Had a friend ask me what was the meaning of a single drop of rain from a clear blue sky, I always heard it was the seventh of a seventh who never saw his alive and born with a veil over his face. chickens on the “X”. Cats get hairballs from licking their fur. Is one of your children having trouble with a subject in school? Spill salt, toss a pinch over the shoulder for luck. Pastor and his wife came home with Tie a horsehair around a wart. It will fall off. Shows how much I know! The Russian folklore was recorded and collected by scholars who traced the relations between early versions of folk tales and legends with Slavic myths. Country Living editors select each product featured. Now on to some mountain-specific quotes! Mountain Folklore passed into the west with pioneers, evolving into one of the biggest influences on American tales. “ A red bird outside your window three days in a row, death. All images and content are subject to copyright and are the sole property of Blind Pig & The Acorn. Thanks! Death comes in threes to a family or community. My grandfather helped me compile a list for school (45 years ago). I wanted to cuss, but that would Grandmother Joy. If the wedding ring is dropped during the ceremony, who ever dropped it will be the first one to die. Walking Meditation Ways of Walking Website Cloud Hands Blog "Happiness walks on busy feet." She has been telling stories since she was a child, when games of "let's pretend" quickly built themselves into full-length tales acted out with friends. Country Living participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. You never know when he might drop something on your head! We have inherited their styles, their heirlooms, and more than a few of their favorite sayings as well. Welcome to Wise Sayings, one of the oldest collections of wise quotes, proverbs and sayings gathered from all over the world. A Chinese Creation and Flood Myth from the Miao people. Lesson Hook/Preview. Another example is about being to hasty. Not sure if this is folklore, but here are a few of my sayings: "New chain; new file". An evolutionary step up. Use this lesson to help students understand weather patterns and processes and learn field prediction. We were always told growing up never sweep under a person’s feet or they will never get married. “The mountains are calling, and I must go.”. Jim Casada Outdoors. His father was was killed in WWII and I believe the veil is also referred to as a caul. How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be (Bukidnon). Depending other factors can cause serious harm. Don’t rock a rocking chair without someone in it, bad luck. The First Marriage. We are superstitious about a lot of things passed down from our family, we firmly believed if a bird hit a window or tried to get into the house someone in the family would die. I have heard the one about being sure to depart through the same door that you arrived through my whole life. Number of stars in the ring means the number of days it will rain or the number of days before it starts can’t remember. Pink sky at nite sailor delight. Never been much on superstitions but have some interest in folk lore. Who knows? I enjoyed the post regardless of whether I believe them or not. ways and make an “X” and put the Schlosser S.E. Angie-thank you for the comment! . Russian Folklore. Maybe someone else who did will chime in with a comment : ), My old blind great uncle Frank, said when he was you they would feed mare’s milk To kids with whooping cough. Among some Native Americans, the bluebird has mythological or literary significance. Let’s take a look at some of them. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. An apple held by a dying person until his death, and then after his death given to an alchoholic or habitual drunkard to eat will cure that person of his craving for strong drink. Eva Nell Never ever close a knife you don’t open or , never leave one open for someone else to close. some bordering on the shamanistic (like recipes for folk medicine). But one of the best stories is how our town got its name. I thought cats and dogs ate grass to help them get rid of hairballs. Culture of Appalachia …Ken. Ozark Mountain Humor: Jokes on Hunting, Religion, Marriage and Ozark Ways (American Folklore Series) Hardcover – May 1, by W. K. McNeill (Editor) out of 5 stars 2 ratings5/5(2). For instance, when we were growing up, according to our maternal Grandmother if a piece of silverware was dropped on the floor, it meant a visitor was coming; for a knife dropped, it was a man, for a fork dropped, it was a woman, for a spoon dropped, it was a baby. Another element is the many folk sayings, some fairly mundane("he who fights another day, lives to fight another day.") Here’s an interesting one that’s a sure thing: when you hear the katydids sing during the day it’s 6 weeks til the first frost! 😀, Thanks, Tipper and Ethelene for this post. Whether we believe in their efficacy or not, they are interesting to read and think about. The people of the Appalachian Mountains have always been full of superstition, dreams, and creativity, and have come up with lots of different sayings and folk beliefs. For all you bald persons out there, have you tried this folklore remedy? So if you went out there was a 4 or 5 foot drop to the ground. *shudder* lawd! Languages Confused on a Mountain. of the things that got my attention, and I’ve never heard, Heard some of them, not all. Have you ever heard the superstition that if you drop something (dishtowel, fork or anything) in your kitchen, you’ll have company coming before the day ends? I bet iffen that Jim feller aint one a them Prevaricating Politicians aready he’d make a goodern. And so with Some seem silly, and some are based on acute observation, but most were born before science rushed in with an answer for almost everything. Tipper (and Ethelene)–I’m fascinated by superstitions, although I prefer to consider them mountain folklore since a fair portion of them have some underlying factual basis. Old Man and the Great Spirit. I had not heard of some of these at all! her youngest son’s skills she taught me, so I got to catch a Each misstep and accomplishment is a learning opportunity, providing problem-solving tools we can store for later use. My mother still turns them upside down when she sees one- they just don’t stand well that way…. http://www.blindpigandtheacorn.com, RB-thank you for the comment! get my head peeled, and daddy’s note And Ive always heard – spilling salt is bad luck-and to cancel out the bad luck you should throw salt over your shoulder : ) Have you ever heard the saying. God bless. One’s own Pee, bout a spoonful in the ear. Enjoy your posts! ;-D “Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.” ― Barry Finlay, Kilimanjaro and Beyond tags: adventure , africa , clean-water , climbing , education , inspirational , kilimanjaro , mountains Good Trees, Bad Trees. Reflections of Olde Swain. Come go home with me. Why People Die Forever. Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk written by Ethelene Dyer Jones. Many of the old-time superstitions and customs have been nurtured and kept alive through the area's relative isolation and the strong attachment of the hillfolk to these old attitudes. Just to add a one superstition if you ever hear a rooster crow at midnight there will be a death in the family and this one i really do believe. I have never heard that wearing wool socks would cure a sore throat but can certainly understand how this would work’ Wise Sayings and Quotes. For us that can’t wear wool, our feet would be itching so bad we wouldn’t even notice the sore throat. The next two deal with cloud shapes: A mackerel … I’m surprised I have not heard all the superstitions Etelene wrote about as my parents believed in all sorts of ‘sayings’. Porch Swings & Sweet Tea. Download Weather Lore Sayings. them boogers were just floppin’ Irish Phrases The Irish phrases and words below have appeared as a regular article in our Free Monthly Newsletter about Ireland. ", “The best view comes after the hardest climb.”, “Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”, “Every man should pull a boat over a mountain once in his life.”, “We are now in the mountains and they are in us, kindling enthusiasm, making every nerve quiver, filling every pore and cell of us.”, “The mountains were his masters. These are only a few of the folklore signs, remedies and superstitions that have been passed down to us from our Scots-Irish and Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors. hands were tough as shoeleather. When I was a kid, Mrs. Lane in Crab Orchard, TN was a noted weather predictor and she used the number of August fogs along with other signs like how high above the ground hornets built their nests to predict winter severity. ", “The mountains are calling, and I must go.” John Muir perfectly sums up our feelings about these majestic natural wonders. B.Ruth-Thairs them P words agin. Thanks Tipper and Ethelene, interesting suppositions here. Order of Life and Death. Old Man Leads a Migration. Dogs get them from eating cats! Because an unnecessarily negative association has come to be attached to the word "superstition," many prefer the somewhat more neutral term "folk belief" to describe the same concepts and sayings. They rimmed in life. For a cure of baldness, rub the scalp regularly with a divided onion cut cross-wise into hemispheres. We have already written much about the festivals and traditions in our British Culture pages . Now I’d call it bad luck if you didn’t know about it and maybe if you did. "Take too much of the raker: prepare to meet thy maker." When Pink sky in the morning sailor take warning. I love this topic! I do so enjoy reading all the folk-lore from days past and unless it is absolutely unavoidable I never go out a different door than the one I came in—after all I am of Pa dutch and german people and many of what was written I grew up with so needless to say I sure did enjoy this post. And don’t ever walk under a ladder leaned against the building. Most of these sayings I’ve heard all my life, but then I grew up in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. all over the place. Our collection of wise Chinese sayings about love and life are still as powerful today as they were in ancient times. I’m guessing because of how religious some in the family background were and luck was perceived to be a bit sacrilegious? If you hear a dog howling in the middle of the night, it is a sign of a death in the community. Thanks for sharing. The first visitor on New Year’s Day to a home will determine whether the firstborn on that homestead for the year, person or animal, will be male or female, according to the sex of the visitor. Celebrating and Preserving the However, I remember that he had some old standards, such as: Blue Ridge Poet. Mountain Folklore passed into the west with pioneers, evolving into … How the World Was Made. Our members were all great folks, but times have changed and they are all too busy to keep GMFS active. Thank you for sharing them! Death always happens in three’s. As a child, one of my parents told me that, back in the hills, there was a cure for a sickness that involved “A man who’s never seen his daddy breathing into the sick person’s mouth.” Don’t remember the sickness this was supposed to cure. If there’s a man up that ladder, I DEFINITELY wouldn’t walk under it. 3. Wonderful post – thanks, Ethelene! “Never measure the height of a mountain until you reach the top. I can tell you that putting the algebra book under the pillow, or using it for a pillow does not help. I do believe in superstitions and some of these I had not heard of before. Appalroot Farm. The first boy that comes along and says wax you will say stix. I wonder, has anyone seen this happen? 2. Right words from all times and from all over the world, with different themes, written by famous authors or words said by the forefathers-folklore: famous quotes, famous authors, proverbs, old sayings, riddles, carols, traditional songs. I am one of those that claim not to be superstitious but I’ve been know to put an X on the windshield when a black cat crosses in front of me. I enjoyed Ethelene’s folklore of Thrash mouth or sometimes known as Thrush is the ailment. About the Author: S.E. Are you superstitious?  Maybe most of us would say, “No!” Yet we grew up in an area where certain superstitious sayings were often repeated and believed by some people. p.s. 1. (If, however, fog descends down the mountain, the weather will soon clear.) It may have been a baby ailment. It is a large boulder … Ruth! And we’re beginning to understand what a treasure that truly is. Never take a garden tool in the house, bad luck. I’m more worried about people with cell phones stuck in their ear than black cats. I have heard-if you drop a dish towel in the kitchen it means someone is coming to see you : ) RB If the sun shines while it is raining, it will rain again tomorrow. Great post! Hard to remember. For our money, nothing beats the feeling of reaching the summit of a mountain and looking down on the world below. 4. As a teacher, I can’t subscribe to this method of getting over difficulties in learning reading, mathematics or science. An amazing number of the metaphors were obscene and probably should be used with caution. Now I’m beginning to wonder what is the difference in folklore and superstition? Time to think or not think, read or not read, scribble or not scribble—to sleep and cook and walk in the woods, to sit and stare at the shapes of the hills.”, “Mountains, according to the angle of view, the season, the time of day, the beholder’s frame of mind, or any one thing, can effectively change their appearance. If it rains before seven, it will quit by eleven. Native American folklore. In the tale "The Sun's Children", from Tales of the Cochiti Indians (1932) by Ruth Benedict, the male child of the sun is named Bluebird (Culutiwa).. Then mama said the necks came off real easy but I really enjoyed this post. I often fell asleep trying to ‘get’ that. My family was really big on the death superstitions. He had it nailed shut. WOW! Some weather lore holds that the number of heavy fogs on August mornings determines the numbers of snows that will fall in the same area in the winter. of my folks when I was a kid. Of all the many aspects of this subject, the one which interests me most is the folklore of weather. I’ve heard most of the ones she mentioned-but not all of them. Also ring around the moon means rain. We hope you enjoy. Few wanted a spoon to fall. I’m sure there’s ‘more but I can’t recall them. Here is a look at some of the best Appalachian sayings to entertain you. And that ain’t superstition! Mountains have always been a source of awe and beauty, and sometimes we don't have the words to capture how much we admire them. Mama was proud of One says "He who hesitates is lost" and yet another advises, "Look before you leap." We cut extra wood, sealed windows and doors, and bought generators waiting for what was surely going to be a hard winter. I have heard quite a few of these, but not all of them. A local Meteorologist had us all counting the number of fogs last August. I hope you enjoyed Ethelene’s post as much as I did!

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