19-367188 / 211T @ Kohls on Arden / 2C 1224 Hrs. Suspects: Unknown subjects wearing hoodies. The girl alleged that a MWA had picked her up and tried to put her in his car but she had fought him off and he fled the area in his vehicle. The investigation is still on-going. 1 hour later, the vehicle hit the EB Marconi / BIZ 80 POD. The driver of a full size pick up truck was NB Rio Linda Bl at 35-45 MPH. Officers transported him home. Our Neighborhood Crimes Unit (NCU) Detectives worked extremely hard on this case and so far they have arrested four individuals and have tied them to no fewer than seven robberies in Natomas and North Sacramento. A records check showed suspect had a felony warrant for 10851 VC. 19-148919 / Carjacking / Helena Ave and Auburn Blvd. Upon getting behind the Nissan  suspect immediately exited the vehicle and proned himself out in the rain in the middle of the intersection. Shortly thereafter, Officer spotted a vehicle she thought was related to information provided at Northgate/ West El Camino. Upon arrival officers  located 19 vehicles that had been either burglarized or vandalized on Duckhorn Dr and Saintsbury Dr. Officers located a witness who stated he saw the suspects breaking into cars. Realizing that he couldn’t carry both bottles of wine and the register, suspect left one of the bottles of wine behind kindly leaving his prints on the bottle, and departed with the cash register and one (1) bottle of wine. The vehicle is a gray colored 2017 Nissan Versa, XXXXXXX. A NCIC check showed the male to be on F/S probation out of Placer County, and awaiting a court trial in Sacramento for a pursuit in a stolen vehicle. He fell to the ground and briefly lost consciousness. The driver was arrested for 2800.2 CVC. (20-20888)  The complainant had been able to see some suspect vehicles through video surveillance on that call. / 2B. The horse then ran across Auburn Blvd. Suspect(s) broke out a window and entered the van, stealing numerous personal items from the various team members and adult chaperones. Validated gang member attempted to dump a firearm but was detained without incident. 19-205855 / 921 / West River Dr. / 0409hrs / 1B. He also located some meth and a very ornate 3 piece meth smoking device that was the property of the female passenger, 19-361963 / 5150 @ 100 block Bell Ave / 2A 1055 Hrs. Officers responded to a 901a. Officers located the bike and the suspect at 1446 Ethan Way. Officers reached out to the Principal at Two Rivers School and scheduled a visit with the students. SPD received a POD hit on a 10851 2014 Toyota Avalon CA license 7UCB120. 19-181380 / Railroad & Del Paso / 447T / 0807 hrs. Both subjects were detained without incident. Suspect was ultimately taken into custody without the officers having to use force. Mitchell (1B16), who is on her first day of shadow week, took a mirandized statement from the suspect. CSI photographed the scene and injuries. 19-228401 / 246R / 4800 block of Kokomo Dr. #5122 / 1A / 0559 Hrs. After additional announcements for the garage with no answer, the team forced entry and detained four adults, one of which was the property owner. STAR provided updates to CHP units who pursued the suspect vehicle to Vallejo where it 901’d. ​Due to the resident having a violent criminal history (192 PC) and guns registered to another resident, SWAT assisted with the warrant. Become aware, before they kill! The rider of a stolen Honda CBR motorcycle lost control when a vehicle started to make a legal turn in front of him. Additional units began responding to the area and taking up perimeter spots around the complex. Officers were able to narrow it down to a general area at the far east end of the park. Officers had taken up a perimeter spot inside the complex and were able to take the passenger into custody when he tried to climb the wall to go back northbound. The driver was slow to exit the vehicle, but eventually exited on foot, and was standing next to the open driver’s side door. The second POD hit came out at W. El Camino and Truxel. One caller advised the subjects involved left the scene in Chevy Silverado. There was nothing of evidentiary value for CSI to process and the building is not equipped with surveillance video. He (Garcia) also had a felony warrant for his arrest. They found a Toyota Prius’ catalytic converter had been tampered with. As officers were responding, additional calls came in regarding a subject shot in the head. They conducted a records check on the driver and passenger. Officers were in foot pursuit until the subject got to a fence he could not climb. As officers began to remove the occupants of the vehicle to conduct a search when a handgun was observed in the driver’s side door of the vehicle. The mother and father had two small toddlers with no place to go. SWAT and patrol units converged on the residence and called Daniels out. SFD began CPR on the pedestrian and transported him to UC Davis. The deceased did not have any visible trauma to his body. 20-45602 / 921 /2100 block River Plaza Dr / 1828 hours / 1B. One caller stated that he saw a male subject fire a gun into the air and then drive away. Arrested: subject arrested for concealed loaded unregistered firearm in a vehicle. Subject was identified who had a misdemeanor warrant for 487(A) PC. Officer responded to the Golden One on Expo where per the (V’s)  said the (S) had forced (V) to go yesterday late afternoon to retrieve money that was owed to him. A canvas for witnesses was negative. Officer assisted units in the field by conducting records checks and gathering intelligence. While contacting the subject she determined he was on F/S Probation for 11378HS. 19-412170 / 2100 block Zurlo Way (1A) / 921’s / 0758 hrs. Excellent teamwork by officer’s communicating and maintaining perimeter integrity. Suspects were said to have fled in a BMW with both suspects possibly being armed with black pistols. CHP disengaged from the pursuit then later re-joined the effort once the (S) veh was driving reckless in orchards in Sutter County. The truck decided not to stay long, and proceeded back S/B on Northgate, before stopping at the Circle K at Northgate & Rio Tierra. / 2A. The MBA punched the victim in the face knocking him to the ground. 19-312314. The victim refused and the suspects fled the scene. Suspect #1: MBA, early 20’s, thin build, short blk hair with twisties, blk t-shirt, jean shorts. Suspect was transported to SCMJ and booked for 148(a)1 PC and 11364 H&S. This vehicle and the subject known to drive it was recently identified by NCU detectives to be related with several commercial burglaries in North Natomas. Officers confirmed that both the child and mother were related and that no other issues were occurring nor did mom have any previous CPS complaints. NCU is investigating. Several other subjects were detained inside the house and a probation search is still being conducted as of this writing, 20-29287 – 3800 block Innovator Dr. – 927P – 1557 Hrs – 1A. Felony Assaults Detectives are investigating. Shortly thereafter, Officer located the vehicle at the above 925. Under Miranda waiver, the driver admitted to his prints being on the gun and having handled it, but stated that it was not his. The taser incapacitated the son and he was immediately taken into custody. Since CSI was busy on the 187, officers took photos of the scene. 19-386480/ 927P/ 2300 block Northgate Bl/ 1C/ 0003. Susp had a cut on his face from the homeowner striking him in the face and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. The suspects were all juveniles and were detained without incident. Last seen heading toward the Swanston Light rail station. The driver, Raul Garcia (MHA) matched the description of suspect with the gun. Officers responded and were able to secure the boxes. A call for dayshift was made up to check on a few specific locations. A follow up call was generated for dayshift. (Heinlein). O’Sullivan and the attempted murder of another officer. One of the complainants was an employee of Panda Express who advised she had just come back from the bank, where she was getting change, when a MBA in his 20’s wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, approached her and physically removed the bank bag she was carrying into the store. 19-109001 / Stolen Vehicle / Norwood Ave and I-80. At 1859 SPD received a POD activation regarding a wanted vehicle. As officer continued to give him instructions, he ran back to the house, knocked on the door and was let in by an unseen individual. & San Juan Road/POD hit-(Stolen Vehicle Arrest)/0859 hours/19-75038. Crime - Sacto 911 Grass Valley house fire kills 3-year-old; 5-year-old boy and adult airlifted to UC Davis Man in his 50s found dead in North Sacramento fourplex fire, fire department says After tying the rope, suspect exits the building (out of camera view), and seconds later vehicle takes off with ATM in tow. He was booked at Juvenile Hall for 215. Some phones and other items were left in the vehicle. Additionally, their car had broken down and was not operational. The victim was sitting in his car when the suspects tapped on his window. He was currently on parole for a variety of offenses. A cover call was put out as the very resistive (S) would not allow detention and the weapon was unsecured (S) was ultimately taken into custody with no UOF. The male was found to have two felony warrants for his arrest and taken into custody. Officers quickly set up a perimeter and requested air support and K-9. 19-90428 / 459 Business / 4300 Block of Raley Blvd / 2A / 0053 hrsA security guard responded to an alarm call and noticed a hole in the door large enough for entry. The witness observed the 2 suspects take off in a charcoal gray sedan. Witnesses advised a white pickup truck had been seen driving through an alley after the shooting. A records check of the license plate came back to two lost/stolen plates from a Chevy Impala. This subject advised his car had been broken into and a firearm and ipad were stolen. The driver was arrested without incident and the driver was found to have an outstanding felony warrant. Suspect identification is pending…, Suspect #1: MHJ or MIJ, 14-15 years old, black shirt, red/blk polka dot pants, Suspect #2: MHJ or MIJ, 14-15 years old, unknown clothing. Officer made a subject stop and, on a probation search, located 3 grams of methamphetamine on the subject. A records check revealed that the shotgun was stolen in 2013 in an SSD case. Officer  responded to the Shell station for a welfare check and contacted the subject who was crawling on the ground. He was found to have two active felony warrants and admitted to using his brother’s name. 19-302947/SSTOP/ Northgate & Cleveland/ 1C/ 0100 hrs. It didn’t add up that he had no knowledge of his CA ID, SS#, or even his own age. 19-377086 // Shotspotter // 3600 block Dry Creek // 2331: Officers responded for a one round activation at this location. The suspect vehicle struck a tree at Bowling Green Dr/Ray St, and the driver fled on foot. Two bicyclists located the deceased on the southwest side of the sidewalk (in the grass). 1A/Natomas Crossing/Natomas Crossing Drive & Truxel Road/Tstop-(PRCS Probationer Gun Arrest)/0420 hours/(19-151428. The victim was shopping at Marshalls (4780 Natomas Blvd) when she noticed the suspect following her around the store in his motorized scooter. Officers responded to a call of the windows being broken on multiple vehicles. 19-356719 211 / 900 block El Camino Ave / 2B / 1930 Hours. As late watch Officers Lyons and Tsverov (2A27) were leaving the men’s locker room of Kinney, they saw a MBA in the alcove in front of the women’s locker. Collectively, this is the 60th search warrant written this year by officers in MCT, great work all! They were further described as 2 MBJ’s, one with a light complexion, and one MHJ, with one wearing a white hoodie, one had a black hoodie, and one had on a grey beanie hat. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SPDCommun... To post your recommendation, please sign in or join your neighborhood on Nextdoor. Officers conducted a subject stop at the above location. Just as they were pulling behind the vehicle they saw that the passenger had just made it into the house. Victim #2 was not cooperative and eventually told the officers he was not going to talk anymore. STAR advised there were subjects walking away in the ally. North POP responded to 2900 block Berkshire Way to pick up suspect on a warrant related to 487(A)PC of property from Chevy’s on the River. The driver of the vehicle accelerated backwards causing the subj to fall off of the vehicle into the street, hitting his head on the ground. At 1703 a stolen white Dodge Durango (5XXT452) hit the E/B West El Camino. Suspect made a spontaneous statement that he modified the BB gun to look real he was charged 20150(A) PC (Alter Imitation Gun), 20170(A) PC (Display Imitation Gun) and 11377(A) HS. The suspect got into a yellow colored Toyota Scion with plate XXXXXXXX. The suspect was a MBA, twenties, wearing a dirty white, sleeveless t-shirt, light colored belt, black pants and mismatched dark shoes. An employee tried to stop them, and one suspect rammed the cart into the employee which knocked her to the ground. Upon our arrival, a male resident was contacted out front and detained (homeowner). Officers arrived and cleared all three (3) businesses. The pursuit was brief as it was put into surveillance mode due to the suspects speed and the fact we had SSD Air overhead and GPS tracking. Officers conducted an ATTPU at the above location for suspect who had a felony warrant for 10851 VC. The victim was transported to UCD for a large stab wound to his back, near his left armpit. Suspects were arrested for firearms charges:. 7 marked units just happen to be across the street dealing with the 981 subject when this call came in. 19-368772: 459- guns stolen: 5600 block Erskin Fish Way: 1A: CSO Walker responded to a burglary report. Officer and his partner order the subject out at gunpoint and detained him without further incident. 19-304028 / 981 / 2400 Del Paso Blvd / 2B / 2203 hrs –. Great proactive work to have this suspect in custody within 24hrs! 19-406654 / 927P / 2000 block Marconi Ave / 2C / 2330 hrs. Vic sustained a small laceration to his hand and his cell phone was taken. Officers learned from the (V’s) that they had been coming home from the store to their apt complex on Rio Linda when a MBA with dreads wearing a black hoodie with some writing similar to the Cali flag on the front robbed them. SSD broadcasted that the vehicle was occupied by two (2) MB’s who had just foot bailed into a backyard on Balsam St. Units responded to the area and set up a perimeter. A female was located inside and both subjects were detained. When officers arrived SFD was on scene extinguishing multiple small fires that suspect set, including mattresses, garbage, and vegetation. The gun was seized for evidence. 3 Suspects wearing hoodies and masks. The two suspects were scared by the sudden pursuit and dropped the purse which was recovered intact. Officers recognized this as suspicious and contacted the subject. The driver (Donald Dibble, 5/2/79) was arrested for evading, resisting, narcotics possession and violation of probation. Security located the vehicle with their cameras on the 2nd story parking garage behind Macy’s. 20-20776 / Search Warrant / 10000 block Coloma Rd , Rancho Cordova / 0600 Hrs / UI. 19-419300 / ShotSpotter / 200 block Arcade Blvd / 1831 hrs / 2B. Suspect admitted to setting the fire. At this time the male half has yet to be identified but is in custody. Natomas Crime Reports. Officers seized scales, indicia for the residents and a large amount of cash. The pedestrian landed in the #2 northbound lane of Rio Linda Blvd. Officers shot and killed a knife-wielding man inside of a grocery store in Natomas early Sunday morning, the Sacramento Police Department said. Per witnesses he was possibly one of the transients in the area. Officer were alerted to a stolen vehicle in the area. The suspect description on their 211 matched that of the two above. The male half admitted to entering the house to smoke some methamphetamine. 19-326958/ warrant/ Tanzanite Park/ 1B/ 0037 hrs. Based on these circumstances the perimeter was Code 10 and officers continued to check the area with negative results. 20-34459 / 505 / 3600 block Truxel Rd/ 2200 /1B. The suspect and victim met in the lobby and as soon as the victim handed the watch to the suspect to inspect it the suspect ran out of the bank to a waiting vehicle. A good perimeter was established and phone contact made. She was determined to be a 0.16 BAC. Officers responded to the above area after receiving a POD hit on a stolen Toyota Camry. The Acura fled w/b on W. El Camino and then n/b on Truxel Rd. Officers responded to 7-Eleven re: 927 subj who, according to 7-Eleven employee matched description of 211 suspect from the 7-Eleven on Watt / Myrtle from 12/18. Officer had paid good attention in Roll Call to a bulletin that was put out re two MBJ’s with pending 245 wants as well as felony warrants from the Hall. : While on patrol, 2SM1 recognized a suspect vehicle parked near a residence that she is also associated with. It is unknown at this time if anything was taken from the residence. 19-94235/211/3500 Block of Truxel Road/1A/1110 HoursA UPS driver was unloading several boxes of new phones to take into the store when two MBAs with hoods knocked the driver to the ground, picked up several boxes of phones and left in a black colored Audi Q5 with no plates. GNG63  who were in the area to conduct follow-up, located the vehicle parked at a nearby bank. A search of the female’s purse yield a bag containing over a 3/4 lb of methamphetamine. He was transported to jail so his whereabouts could be updated and he could be back in compliance. We located a juvenile hiding in the garage who had 2 felony warrants. Officers removed a .45 cal semi-auto pistol from the subject. The driver was found to be unlicensed and on PRCS. The driver was arrested without incident and the driver was found to have an outstanding felony warrant. An abandoned/ possible transient vehicle was nearby. 19-223363/ SSTOP/ Gateway Oaks and Oak Harbor/ 1B/ 0104 hrs. NGET officers and NCU detectives took over the investigation and were able to identify the shooting suspects and they were later taken into custody. Subject jumped in his car and followed the black vehicle. The (S) continued his crazy driving into Yuba City and ultimately conducted some driving maneuvers that resulted in a Yuba Motor Officer shooting him. Suspect: 1-MWA, 17-20, all black clothing, armed with a black handgun. Officers responded to the area of Northgate/ West El Camino re: a vehicle following another. Some video was seen but nothing showing the suspects or suspect vehicle. Officers conducted a canvas. 19-212450 / 459 / 2555 Venture Oaks Way / 1B / 0419hrs. The suspects then walked out of the store and were last seen getting into an unknown vehicle. Upon searching the vehicle officers located a bag containing 20 grams of methamphetamine and a scale . When they attempted to place him in control holds, he began to fight. 20-47458 / ATTPU / 100 block Opportunity St. / 2B / 1330 Hrs. He then climbed on the roof of Popeye’s Chicken until Air1 convinced him to come down. The suspect was taken to jail for the theft. The witness on his own accord sought out the porch thieves where he proceeded to follow the suspects but eventually stopped. Upon arriving, the suspect fled out a back window. 19-370608 / 417 / 3300 block Fong Ranch Rd / 1B / 0924hrs. Outstanding work by CSO Singh who will no doubt be upgraded soon. As officers began to have the occupants exit the vehicle in order to conduct a probation search the front passenger started acting very 927. Officers did a great job forming a contact team, calling him down and detaining him without incident. He was a recently discharged parolee who had narcotics in his possession. When officers arrived on scene, they observed the windows on the east side of the business were shattered. Officers arrived on scene and located the victim laying in the courtyard but alert and conscious. Officers checked the area but did not locate the suspect.

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