Nashville will grow more in the next five years than in the last five years. In 2017, Metro sold the historic Ben West Library building and only got $2 million. Earlier this year, Mayor Briley proposed a “parking modernization” plan that would result in private management of our street parking, an increase in fees and fines, and a doubling (at the very least) of the number of parking meters. Through neighborhood and precinct visits, surveys, and community forums, I will work to ensure that community residents are actively involved in reshaping our police department for the 21st century. As Mayor, I will ask Metro’s Planning Commission to work with each Metro Council member to create a description of what affordable housing would best fit within their community and how affordable housing can support and enhance the quality of life for residents. Here are some of the changes I will pursue in my first year in office: Public trust is easy to lose. I want our parks to play central and valued roles in helping Nashville continue to be and become more of the city we want it to be. Metro has heavily used the tool downtown, but TIF can be used to bring benefits to neglected parts of our community. At the end of 2019, Democrats held mayorships in 63 of the 100 largest cities in the country. That said, it remains critical that we reduce our reliance on single-occupancy vehicle trips in order to both reduce street congestion and carbon emissions. Stay up to date on Historic Downtown response and recovery, Look up your Trash, Recycling, and Brush Collection. It’s time for a different approach. I will expect that our schools get great results for all kids and will celebrate the achievements of those that do. House of Representatives | At the same time, Mayor Briley was patching a budget hole with ill-advised one-time property sales, his administration steered ten acres at the Fairgrounds into private hands. Neither of the budgets he has proposed as mayor have increased funding for affordable housing by a single dollar. Public education | Over 375 businesses are connected to high schools through the Academies program. According to, nearly 90% of those tested for COVID had negative results. An area like Bordeaux is going to keep growing, but the quality and community impact of that growth will depend on the quality of the underlying infrastructure. Economic and Community Development: This is a great deal for Metro taxpayers, and it also creates a stable revenue stream that ensures the Predators will be in Nashville for years to come. width: 100%; She assumed office on September 25, 2015. } Diversify park funding. Improving the pay for police officers - The Mayor has recommended increasing the starting pay for Metro officers, so we can pay officers competitively for the tough and challenging work they do. Thank you! Employers use Opportunity NOW to post available jobs open to 14-24 year-olds all year. And I also opposed Mayor Briley’s proposal to auction off Edgehill Community Memorial Park, which includes the land where the folk art sculptor William Edmonson lived. [2] Cooper said the city should use its surpluses and revenues from downtown more efficiently instead of raising property taxes. Before we can talk about neighborhoods, we must deal with housing. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} The city has had a string of valuable assets downtown — jewels in our crown — and each has been sold for too little. Fixing almost all of Nashville's present issues- affordable housing, police officer retention, teacher salaries- begins with better managing our finances. color: #888; Metro already allocates $10 million per year to the Barnes Fund. One key task is examining how Metro currently coordinates efforts across departments in this area. Calming traffic in pedestrian-heavy areas using actual physical measures such as reduced lane widths, speed tables, raised crosswalks, roundabouts, curb extensions, and better lighting are reasonable cost solutions and best practices that we must implement. Mayor's Office. I said at the time that Nashville had become a swan and that Metro needed to raise our expectations for developers. The current mayor is John Cooper, a member of the Democratic party.Each mayor serves a term of four years, with a limit of two terms, unless this is interrupted by a legal mechanism, such as a recall election John Cooper defeated incumbent David Briley in the general runoff election for Mayor of Nashville on September 12, 2019. .votebox_bp_logo { } But I am also committed to helping the city do better. Wishful thinking won’t build housing units. We will conduct and publish performance audits to confirm that that money we allocate is being used where it should be used. It also provides over 1200 programs a week across the city, including sports, special events, arts, fitness, nature, and history activities. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { I commit to creating and publishing a public engagement plan for transportation planning, something the current Mayor has not done. If you are aware of spending that should be included, please email us. { .results_row.winner { What would you like to see Metro do to improve your experience moving throughout the county? Our biggest challenge as a city is making schools our top priority. Metro has 1,900 miles of streets without sidewalks, and the WalkNBike plan identified 91 miles of high priority streets. As mayor, I will commit to doing the hard work of getting affordable housing right. Scroll left and right on the table below to view more years. Metropolitan Council Office One Public Square, Suite 204 P. O. Metro Water Services wants to assure customers that we remain fully operational and the vital water services you de…

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