Strength and Knight of Wands. A happy ending. Strength King of Cups . The horse represents power, energy and drive and the colour white is a symbol of purity, spirituality and light. With The Tower card, the Knight of Cups only serves to underscore just how drastic and thorough the change you are going through is bound to become. This post includes a vintage and modern fortune telling meanings of the Knight of Cups, ideal for the advanced reader or those just learning the cards. Knight of Cups Hanged Man. Strength upright AND Chariot upright AND Ace of Swords upright Details. There is such a certainty of resolution and absolute finality to the Judgement card that when paired with such a passionate, electric and emotional card as the Knight of Cups, the outcome of a reading involving these two is something life-altering of the permanent type: pregnancy being only one of those serious outcomes. Some interpretations have the Knight of Cups as a child or an older man who seems or acts younger. There is no need to be cavalier about what seems familiar. He is imaginative—even visionary. This card also signifies kindness, affection, warmth and platonic love, representing the manifestation of grace under pressure, of diplomacy and positive compromise reigning supreme over coercion and brute force. If this is the case, then you need to be more realistic about your goals. Or, you may think that the area you are going into is easier or more profitable than it actually is. Combinations calculator for Strength, Lovers, Knight of Cups, Page of Cups. Knight of Cups and Major Arcana. a. In the future position, this card indicates a coming passion. In his hand is a large golden pentacle, that he examines with content. Strength upright AND Eight of Cups upright Details. Strength World . Lisa Boswell is an award-winning Tarot reading teacher who currently resides in Scotland. Knight of Cups Magician. The reversed card could also indicate that a relationship is on the rocks or going through a very difficult stage. Be humble enough to look at things through new eyes. The landscape of the card is subtle, some forested hills and cliffs are on the far side of the river. As a person, the interpretation of the Knight of Cups can go a few ways. The Knight of Cups is one of my top Tarot cards that indicate love. The Knight of Cups combines quite well with The Chariot and indicates a smooth transition is already in the works. Three of Cups Tarot Meaning Combinations calculator for Hermit, Strength, Nine of Wands, Knight of Cups, Nine of Cups. The Reversed Knight of Cups. You always try to see the best in other people. Many scenarios are possible, but it is usually quite easy to spot what or who the Knight of Cups is in your life when these descriptions arise. Does the future of this look promising? If the Knight of Cups appears as a feeling, it means that the person you’re reading about is in love with you. Strength(VIII) + Two of cups: A strong relationship. Each Tarot reading has cards laid out in positions representing the past, present and future. If you are a woman receiving the Tarot reading, the Knight of Cups represents a man in your life. - Your relationship is going to last for the foreseeable future. As already stated, the Knight of Cups can represent your lover. Pentacles in numbers in a reading that includes the Knight of Cups reveals you are following your bliss and that the money will follow. Get involved with what is happening in the present. Knight of Cups's Meaning. The Knight of Cups underscores the intensity of a new passion or a new passionate acquaintance. This card heralds romance and embodies all the graceful movement of two people who are dancing… or should I say courting? The people who matter have your best interests at heart. Knight of Cups Strength. If they’re a little distant recently, then The Knight of Cups can mean that they are going to start showing you more love and attention. She specialises in teaching predictive Tarot, fortune-telling and business for diviners. Strength(VIII) + Four of cups: A strong administration. You have an idea which you think is going to give you the perfect, work-free life but this is not the case. The Knight of Cups’s energy moves slower than the Knight of Wands or Knight of Swords, so move carefully and deliberately with only loving intentions. Knights represent things arriving with great speed, and are often analogous to change. When the Knight of Cups appears in a reading with lots of other cards from the suit of Cups, the lack of logic and structure are holding back a favorable resolution. (If you would like more love Tarot meanings for the Knight of Cups, check out the Love Tarot Meanings E-Book here.). While this may not bother you now, it will when the novelty wears off. The ground on which this Knight’s horse has taken him already is barren, almost a desert. Finally, the Knight of Cups can also appear as an obstacle if you worry that a situation or person is too good to be true. The crest of Mercury adorns this helmet as well as the rider’s shoes, still in their stirrups. He uses this skill and good intuition to make the right decisions. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc). The white horse is at repose, looking down at a small stream that it has yet to cross. Knight of Cups Relationships with Karmic ties. The Knight of Cups is traditionally linked to homecoming, arrival and returning to one’s spiritual abode. If you’re looking for love, you’re in luck! Court Cards may represent you, the person receiving the Tarot reading, or represent someone in your life. a. This Knight is often brooding, moody, at the mercy of their heart’s fluctuations. An Ace of any suit present in a reading with the Knight of Cups adds a positive spin to the groundbreaking swell of passion indicated by this card. Court Cards consist of Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. The Knight of Cups in Real Life The Knight of Cups is a romantic character who cares about you and your feelings. Chariot upright AND Eight of … Unlike the Knight of Wands or the Knight of Swords, this Knight lets the horse moves slowly instead of galloping, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere.The horse represents strength, energy, and motivation, and of course, white color is a symbol of purity, spirituality, and light. MESSAGE FROM THE KNIGHT OF CUPS. The Knight of … However, if this is not the case, you will soon meet someone new who you will love even more than your ex. The Knight of Cups, like all of the court cards in his suit, is watery and emotional.He is gallant, graceful, and generous. Learn more here. When a Knight appears in a reading, it is often representative of the “New You'” or underscores the importance and impact of a person with whom you have become recently fascinated. You may find a new hobby that overtakes your whole life. They will like to take you out on dates, buy you flowers and send you cute little text messages. The Knight of Cups is the type of person who wants to spend all of their time and energy focusing on their romantic relationships. Do not do this; enjoy your circumstances. The Strength tarot card is the ninth Major Arcana card of the tarot deck and represents many qualities other than being strong.. Is one of these passions pulling you somewhere? The Knight of Cups means that your lover is not likely to cheat on you; they will remain loyal and faithful until the very end. In any event, the Knight of Cups character is either going to become a prominent feature in your life or assist you in some way. This often represents a lover who swept you off your feet and then left just in time to break your heart, or it illustrates a time in your life when the chaos of things made you too sensitive to actually get involved with someone; perhaps you can look back on it now and realize that you might have been scaring away some pretty good catches. - I do not always interpret the Knight of Cups as a pregnancy card, but there are a lot of readers who do. However, if your current partner is not romantic, I would not read the Knight of Cups in a future or outcome position of a love spread as a positive omen for an established relationship. The white horse ridden by the Knight of Cups is unsullied by any experiences. If you’re single, then the Knight sends you the message to not worry; he’s on his way. Strength Seven of Cups. Knight of Cups Fool. a. Tagged: Knight, Cups, Tarot, Tarot interpretations, Tarot card meaning, Predictive, fortune telling, divination, love, career, business, outcome, future. The Knight of Cups (in some decks, a Prince) in this position advises that you jump into your new situation with both feet. The armor is decorated with a fish pattern. Particularly appreciated by cartomancy adepts, Strength is the 8th arcana in the Tarot. Strength Six of Cups. When the Knight of Wands is paired with a female card from the Major Arcana (The High Priestess, The Empress, Strength, Temperance, The Star and The World), there is a definite personification in the Knight as a man in relationship to the Major Arcana card. Five of Cups upright AND Strength upright Details. The reversed Knight of Cups is a weak character who is unable to contain or direct his feelings. When the Knight of Cups appears in the past position, you can look back at an intense change you underwent as the foundation of where you are now. b. You (or the Knight of Cups character) will be going about life with rose-tinted glasses on. It stresses the importance of having a clever and smart mind and how powerful it is when combined with physical strength. The Knight of Pentacles rides his black workhorse through a plowed field before a golden sky. Knight of Cups Justice. Am I pregnant? - In some cases, I would say that the Knight of Cups can symbolize an ex-lover coming back into your life. The Knight cards of the Minor Arcana all signify a journey that’s already underway. The Knight of Cups can also represent a past relationship, possibly your first serious relationship. The Knight of Cups is very creative, so if you want to win over someone’s heart the advice is to write a song or a poem. Strength(VIII) + Three of wands: A strong enterprise. Strength and Cups. Unlike the Knight of Swords, for example, the Knight of Cups doesn't ride a powerful warhorse, his horse is small and calm. Strength(VIII) + King of cups: A healer. Knight of Cups Lovers. Strength Three of Cups. - Yes, the Knight of Cups is a sign that this person not only likes you but worships the ground you walk on. The Knight of Cups in the future position is a trampler of logic and planning; it is a coming bout with pure emotional ecstasy and the aftermath of losing that perfect pleasure. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has had an active interest in the occult from a young age. They want romance. Knight of Cups Hermit. In the past, Strength was termed fortitude, and it’s meaning is quite clear in both illustration and title. These three cards together give us parts of the meaning of the three women: compassion, integrity, and balance. Think no more about the route you had to travel to get back here. The card can also represent a female in some interpretations, though it’s usually treated as a man; pages or princesses more often represent women. Although romantic in the beginning, the Knight of Cups can begin to chase the thrill of a new relationship, so try to keep your partnership a balanced one. Knight of Cups High Priestess. In some Tarot card decks, the Knight of Cups is called the Prince of Cups or the Son of Cups or Chalices. Be prepared to be swept off your feet! If you’re attached, this card can serve as reassurance that your partner only has eyes for you. Sitting straight up, the man holds out a large gold chalice in his right hand. When the Knight of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you are going to get your Prince/Princess Charming, who is going to act as your Knight in Shining Armor. Although the Knight of Cups is generally positive, there will be times when it signals an idealized version whatever it is you wish to achieve. Despite the strength of feeling, there’s a passivity here. The Knight of Cups is very loving. The Knight of Cups can refer to a person, an event, or a part of yourself. Sexual quest . Under a bright, blue sky, a man on horseback is pictured. You may have kissed a lot of frogs in the past, but now you’re going to meet your Prince Charming. Among all the minor arcana in the Tarot, the Knight of Cups is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated by cartomancy adepts. However, the Tarot card meaning of the Prince/Son of Cups/Chalices and the Knight of Cups is the same. The Tarot’s Judgment card is one card to take seriously when it appears in a reading with the Knight of Cups. Think of them as foundation, current situation and expected resolution. And maybe for every day! Strength and Queen of Cups. The Knight of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage. This classic romantic invites you to step into a world of roses and bubble-baths, champagne and horse-drawn carriages, and he is fully and totally devoted to you, for today. He brings you flowers, takes you on dates and shows how much he cares. The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. This popularity is due to his extreme sensitivity and his extraordinary ability to love. Where the Knight of Pentacles’ dedication leads her slowly towards a goal, the Knight of Cups … An obsession with a new partner can instantly turn passion into a dangerous addiction. When it appears in a career Tarot reading, it is highly possible that the Knight of Cups is a loving partner who is giving you emotional support during the building of your business or career. It is a strong indicator that you have the natural gifts you seek. Just as the Knight of Wands can suffer from energy burn out, the Knight of Cups can be plagued with love burn out. The Knight of Cups drives forward with plans for love, art & spirituality. Sometimes, this Court card can represent you as an individual. When the Knight of Wands is paired with a female card from the Major Arcana (The High Priestess, The Empress, Strength, Temperance, The Star and The World), there is a definite personification in the Knight as a man in relationship to the Major Arcana card. When two Court Cards appear in the same reading, it is easier for you to help your Tarot reader assess who is who, thus facilitating a clearer, more accurate reading. In these cases, the Knight of Cups represents a new lover who you will meet in the future, not the partner which you have currently. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? Contents of website is ©Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2018) not to be reproduced without permission. If you’re already in a relationship, the Knight of Cups is a positive omen as it means that your partner is committed, devoted, and faithful to you. If you are male, the female card that is drawn represents a key woman in your development or present predicament. When this Knight card is present in a reading dominated by Wands, your passion for a creative pursuit or hobby is consuming everything. Notice how the Knight on this card is represented by a woman playing the violin, she is not on her horse, hence she is not rushing her personal journey, instead, she is using her creativity to find beauty within the present moment. You may be offered an interesting invitation, which will result in an emotional experience that will bring high energy and lift you to an exhilarating state as new situations seem to come from nowhere. If you have these worries, they may cause you to not enjoy the situation or to think and act negatively. Knight of wands can also denote a holiday romance. You may find that they represent something you mistakenly rejected in the past. Strength(VIII) + Ten of cups: Strong spiritual beliefs. Tarot Card Interpretation & Meaning - Knight Of Cups. He has something feminine in his character that makes him a very romantic person. The Knight of Cups is a master of understanding human emotions. Forewarned is forearmed and you may have a little head start in separating a con artist looking to bed you from a true lover for the ages. When the Knight of Cups is revealed to be in the present position, consider all of the possible passions you are juggling currently. That’s all for the Knight of Cups Tarot card meanings! I often interpret the Knights as representing friends or associates. Lo Scarabeo Tarot. Knight of Cups Empress. The colors of the dresses remind us of the women/angels in the major arcana cards Strength (white), Justice (red), and Temperance (white/orange).

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