White a voté pour Donald Trump à l'élection présidentielle de 2016 aux États-Unis mais ne soutient pas certaines de ses politiques[6]. Elle est également apparue sur Shane and Friends, un podcast vidéo animé par le comédien et star de YouTube Shane Dawson[1]. As of February 2021, White's YouTube channel had 929k subscribers[note 2] and 138m views,[4] and her Twitter has 297k followers.[5]. [37], In a 2018 study, "researchers interviewed transgender youths ages 15 to 21 and asked whether young people could use their chosen name at school, home, work and with friends. This despite the fact that he pushed TPP policies in all but name. She has asserted that "transgenderism is a mental d… @imblairewhite. The couple were both wearing red "Make America Great Again" hats when they walked into … In a rant about how trans women aren't "biological women", White ridiculed the Canadian Cancer Society's page on "Trans women and cervical cancer screening" on the grounds that "there isn't a trans woman alive who has a cervix". Nobody is saying this, and her complaint has no more basis than asserting that two people represented by different LGBTQ letters are considered the "same thing" as each other. [25][23][note 5]. [23], She has also used malicious video thumbnails on a couple of occasions. Si vous pensez que ces points ont été résolus, vous pouvez retirer ce bandeau et améliorer la mise en forme d'un autre article. White habite à Los Angeles, en Californie[2]. [50], She vehemently denies the possibility that socially conditioned transphobic biases could play a role in dating preferences. [24], White also incorrectly suggested that even one instance of completely unintentional and accidental misgendering can result in being fired, which has never happened.[24]. [148] During a session of the Rubin Report in November 2017, conservative commentator Candace Owens also deliberately misgendered White, citing discomfort with using the "she" prounoun and calling her "a grown man" several times. En 2017, White a commencé à poster des vidéos au contenu plus intime, notamment sur ses chirurgies plastiques liées à sa transition de femme transgenre. Blaire White est une vidéaste américaine transgenre, née à Chico en Californie le 14 septembre 1993. Olson, J., Forbes, C., & Belzer, M. (2011). En juin 2018, White annonça ses fiançailles à son collègue YouTuber, Joey Sarson[9]. [120][121][122] She considers the latter's withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership to be one of his "shining accomplishments",[note 13] supports his tax cuts which disproportionately favor the wealthy while hurting poor and middle class people,[123][124] and is in favor of his moves to undermine environmental regulations on corporations. Results from Tom K. Wong et al., 2017 National DACA Study. He was born on August 28, 1957, in Wood River, the son of the late James M. and Sara N. (Wiseman) Blair. [28], White has argued that Islamophobia is reasonable. [71] She even sometimes dismisses rather feminine-looking trans people as not having made any effort to transition in her books, and takes the liberty to call them guys. On that last point, she has argued that she herself raised all the money to pay for her transition through her YouTube work, but - once again - it is hard to imagine her having being able to do this without being white and beautiful, as well as having a niche as the conservatives' favorite anti-"SJW" trans person. What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being? [151] During an interview with Ben Shapiro, he also misgendered her, calling her a "very feminine biological man",[28] and she has been messaged by transphobes telling her she shouldn't use the women's restroom.[50]. White is an antifeminist[81][82] who has made quite a large amount of clickbait content of the "REKT FEMINIST" type. Then some bloggers and tabloids ran the story that they tracked down the guy and his real name's Uche Gucheano Ibeh. ), One of the many characters created and portrayed by ContraPoints in her videos is Tiffany Tumbles, who is regarded as being a fairly comprehensive parody of Blaire White,[101] particularly in her second[155] and third[156] appearances. Author Rachel Anne Williams recounted a time when she had called White a "fascist transphobe", White had replied, and her 200,000 followers had descended on Williams. Report this store and its designs See Dayen, David. [57] She dedicated at least five videos solely to attacking Riley Dennis, a nonbinary trans lesbian YouTuber with a much smaller subscriber base than hers. Nathan Blair was born on 7 December 2005 and raised in California, USA. On June 2017, Blaire White went to Vidcon along with Sarson, also known as Joe Reaper. It is first-grade bullshit that merely appeals to the worldview of right-wingers in the United States. The trans leaving my body when someone comments “ur a man” #blairewhite cartooncharacter trans transition. shouldn't use the bathroom of their preferred gender. You don't support free speech if you think it should have limitations. She has also said that there should be a "cure for transgenderism", which is again denied by the American Psychological Association. Blaire was born on September 14th, 1993, in Chico, California. White has, many times, misrepresented the words and arguments of others, often to portray them in a negative light. White has described nonbinary people as having "injected themselves" into the trans community, and asserts that they are not really trans. [128] She routinely disparages Islam as a whole (rather than conservative or radical Muslims)[129] while defending Christianity,[130] citing what she calls a "reform" in terms of anti-LGBT violence compared to Islam and Muslim nations.[131]. This generated a large controversy among not only the trans community, but the entire YouTube commentary community as a whole for not only blatant transphobia and poor research, but outright lying as based on the Facebook post that she cropped as a screenshot, she had to have known that Kroc never competed against women, and this among other recent controversies (such as White defending J.K. Rowling while potentially lying about the contents of her controversial book[153] and using video footage from another creator without crediting them, while saying something that she would've known was false had she watched the first thirty seconds of the video[154]) resulted in a slew of response videos and her losing tens of thousands of subscribers. [39][40] Blaire is also "generally against" the use of puberty blockers for trans children.[41]. Nahata, L., Tishelman, A. C., Caltabellotta, N. M., & Quinn, G. P. (2017). They thought he sounded Nigerian. Dans la vidéo, elle affirme avoir été agressée à deux reprises et avoir également eu un verre vidé sur son visage au cours de cette expérience voulue comme une expérimentation sociale[13]. Low fertility preservation utilization among transgender youth. Elle a continué à faire des vidéos sur des questions sociales telles que la « politique de genre » américaine entre autres[2]. Elle a parfois été vue comme faisant partie de l'alt-right mais a été très critique vis-à-vis du mouvement[3],[4]. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/where-transgender-is-no-longer-a-diagnosis/, To Stop Trans Kids from Killing Themselves, Shocking Study Says 'Accept Them', With Support, Transgender Kids Skip the Anxiety: Study. [47], White thinks that trans women who don't pass shouldn't use the bathroom of their preferred gender. La mise en forme du texte ne suit pas les recommandations de Wikipédia : il faut le « wikifier ». This entitlement is the definition of rape culture. [126][127] However, this went nowhere, and she ultimately stayed in politics. This is a common anti-feminist strawman that ignores the fact that advocates for women's rights have very specific definitions of rape, that not just anything can be rape, and that the real issue is that men are being told not to do things they believe they are entitled to. [25], White justifies her actions as being motivated by wanting to improve the public image of trans people, and expresses fears about this image being "ruined" by people who don't pass the way she does. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 novembre 2020 à 21:35. White's slander of Debi to her huge fanbase undoubtedly contributed to the bullying, harassment, and threats that Debi has received. While this treatment is unacceptable, it does not excuse any of White's own behavior. from the trans umbrella in No true Scotsman fashion. Wait for it.. prank sidehustle #blairewhite trans boyfriend girlfriend couplegoals. In commenting on a story about young Avery Jackson who had come out as trans and appeared on the cover of National Geographic, White more or less accused her mother, Debi Jackson, of "pimping out her daughter" for money, and dishonestly implied that she had pressured Avery into being trans. [125], In 2019, White announced she was leaving politics and suggested that she had information concerning certain right-wing pundits being frauds who didn't fully believe the things they said in public. Huge shout out to @trinadoodles on instagram and youtube for letting me use their work in this video! See, for example, the DSM-V definitions of gender dysphoria in both children (302.6) and adults (302.85), which merely require that a person have a strong desire to be "some alternative gender different from one's assigned gender" to qualify as having gender dysphoria. [note 4][19][20][21][22], White holds the transmedicalist belief that anyone who does not have dysphoria and who does not medically transition does not qualify as transgender, and accordingly, attempts to narrow the definition of transgender to be synonymous with transsexual. [42] She criticizes Trump's implementation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, opining that he does not take a hard enough line on keeping immigrants out, despite the fact that children who arrive under DACA have no criminal records and have been found to overwhelmingly end up being employed, paying taxes, and becoming homeowners. White has blocked numerous Twitter users for calling her Tiffany Tumbles on Twitter. When J.K. Rowling was called out for defending Maya Forstater who lost her job after producing such Twitter gems as "men cannot change into women", White weighed in and stated that Forstater had been "fired". In a video in which she responded to an article by Rachel Anne Williams accusing her of transphobia, she described Williams' profile photo as "tragic", and proceeded to photoshop a beard onto the photo to use as the video thumbnail. White also describes the label "queer" as "brainwashing children". [28] She states that pronouns are not a matter of choice, but a result of a subconscious registry of secondary sex characteristics, with the implication that those using incorrect pronouns have no responsibility to change them when corrected. Indeed, White routinely holds views contrary to those of scientific professionals on trans issues. Talking about her personal life, she is in a relationship with her partner Joey Sarson. Despite grabbing her a lot of attention, the term "child abuse" for childhood transition is rejected by the American Psychological Association, which extensively discusses trans youth, although it does conclude "consensus does not exist regarding best practice with prepubertal children. Here are a few examples: White has been interviewed by far-right individuals such as Alex Jones,[143] Paul Elam,[144] Paul Joseph Watson,[145] and Steven Crowder. Report of the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder. À l'âge de 20 ans, elle a fait son coming-out transgenre auprès de sa famille et de ses amis et a commencé une thérapie hormonale de féminisation en 2015. A recent video by huge trans YouTuber Blaire White has recently dropped and its pretty bad, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. [30][33] This has no basis in any academic field of study, whether one looks at biology, psychiatry,[note 6] or anthropology. Elle a un symbole végétalien tatoué sur son poignet droit. On September 27, 2021, Blaire released a video entitled "Trans Athlete: 'I Belong In Women's Sports, Get Over It! Management of the transgender adolescent. The wage gap is in great part due to women taking more time off than men.What will the Women's March do to help? [10][11] Indeed, in what was probably shocking news to exactly no trans person other than Blaire White, trans children were found to have normal rates of anxiety and depression when accepted by their families and communities. — Blaire White (@MsBlaireWhite) November 12, 2017 In the resulting roughly six-minute video , White claims she was assaulted twice, once at the anti-Trump rally and again when a … White is a trans woman who started undergoing transition in 2015. White once infamously tweeted a photo in which her face was covered all over with black face cream, which she captioned with the hashtag #blacklivesmatter and terms mocking progressives,[note 12] resulting in accusations of blackface. She responded to this in a video in which she displayed the photo in question but suppressed the caption,[98] effectively misleading her audience into believing that the criticism was levied at the photo alone (which she passed off as nothing more than an innocuous face-mask) rather than the photo in the context of the racially-charged caption, and thus, falsely painting her critics as paranoid SJWs seeing racism where there wasn't any. This is not as bad, but still controversial. [149] In the same month, The Daily Caller published a piece about one of White's political stunts, which referred to her with male pronouns (he, his, himself) throughout the article (though not in the the URL)[150] as well as in their clickbait twitter summary of one of her political stunts: "Transgender Wears Trump Hat Around Hollywood, And The Reactions Were Even Worse Than He Expected". [35] Replace transgender with any other medical condition and the contradiction becomes obvious; this is, however, resolved when you view her not as making reasonable arguments but as pandering to a conservative audience that is looking for every pseudo-rational reason to justify their transphobia. | Kat Blaque, Trans Personality Blaire White to Progressives: Butt Out, This Is Why I Don't Like The LGBT Community, Injustice atEvery Turn: A Report of the NationalTransgender Discrimination Survey, Feminism: The Biggest Joke (Women's March), Racism Against Whites - Black Lives Matter, #MILOGIVES: A Livestream for the Yiannopoulos Privilege Grant, Blaire White Says Roseanne's Comments Weren't Raceeest, Then Deletes It *FAIL*, The Oscar Wilde of YouTube Fights the Alt-Right with Decadance and Seduction, The Oscar Wilde of YouTube fights the alt-right with decadence and seduction, Trump IS Your President, Get Over It (Inauguration Rant), Watch This If You're Shocked That Trump Won, Senate tax bill woudl cut taxes of wealthy and increase taxes on families earning less than $75,000 by 2027. There is no definition of gender under which it is true. [35][42] If White had bothered to watch the video in the tweet she screenshot,[43] it actually shows Debi confessing that when Avery came out, "...I had never even heard the word 'transgender' before and really didn't know what to think. [58][60][61][83][84] She goes as far as to assert that female privilege exists,[81] contending that "society is kinder and more polite to women". Tiffany Tumbles' first appearance was in Contra's. "[38] In addition, trans YouTuber Zinnia Jones has two citation-heavy response blogs. Dean Cain and Blaire White | Louder With Crowder, No Bullshit: Blaire White is a "ditzy" "valley girl", Red Pill Black and Blaire White Talk Social Autopsy and Much More (Live Debate), WATCH: Anti-Trump Protesters Attack Transgender Who Wore MAGA Hat In Hollywood, https://www.insider.com/blaire-white-apology-transphobic-video-janae-marie-kroc-transgender-bodybuilder-2020-10, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rudyvi6bSBw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9StRvlEcls, https://rationalwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Blaire_White&oldid=2285083, "The Worst SJW Yet: Brainwashing Children", "Sensitive Tranny Thinks Words Are Violent", "Feminism: The Biggest Joke (Women's March)", "Triggered to Death By Milo Yiannopoulos", After Dennis contended in another video that finding out one's date was trans. Amazing. She asked Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks to DM her on Twitter, hinting at giving her information. [25] Even worse, in another video with the title "I'm A Predator, But It's Okay Cuz I'm a Drag Queen" - Okay..", White originally, and slanderously, used the thumbnail of an innocent orange-haired, bearded drag queen before she later corrected it to show the real predator (who passes very well). A Tax Hike or Benefit for the ‘Middle Class’? White a étudié à la California State University, à Chico, où elle a étudié l'informatique. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. James M. “Junior” Blair Jr., 63, passed away at 10:22 p.m. on Friday, January 22, 2021, at Anderson Hospital. Find the best stories, opinion, pictures and video on the day's events. Blair's delusions of grandeur were usually played for laughs when Natalie, Tootie or Jo would make sarcastic remarks about her "beauty," "perfect" personality or "naturally blonde hair." Blaire White and her boyfriend were dressed all wrong to attend an anti-Trump rally on Hollywood Boulevard. Pour une aide détaillée, merci de consulter Aide:Wikification. "90 Day Fiance" fans suspect that Williams, Yolanda's guy from the UK is catfishing her. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q. White loves to showcase non-passing or non-gender-conforming trans people as objects of ridicule. Initially, Blair felt she was more important than "regular" people because she was the heiress to her father's multimillion-dollar business, Warner Textile Mills. Omny Studio is the complete audio management solution for, améliorer la mise en forme d'un autre article, Portail de la sexualité et de la sexologie, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blaire_White&oldid=177007344, Naissance dans le comté de Butte (Californie), Portail:Sexualité et sexologie/Articles liés, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Does Blaire White Have Flaming Turdz For Brains? Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14(4), 624–634. At present, He is 15 years old. White is a trans woman who started undergoing transition in 2015. No, seriously, like, they've butchered the definition so bad anything can be rape now. Not only does White pass as a cis woman, she's also conventionally attractive, highly feminine, and petite. Trans YouTuber Kat Blaque has a somewhat sympathetic take on this, speculating that White is so invested in how cis people see her, and so sensitive to others who are not like her, that she feels driven to throw them under the bus for the sake of acceptance. It has also allowed her to "blend in" with the cisgender world, giving her a privilege that non-passing trans women do not share. White firmly believes that there are only two genders[30][31][32] and has at one point called non-binary gender identities "trans-retarded". En novembre 2018, White partageait son désir d'avoir des enfants biologiquement et d'arrêter de prendre des œstrogènes[10]. Blaire White EXPOSES Steven Crowder For Being A FRAUD Who Has Different Ideas Behind Closed Doors! From the 2nd grade and up, Blaire started to feel different and that she did not belong in the ‘boys’ category at school. Green proposed to Bashen on the beach in Ventura, Calif. Blaire White (born 14 September 1993) is an American Youtuber and social commentator on issues concerning Feminism, political correctness, LGBT Rights, and her own personal reactions through her experiences. [note 11], In addition, she denies the existence of the gender pay gap. [68] Upon discovering that Dennis had actually been receiving hormones and laser hair removal and thus qualified as "real trans" in White's book, the latter then offered an apology to Dennis,[69] which is somewhat like apologizing to an Italian person for beating them up because you thought they were speaking Spanish. [103][104] This is incredibly ironic coming from someone who once said “You don't support free speech if you want to deny it for certain groups. [58][59][60][61][62] White used to misgender Dennis[63][64][65][66] because she didn't think of her as truly trans,[67] and took the liberty to refer to her and her girlfriend as "heterosexual" on account of Dennis still having a penis,[63] despite the fact that White herself was contentedly non-op at the time. [72] This all smacks of White trying to be "one of the good ones", with her struggle for "trans acceptance" being seemingly limited to only a relatively small number of passing trans people, while excluding everyone else (nonbinary, non-dysphoric, non-passing etc.) [25][36] She has also falsely claimed that puberty blockers undermine the possibility of having vaginoplasty. Blaire White (September 14, 1993–) is a YouTube talker who at one time described herself as a "transgender conservative commentator". En février 2017, White a été bannie de la plate-forme de réseau social Facebook pendant 30 jours entraînant des protestations de ses soutiens[11]. Pour faciliter sa transition, White subit une opération de féminisation faciale et des augmentations mammaires[7]. As a result, her views on GSM issues often get extra respectdespite being contradicted by science. [152] However, one of Kroc's Facebook posts, namely the very one that Blaire screenshotted in her video, had her state that she never competed against cis women, nor does she ever plan to. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(1), 40–44. Share Scripture with friends, highlight and bookmark passages, and create a daily habit with Bible Plans. [34] She has several times complained that dysphoric people like her are considered to be the "same thing" as nonbinary people, on account of being both under the transgender umbrella. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. However, in typical fashion, White used this as an opportunity to insult the entire trans community, sharing a tweet that insinuated that trans people in general (and not just Yaniv) were entitled and unreasonable, and deserving of what they get.[54][55]. She often describes her political views as a center-right. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 102(11), 1–35. One wonders whether she would say the same thing about the misgendering of cis people (for example, a baby-faced long-haired man or a deep-voiced woman), or whether she has considered that people don't generally start using pronouns until they are at least introduced to the person in question, who will most likely by this time have cleared up any existing ambiguities. White wrote that "I DONT WANT TO BE A BULLY but Milo Stewart is actually transitioning into a lawn gnome now, as I predicted. White takes pride in not engaging in a "victim mentality", and believes she can speak for other trans people who have had it much worse than she has in many ways. But immediately, they didn't trust the guy as his accent didn't sound British. In short: Blaire White is the Milo Yiannopoulos of trans issues. Resolution on Appropriate Affirmative Responses to Sexual Orientation Distress and Change Efforts, Blaire White Defends J.K.Rowling, PewDiePie Is A Nazi Idol (First Stream Of 2020), Blaire White Caters To Transphobes - Response To Blaire White, Blaire White FAILS To Prove She's Not Transphobic, Blaire White says TRANS WOMEN AREN'T WOMEN; Acts Confused for 10 Minutes, LGBTQ+ Community Debates Identity Politics and the 2020 Election (Part 2/2), Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonists: Expanding Vistas, Anatomy of disinformation: Blaire White lies about puberty blockers and vaginoplasty, Using Chosen Names Reduces Odds of Depression and Suicide in Transgender Youths, Transgender youth fact check: Blaire White is wrong – Part 1: Fundamentals, Transgender youth fact check: Blaire White is wrong – Part 2: Outcomes. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and more. "[8], White has also misrepresented the issue of children being put on puberty blockers, which is an accepted medical practice for children who are deemed likely to be trans, and has the effect of forestalling the process of going through the puberty of a biological sex with which a child may not identify. For example, YouTuber No Bullshit described her as a "ditzy" "valley girl" because of her transgender identity as well as her California residency. She also says she "doesn't like the LGBT community",[74] even though it's largely because of them that she has the freedom to be who she is.

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