I don’t think other people will understand – he’s so cute and lively. He was in pain. I’ll be running her back to the vet for a pressure check on both eyes this week, wish her luck. Other people’s stories on here are comforting and helpful, I’m terrified of putting him through an anaesthetic because of his age and because he has laryngeal paralysis, but I can see many elderly dogs with various problems have coped well. February 2016, almost 11, glaucoma was no longer treatable and we had her first experience of eneucleation. Yes…….I am anxious to hear how it went, as well. He went for his post check-up today. When vision has already been lost, removal of the eye is an option. And the vet said best thing to do is lay him down he was the 12-year dog of our family and boy do we miss him Scooby-Doo we love you and I hope you’re in dog heaven, I had my laps 12 yrs old eye he’s my Daughter dog shes49 in a wheelchair she keeps crying cause he’s scary to look at,,then some bleeding he must have hit himself, I just don’t want him in hi clone at night so he fits in is taxi, My sweet Anna Mae got into a fight with another dog and her I was injured she will be having surgery on Wednesday to have her eye removed this article helped a lot I was really worried about her being able to get along it’s hard not to worry especially hard since I lost my other beagle gypsy couple years ago I came home she passed away. Partners in Eden Prairie MN. Many dogs that have a glaucoma diagnosis are able to live a normal life with medication. I want to be comfortable with my choice of surgeons. At that point, I didn’t care about the eye being removed, I just wanted to make sure she got out of the surgery okay. Frieday I noticed Rj’s left eye had been bothering him I was going to call and make an appointment with the vet to get it checked out since the vets were going to be closed over the weekend. This is the first website I opened regarding eye removal for dogs. So with the eye removal, he is all good. Last Saturday after coming back from work with my mom, I’ve noticed that Reagan, our 14 year old Labrador Retriever/Australian Cattle Dog mix, had one eye half shut. Sorry to hear about your dog. It doesn’t matter to him that he only has one eye and it doesn’t bother me either. He’s been on 6 different drops between both eyes and never seemed to be in pain. Sometimes the lens can slip out of position to block the drainage system, in which case surgical removal of the lens is the best option. His 1st Mom gave him up and he had a really hard life on the streets. He is just such a great little dog, and has been so brave, and happy throughout all this mess. Their blindness does not affect their quality of life. I’m having to make the decision now and I’m already mourning not being able to look into both eyes. Even when both eyes are removed there is generally not a huge behavioural change but every dog is different and some things can change – like how they play for instance. No words to describe it. My 6 almost 7 year old bichon frise is having his left eye removed tomarrow due to glacoma. If you do take the e collar off don’t leave her because our Kodie constantly wanted to scratch his. Hi, to everyone who dealt with this and left there stories on this website. We had to go to our regular vet and then to an ophthalmologist and then back to our vet within 1 day. I thank you for the piece her for giving me support on making this decision, Please everyone say a little prayer for Amylou that all turns out excellent. Hi, you’re doing the right thing by having her eye removed. I have 4 other dogs. She is so dear to me. Just had tests & scans done, it is a cyst, not cancer. Thanks. He is in a perfect shape otherwise. High intraocular pressure causes damage to occur in the retina and the optic nerve. Best of luck with your dog..my Frenchie has been blind for 4 months ..but adapted quickly..if say like 2 weeks…full see them bump into walls at the beginning but don’t let that get u down….they are perfect at understanding there surroundings…just ..temporary…move some furniture..and leave some type of walkway of somesort..they can always use as a reference..I did that worked graet..as far as the procedure your choosing …dont know anything about it sorry can’t help with that, Just got both my Frenchies eyes removed today due to gluchoma..he lost and eye about 1 year ago and the other one about 4 months ago..the most recent eye had too much pressure and the veterinarian told us he would would be more comfortable if we removed both eyes so we did ..brought him home about 3 hours ago..no signs of pain came home drank water and is sleeping ..now he’s 6 years old…luckily he’s been completely blind the past 4 months and has already adapted very well to were everything is…I’m just gonna keep my other 2 dogs away from him at the moment till he completely heals…wish I can post pics. My heart has been breaking since I heard the news, but with your encouraging information I pray all will go well with the surgery. Good luck with it Sarah. She is 16 and has a heart problem, and she got through it all without any problems. I do hope that it soon starts to heal properly and he can have his cone off. Many people just don’t get the bond we have with our pets. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences. She is only 9 months? I don’t want her in pain so if anyone knows why we would not just have the eye taken out to save her from discomfort. Can I ask, did it have to do with the glaucoma or was it something else? We didn’t care about the money so much, but just how our little pup will act with one eye…and so far so good, while he’s has the eye still in and sutured shut till the surgery. Now 6 months later I look back and feel such relief that it is over and we both survived and he is out of pain. Thanks for such a well written description of your experience and Lucy’s. It takes time. This is horrible. I thought the same with my dog but you won’t react differently to him. My family and I have a beautiful dog of around 14 years, who is diabetic and as a result has had severe cataracts and some complications lately with both of his eyes. I will probably tell her no prosthetic since it seems from above remarks that it might cause problems. If so, then the specialist knows that it is only causing pain for the dog so the best thing is eye removal. It does get easier believe me. my dog tom, who will be 15 in march, is undergoing removal of both eyes this coming thursday. Thanks. When my dog had her eye out I was actually okay with the eye coming out – it was the operation itself that I was worried about. You might want to try the shar-pei forum. Either euthanize my dog today or remove his eye. I know it is likely she will get it in the right eye. And my husband is on board but he won’t look at the “after” pictures. Getting rid of the eye would put him out of pain that’s for sure. She’s normally a cuddler and wants to be near us so this was not like her. She just walks around and runs into everything and can’t seem to get her bearings strait. I was sorry to read that your beloved Lucy succumbed to cancer. My 8 month old cocker spaniel, Josie, was just diagnosed with glaucoma in one eye this morning. If he refuses, I let him sit. It’s been harder on us than her. They learn this one real quick because they know if they don’t stop they are going to hit something. I took her right through the house telling her where we were and where stuff was. Thanks for all the information. Sabrina is half pug, half Shih Tzu and tomorrow is her 14th birthday! This is how 85% of the fluid leaves the eye in the dog. Hi Craig, I did a lot of research on dog going blind due to this disease. Jimmy had about a year and a half till his retina detached. thanks paula, i will definitely write an update post. Some kids had shot her eyes using slingshots. Well, I got real sick over the weekend and have been bedridden so Wednesday will be the day he goes. Thank you for your uplifting story. He was 2-5 at the time or older. I love her so much, and am so glad I chose the operation. Oh, the poor thing must have been in a lot of pain. One eyed dogs just see the world a bit differently that’s all…best thing is they don’t know its different. In terms of the cancer, I really don’t know what caused it but my suspicions are that it was over-vaccinations. It can live on dogs (or cats) with no problems but if there’s a cut, it will attack and create havoc, including the incision not healing. I know he’s in pain. She is scheduled for enucleation next week. The cycle is 4-6 weeks from the fluid being removed until it gets so bad, it requires a vet visit. When mine went blind when the last eye what little sight she had co no longer see she wined when she walked and didn’t want to walk. She did have some slight elevated kidney and liver issues although despite all this she did well. It will only be painful for her and a battle at keeping the pressure down. Vet then prescribed dorzolamide drops 3X per day n addition to the two others. Now he is very elderly, and totally dependent on me, my heart tells me to use my regular vet who knows him so well and wants to make the whole ordeal as stress free as possible. He has turned out to be the best and the sweetest little boy. That’s so good to hear Felicia. I am sorry for all you have been through with your dog. Again thanks for all posts regarding the surgery, this is best for him. I ended the tour at our bedroom, then lift her on the bed. Thank you so much for this. I hope your guy is doing ok and hope that mine heals as well. It’s been interesting to read everyone’s stories. His eyes are useless to him so there’s no point in them being there if they are causing him pain. That is where she is now and I am waiting to hear that all is well. She is so young. Hope it goes well Joanna. 4 days after surgery linus is doing well. And if it is from the tube being in her throat, how long before that improves?

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