I know that I get a lot from your web site reading the testimonies gives a lot of inspiration. Let the power in the blood of Jesus neutralize the strength of every power on assignment against my family in Jesus’ name. I was hoping that the bank would use the insurance as my house was insured but they decided to reposses my house without my knowledge and sold it at a very low price after I had improved it. Submit. verse 4…Remain in me and I will remain in you..No branch can bear fruit by itself, it must remain in the vine. I stabbed the lion it looked straight into my eyes and I continued and ripped open its belly. (part of Levels 2 & 3 of the Golden Journey? & God should give me victory against all spiritual attack inn JESUS name Amen. Armed with this kind of knowledge, the lady began to pray like this (at the midnight hour): “I destroy the mirrors, video cameras, cameras, computers and cell phones that the enemy is using to monitor all of us the children of God by fire in the Name of Jesus.”, For good measure, she supported this dangerous prayer with 3 others …. I pray that God will continue to work in me to minister to others with guidance of the holy spirit through the name of Jesus Christ. What is the meaning of all these dreams? I am believing and trusting in the Lord for a breakthrough in Jesus Name, Good day Elisha dear Elisha For marriage restoration program, join Prayer Academy Gold. Within weeks of this power encounter –. Spiritual victory like this is what precedes powerful breakthrough manifestations in the physical. Malice Prayer During Persecution Suffering Saints Opposition, To Sin And Evil Persecution, Christian Response Forgiveness, Application Of Loving Your Enemies Persecution, Attitudes To Duties To Enemies evil, believers' responses to Turning The Other Cheek Prayer, For Others Different Teachings Grace, In Human Relationships Intercessory Prayer We lost a big asset in our life at a give away price in 2008 because of the debts we had. The other good news is that i had baptism by immersion in the water in my church in soroti, and i chaned my name from Steven previously to Stephanas Gilbert Ekotu. According Malch in the Bible to marry someone’s wife is agreat sin. Such a person doesn’t just pray now and then. I intentionally waited till the end of the year to ensure that we had really been delivered and that the problems would not reoccur. God bless you! Am not discouraged. Then as we were going to see those guys there was a river between us and the guys, I said to my husband lets use this direction to cross the river. http://www.prayerbullets.org/download, You can download from the link below. I disorganize and disconnect all the communication lines in the camp of the enemy in name of Jesus. Evil surveillance. Use Dr. Jane’s prayer bullets for job employment: We must take the spiritual battle to the camp of the enemy. After receiving that mobile, I got sick and lost my job. Thanks, You can download those prayer bullets from the link below. Dear Elisha, Under attack Your demeanor disappoints me. Today we shall be looking at 7 day fasting and prayer to open closed doors. In short what i can say is that i have done everything which i was supposed to do according to Elisha’s teachings. JESUS overcome all evil. I was then left stunned wondering even if I wanted to follow I could not cope with the speed. I didnt go through. Mike story was very interesting. " https://www.mediafire.com/#ta4itysqemi75, Start with reading Passion Prayer ebook first: Setiap musuh tangguh memiliki sistem komunikasi yang rumit di alam roh. But before you learn this simple secret, there’s a little spiritual drama that happened years ago that could give you a few helpful hints…. Further in the area, some women, about 3 of them were guarding something like a cage, well covered. Crucially he made up his mind to go through it… he was simply sick and tired of failure. Sending love & prayers to the victims, their families, our Jewish neighbors & the JCPD." Hendry Reply:November 13th, 2013 at 9:13 am, You can pay via wire transfer: As you engage these prayer points, the Angels of the Lord will be dispatched in your direction to deliver you from all the evil plans of your enemies. May God surely increase u and keep u as u continually labour for him. Thanks. I took a portion of the 3 and moved about 10 yards away from them, took a bit from the fish then another older woman that appeared to be like the boss called from the distance offering a small parcel of cake so that I can return the fish.

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