Its one of the cheapest battalions that 8th ed has to offer and is not a push over. Target them first with a guard squad, kill them. There isn't much value in it, only because the sniper drones damage output is incredibly negligible and any character that is not tough enough to protect itself will typically have some sort of ablative wound squad (command squad) nearby. What we've got right now is play out of the box – what happens after that…, It was one of the reasons I enjoyed playing Tau so much – that skillful dancing on a knife edge in and out of assault range. Still, get the codex if you are interested in tau. Note that the CIB is only superior to the Burst Cannon when you are overcharging it. I think saying big things got more expensive is an oversimplification, but I agree that Heavy Rail Rifles will be the new way to go. He's had a few gems today ;). Real live Tau player (well, not in 7th, didn't play 7th). My this shift t’au around. Not enough, but a lot more than before. The Missiles are alright but the possibility for getting fewer hits, their lower strength and the minimum range really hurt them, especially since things want to be close to your Ta'unar. Please let this not be true. A large amount of T'au mainstray weapons are assault weapons. Combine that with Target Lock and Multi Tracker and perhaps some marker lights and the Ion Discharge cannon becomes far more accurate. You don't say! I mean, the flyers we've seen have 12+ wounds, even if you hit with every single Seeker you're not even bringing them down to half. A large squad of these can be buffed with Kayuon and Command and Control node, giving them full rerolls on both to hit and to wound. By comparison, a Strike Team can be affected by a Pulse Accelerator drone and a Fireblade, to give them 3 shots at 18" (or 1 at 36"), as opposed to the 3 shots at 12" that the Pathfinders would get, or the 6 that the Gun Drones get at 9". I am perfectly capable of seeing how powerful this rule is and how it can be abused. Their rulers form a mysterious fifth caste, translated as … It does depend upon what you are shooting. If you would do away with tau stereotypes and bring the fight to the enemy, then suit up with the Farsight Enclaves and redden the skies. Kroot are one unit,hounds are another unit. Codex: T'au Empire is a codex for the 8th Edition of Warhammer 40,000.. They are worse if you want to spread things out against multiple targets, of course. The range is slightly problematic but at 15 points I actually think they might be… good. If stuck in melee, bring a Pulse Pistol as now you can fire both for maximum laughs. Consider switching over to re-rolling your invulnerable saves against buff and choppy characters or monsters and simply tying them down until you can fall back and open them up to your shooting. You seem confused. The fact that pathfinders are 8 points a pop and you can get Fireblades, Darkstrider, Firesight Marksmen all with high level hitting Markerlights means they are lot easier to get and a lot easier to saturate and a lot easier to hide. What's the point in a transport that doesn't move any faster than infantry once it's damaged and costs more than the squad it carries? I disagree smart wound allocation is "bad game design". I can obviously see the strength in having clouds of tactical drones following something like a riptide to fob off wounds. AND they don’t serve a purpose during over watch anymore. Use 1/2CP to make the suit squad Veterans, giving them a starting WS and BS of 4+ and 3+ respectively. It even lets you pass off wounds that would otherwise go to wounded models. The first markerlight is the most important one for Commanders, what you’ll probably be taking a lot of if your force is Enclaves heavy. Even without the rerolls or anything I think the gun drones are a great unit now. The ability to do 1 mortal wound is situational, but super useful. With your 4+ to hit, the shot is now only a gamble to fire, not pointless to take. At most you'll be rocking around 400 points to customise to your local meta. "Pick a thing that really needs murdering, murder it" Expect to see three squads in most every Tau army, unless the ally chart allows you to fill that role with something else (Ork Boyz, etc.). Then stack the following buffs; Drop zone Clear, 5 Markerlights, and have Farsight use Command and Control Node on the Suits. Damage stat is definitely important but a lot of the weapons that have more than 1 are really quite pricy or short ranged, so taking too many of them is really going to cut into your shot volume. Note that unlike a Knight, it can't move through enemies when it falls back, so it's definitely possible to trap it in combat. Suggested that you take between 2 and 4 of these guys, and keep them in cover! the ignores cover will give units like Scouts fits, and if you REALLY focus on a unit and get those five ML tokens built up they are in for a bad day (hitting on 3+s reroll 1s for most all units.) Overcharging Ion is risky, but combined with ATS it hits pretty hard- though the Fusion Collider compares a lot better in this edition. Keep in mind the BRB stratagem does the same thing. Armour saves on the Tau, especially the suits, are comparable to space marines. No. This can make it hard on you if you want to mix septs in your army. Their bonuses suck dick mostly because they remain a BS 4+ army. There is a new kit right? In the grim darkness of the far future, the T'au'va burns bright. The only major downside is probably that it hits on 6's. They are certainly looking good but not some of the broken terribleness we've seen in the past. BS5+ is gonna suck, but I might be able to make use of some drone controllers or firesight marksmen. Where marines get Thunder Hammers, you have to use a relic to get two S8 armour-ignoring attacks. But the Railgun is actually cheaper. Protip: Take the team above and a team of dual Fusion cascades with shield generators. I could see myself getting lots of Cadre Fireblades because A) Probably the easiest way to get a dependable markerlight B) help fill out whatever detachments I feel like for cheap. The railgun is worthless in normal games as the Tigershark gets two for cheaper at the same BS. And when a Ghostkeel loads up on fusion weapons and can no longer defend itself from the small guys, the Stealth suits help it with their burst cannons, maybe gun drones and even fusion guns of their own. If GW really, REALLY wanted drones to be capable of operating independently they should have got rid of "drone support" and "savior protocols" and simply added ONE rule which let individual drones break off from the unit and form their own. Cuz Rail Guns are cool. Stealth Suits seem pretty good? Dunno if they're any good, but W6 4+ is reasonably solid. If you prefer to keep them close to their missile bubblewrap, consider taking heavy Rail rifle broadsides, two with shield generators/velocity trackers and the Shas'Vre taking a drone controller. Note that this buffs a unit, not model, so it works nicely on a pack of Broadsides. Also just a thing about using the model rather than the base for distances and stuff. Your one Missile Drone controlling an objective despite a tide of Orks/Nids nearby is absolutely worth the token few points. They can't be spammed, but they usually run about 140 points, making their loss not as terrible as you would think. Crisis Suits can have 3 ranged / support systems. Pathfinders have dropped to just FIVE points each. Everyone gets the bonus for Markerlights now though, you don't remove counters when the bonuses are used. Yes. It's probably a good point to keep him tucked away until you get a chance to shoot since he can move and ignore the penalty due to the +1 to hit. That's 64 points total, a Target Lock is. My favourite part: All Benefits are cumulative. Codex Tau Pdf 8th Edition From (55 MB) Warhammer 40k Tau Empire Codex Pdf Our goal is to provide high-quality video, TV streams, music, software, documents or any other shared files for free! Also note that Vespid and Kroot can never benefit from either effect, due to them not having. Now that the leaks are up for other factions, the increase of the Tau suits seems waaaay above the increase other armies are seeing. Instead, the best way to buff him via Warlord Trait is to strap a Warlord to his ass with the trait that provides -1AP to nearby friendlies against target enemies when they roll a 6+ to wound because it will stack with. This is great for positioning your army early in the game without losing firepower. This unfortunately doesn't work so much for the Pulse Blasters, as it only boosts their max range, not all ranges. Ok, I wasn't going to mention that you replied to the wrong guy, but then I see you got three likes for quoting me, but original comment didn't. Scared that grav-drone will ruin your charge? If you ludicrously hypothetically get them all in 9" and pop the reroll, 903 str 5 shots for 151 dead marines. But it's better for other army builds which would probably be more viable now anyway, with riptide's price skyrocketing. It's also the most important one for Overwatch. Razorshark is a good template for how most flyers work, I think. Note that units lose their ability to fire Overwatch again this turn if they use this rule. seem more. Drones are an essential part of the Tau'va war machine, and refusing to use them is a detriment to our effectiveness. Tau civilisation is based around a rigid system of castes, each relating to the four elements of nature - fire, water, air and earth - which dictate a Tau's particular role within their society, be it warrior, bureaucrat, pilot or worker. Thanks for the interesting points Nazka and Prometheus. Crisis Suits -yes , particularly if you want to shoot with them though they can still fit behind the ass end of our tanks. Now you get +1 BS, re-roll 1s, ignores cover, ignore penalty for moving with heavy weapons and fire unlimited seeker missiles for 5 hits. If I wanted OP cheese I'd be playing Eldar scatbikes+knights or pulling some DA re-rollable 2+ shit. Increase to survivability (I'm pretty sure anyway) – possibly a perception that transports are a lot better as well (whether that's actually true…well). Night Lords have a compliment of stratagems and relics that used in tandem will: Deny Overwatch, make charges out of deep strike easier, and prevent falling back. (Scissors is fine.) Surrounded your Nar with Fire Warriors and Drones, have Shadowsun camp nearby, pop Command and Control every turn and soak in the salt. Internet is weird. Consider having a unit of 1-2 Krootox riders in your backline as bodyguards for something that’d be otherwise helpless if charged (e.g. Changes to Barracuda primaries have made this thing absolutely worthless, either take the ax-1-0 or pay a little more for a pair of riptides/y'vahras instead, it was good while it lasted. Jetpack keyword doesn't do anything as base, they just include the keyword should there be a unit/rule/terrain that references that specific type of equipment. Technically rerolling ones if you really want to be a rules lawyer, as you can reroll ones for units that remain stationary near an ethereal who has declared storm of fire. Space marine hunter killer shoots at 3+, D6 Mortal wounds. I dunno about the devilfish but Hammerheads to me look AMAZING. Even if your opponent does the smart thing and targets the drones first they'll have to chew through a bunch of T4 4++ models which isn't as easy at it seems. (For example, Land Raiders note that Jump Pack models count double for capacity. There are no more mixed model unit as far as I see. Did those drones take some hits for your suits? 8th Edition. No problem, target him with one or two models and the Tau player just wasted 8 points. A world once infested with predators, through hardship, has been transformed into a world of plenty, where aliens of all kinds interact and trade, creating a boon of prosperity. They are ever eager to expand the greater good, and have disciplined and well trained soldiers prepared to perform this task. So if you have an N sized pathfinder unit, you can split fire between N targets, and improve your to-hit chances against all hitted units for ALL your shooting units. Commander excels in two roles: Anti-armor with quad fusion blasters; anti-TEQ with triple cyclic blaster and ATS. Pay particular attention to this one for units with effects that trigger on 1s or 6s to hit. Basic battalions are also extremely flexible when comparing Septs; Sa'cea with minimum squads and an Ethereal is immune to unmodified moral checks as well as increasing ML accuracy (but pushes cost to slightly over 200 if you include MLs on each Strike Team), triple tapping at 18" with Bor'kan, High mobility castle with Vio'rla, 5+ overwatch screens as Tau... Every list, even at very low pt games should start with a battlion. The ACM sponsored TAU series of workshops provide an informal forum for practitioners and researchers working on temporal aspects of digital systems to disseminate early work and engage in a free discussion of ideas. Twice as expensive on the Ghostkeel, Riptide and Stormsurge, but these are very shooty models with large bases, and so will create a very impressive bubble of Fuck You Dakka if your opponent is still insistent on throwing his Terminators away. You can unsubscribe at any time. The Shield Generator is very impressive from an SM standpoint, as 4++ is usually limited to SM HQ units. In other words, the Three Golden Uh-Oh’s of playing T’au. After the Damocles Crusade, Farsight was tasked with rebuilding a series of lost colonies that had been overrun by Chaos forces. Smart wound allocation would have existed if drones had remained part of the squad, refer back to my point about the new rules being unnecessary. First Markerlight salvo lands 2 hits. Units of 5 are also perfect for filling troop choices: 5 man is 35 points (or 38 with a markerlight on the Sergeant), which is cheaper than a Guard infantry squad. Holes in the hull, wiring exposed, fires breaking out, sparks flying everywhere – this is actually a case where it makes sense that performance is unpredictable. Even in the light of the devastating Damocles Gulf Crusade they gave only inches, and have turned their hardship into reason to push harder and higher. Add to this the uplinked ML strat and your Sa'cea battalion with 2x Cadres are going to put 5 MLs on whatever you need them too every. 1 MW at BS 4. It's a strange new world. 3 – No penalty for moving/advancing and firing heavy/assault at this target Yeah, buddy, calm down. just a place to talk about things we like in the dex, (from whats leaked thus far) and what we are planning to do with it. The wargear list ib tbe black box on page 2 i think. Other than the Master of War ability, of course… d'oh. Kinda hard to completely hide them though isn't it? Basic Ethereals can even take hover chairs to keep up with drones now. It was hard to read, so I'm not sure if that was for all weapons or what (also not sure if it was guaranteed) – I think it was maybe related to drones. Seeing a Commander with three Burst Cannons and a Missile Pod go to town on some infantry would be hilarious. Expect to burn through CP like no tomorrow. Generic melee weapons are for other armies. Aun'Shi is back! But maybe you'd rather have Shield Drones for that, since they have the invuln and typically what you want to be pawning off from you battlesuits is the big hits like Lascannons, Missiles, et al? Time. Both Ion cannon and Rail gun are good, both have alternate fire modes to hit troops. Single. The other systems affect their shooting, which may be a job best left to the real combat units: What would an enemy flyer care about being shot at with a gun that wounds it on 5's, has no AP and deals single damage, even if you do hit it on a 4+ with a velocity tracker? Ghostkeels have lots of 18" guns but also want to keep their distance from the enemy; bodyblock them with Stealth suits, which get -1 to be hit even in melee. Like the similar Vostroyan doctrine, this is helpful in keeping your units at the half range out of enemy charges more than it is sending shots far downfield (although they can do that, too). I was trying to say that if I played to win games then I'd be playing Eldar or DA since those were (in 7th edition) two armies with some of the most broken units. Drones are not infantry. Worried that those crisis/broadside/riptide suits will use nearby shield drones to dodge your battle cannon or lascannon shots? For that matter, I don't see any special equipment / relics in the leak. Anyway, it's great. Consider this when sticking something on a single commander (They are making less appealing options very appealing: Crisis Suits in all configurations, Railguns of all forms, and Ion Accelerators). You are no longer able to shove them in a Devilfish per the latest FAQ. On the tabletop, they highly favor the use of low-volume shot weapons and low squads of regular infantry, allowing them to almost never fail morale and very reliably hit with those extremely powerful and valuable heavy weapons. I think more importantly than S, the Damage is going to be the winner stat. Take Flamer suits to ruin anyone's dreams of a charge. Bargain! That durability comes at a cost. Even on the premiere Bor'Kan unit, the Y'Vahra, not only do you now have to determine which of the weapons you're re-rolling, you'll still waste a CP 1/4 of the time you use the stratagem. An ok bonus, but you shouldn't just stop with 3 markers. In the grim darkness of the far future, a good warrior strikes as fast as he flees. Any time spent on a complicated system to update 8th edition points costs to 9th edition would take away from time spent on rules and points costs in the new codex books. The 7th Edition Tactics are here. Thanks to the new FAQ it's absolute garbage, with the recent FAQ adjusting it so you need to use it before determining the number of shots, meaning if you elect re-roll the humble Pathfinder Ion Rifle you'll have wasted 1 CP 2/3s of the time. The changes made to this army Tau Empire 8th - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. If you'd rather not use points for Target Lock, the Vior'la Sept Tenet is ideal for giving the Coldstar commander the ability to use his guns without any penalties from advancing. So if my math is correct, then a single Broadside with 2 High-Yield Missile Pods and 2 Smart Missile Systems is 202 freaking points. Getting melta within half range is a lot less important now. The Burst Cannon/Markerlight Heavy Gun Drones are marginally more efficient, but still stupidly overpriced for what they do compared to regular drones. Stealth suits are in the enviable position of being able to take battlesuit support systems without actually needing them to be efficient, and since they're relatively hard to shoot away they can survive for when you Manta Strike all your stuff next turn. Rock has been nerfed! The other two "+1 to hit" options (, Naturally he goes well with Crisis units. Good point, I'll concede that much. You can even mount Fusion Blasters on the Crisis suits for particularly nasty targets. Units, especially melee units, move a lot faster now. Again, higher T and W is irrelevant if the crisis team is more likely to get stuck in assault or get hit by a multi-damage weapon. Did they do the job you bought them for? Easy access to rerolls on 1s to hit makes Overcharging Ion weapons much less risky than usual. If they get engaged in close combat you can say goodbye to any use they have. Ghostkeels can't bring regular drones; Stealth suits bring two, and their Shas'vre can get a target locked markerlight.

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