may note cooking, family, children, toys, crafts as her interest while taking a survey. Psychographics can vary from someone who prefers fast food to someone who likes healthy food. If you found out that a person is very much attached to a vegetarian lifestyle, but your promotional campaign involves information about your restaurant’s new meat dishes, then this person can’t be considered your customer. And selling by taking is being replaced by Selling By Giving. Others claim that mass marketing is becoming less significant. A person’s interests reveal actions, thoughts, and ideas that drive their passions. When we meet a businessman who is also involved in a football club and attends piano courses, then we can consider him a highly active person. I recommend you ignore that advice. In today's world, mass marketing does not reach as many people as it once did. In short, no, mass marketing isn’t dead, but it’s no longer enough. As it is essential for your customers to get to know your product and brand, it is equally important for you to target your audience, understand their motivation behind the decision-making process and needs. It’s common to find once-vibrant email lists suffering from low open rates. ( Log Out /  When we meet a businessman who is also involved in a football club and attends piano courses, then we can consider him a highly active person. The way we do marketing has drastically changed just in the past few years. The way a person spends his time and carries out his work tells a lot about his nature and behavior. Whereas if we got to know a freelancer who enjoys indoor activities, such as playing computer shooting games and watch TV series, then we have someone who is not likely to head out of the home on his weekends and you should consider offering him delivery service. Mass Marketing was common in an era when differentiated marketing or targeted marketing was NOT needed. Customers’ opinion is one of the topmost factors affecting the rise or fall of a brand. Mass marketing is still viable way to build a profitable brand? Your email address will not be published. If you have a customer, who is a back-end developer and is interested in video games, you should make a decision to send them fast food promo emails. 2. Whereas if we got to know a freelancer who enjoys indoor activities, such as playing computer shooting games and watch TV series, then we have someone who is not likely to head out of the home on his weekends and you should consider offering him delivery service. Source : T… I've graduated from the French University in Armenia which has given me a great experience and knowledge that I use in my daily work. You can find countless articles, books, and podcasts that provide advice on how to segment and personalize Email Marketing content to make it relevant and compelling to specific age groups.

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