It has an apparent magnitude of 4.97 and is approximately 331 light years distant from the Sun. Your email address will not be published. In abduction cases, the Zetas appear as human-like “ grey aliens ”. There are also a large number of ai and tweak languages that baseline-type are unable to use, Little Ray of Sunshine 53 - to Osmond (Solar Dominion stargate), Merrion Atlantis Liberty Cycler — to Merrion (NoCoZo) and 25 other star systems (0.3c, In order of size: Detroit Marhenke (Daedalus), McDaggart Orbital (Atlantis) and Jianke Spaceport (Doc Halloway) are the largest spaceports in the system, 0.0 to 9.0 (according to polity, district, etc), Earth-normal environments on Atlantis, Daedalus, the domed Promethean cities, and a large number of orbitals. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum constellation, and are believed to be of a humanoid descent, whereas other races, e.g. Inner Sphere Old Core, 39.53 light-years (12.12 parsecs) from Sol, Europan Type - iceball - Europans and other exotic clades, also a few nearbaselines and a number of, SubJovian - a few orbital and moon-based small polities - a few. The majority are from Zeta Reticuli, Alpha Centauri, Rigel & Betelguese (Orion), Sirius A & B, and the Pleiades. Required fields are marked *, Its nature offers you interesting information and facts on the natural world. At least 287 different major polities in the system, the largest being the Tartarus Commonwealth on Daedalus, followed by Doc Halloway Cloud Nation, Atlantis Free Zone and the Galactic Commonwealth on Prometheus, varies greatly according to individual polity, Atlantese, New Anglic and Douh are widely spoken in the baseline-habitable worlds and orbitals. It orbits at 6.63 AU (992 Gm) for a planet containing same amount of matter as Mars have. From the southern hemisphere the pair can be seen with the naked eye as a double star in very dark skies. It is the brightest class O star in the sky. Some of the human Orions may have, as starseeds, very blue eyes. The Zeta beings have also been called the “Greys”. Approximately 20% are above top-secret military tests of experimental craft, often reverse engineered from Zeta craft. Zeta Reticuli, on the other hand, is believed to be a mere 39 light years from Earth. ι Reticuli (Iota Reticuli) Iota Reticuli is an orange giant with the stellar classification K4III. The Zeta Reticuli Greys that we will refer to as type A’s are one of the more common Greys reported.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'itsnature_org-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',626,'0','0'])); The type A’s are usually described to be around 4 or 5 feet tall at the very maximum and are considered as cold and inhuman by inside sources and abductees alike. Great site. SubJovian tweaks, vecs, and ai on moons and orbitals - a small population of jovics and post-genetekkers in the atmosphere. They are each fifth magnitude stars -- barely visible to the unaided eye -- located in the obscure southern constellation Reticulum. The skin color of the type A’s and Greys in general varies from white to a tan color and its believed that the Greys actually ‘feed’ through their skin by absorbing nutrients, this also ties in with reports that the Greys have no digestive system. Arcturus? Both stars are solar analogs that have characteristics similar to those of the Sun. Greys are undoubtedly the most famous of all alien species and are constantly depicted in science fiction and are the most reported type of alien involved in everything from sightings to full blown abductions. Zeta Reticuli is the star system that is home to the Zeta beings. Zeta Reticuli. Mai 1975 demonstrierten zwei Graue von Zeta Reticuli vor zwei tiefgeheim arbeitenden Wissenschaftlern in den Tunneln unter Area 51 eine 100-prozentige stromerzeugende Vernichtungsreaktion in einem relativ kleinen Antimateriereaktor, superschwere Elemente verwendend, die sie mit Protonen bombardierten. Given the orientation of these two locations and the relative distances, it would be hard to place Zeta Reticuli anywhere but firmly within the Orion Arm. ... Dragon Moth from Orion Black hole system. The type A’s are heavily into genetic modification and are believed to have altered the course of human genes and directed our evolution to a certain degree.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'itsnature_org-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',627,'0','0'])); The fact that the type A’s are obsessed with genetic modification supports all the accounts of human abduction and the accounts of experiments and probing. Alnitak Aa, the primary star in the Zeta Orionis system, is a hot blue supergiant with the stellar classification O9.5 Iab. Zeta Reticuli, Latinized from ζ Reticuli, is a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. This system was once identified as the home of the little grey-faced and black-eyed humanoids who allegedly abducted Barney and Betty Hill and ever since has appeared in popular culture as the quintessential location of extraterrestrial … The following is an excerpt from Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest: In passing through the Prism of Lyra, the first fragmentation created a group of beings that can be called the Founders. SubJovian - Cryocyborgs and exotic post-genetekker clades. … The other facial features of the type A’s vary from account with some being described to have noses and mouths and other accounts pointing out that they had neither features. I'm not sure why this is so, although I've heard that many angels also have blue eyes. The planetary system surrounding Zeta1 Reticuli, Zeta 1 Reticuli, a populous system with three successfully terraformed planets. (a light month) apart in space, which gives a very very long orbital period. In this image you can also see the Orion Nebula sitting (relatively) cozily to the Sun. After his death, Zeus placed Orion the sky in eternal pursuit of the sisters, and perpetual flight from the scorpion, or scorpio constellation. I’m sending it to some friends! Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas. Zetas. There are apparently three types of Greys; Zeta Reticuli Greys (type A Greys), Orion Greys (type B’s) and the more elusive type C’s. Centaur Hybrids from Omega Centauri. Zeta Reticuli is a wide binary star system in the southern constellation of Reticulum. Nowadays, the name 'Zetas' is often used as a synonym of 'Greys,' which is not really accurate.Strictly speaking, the Zetas are the inhabitants of the solar systems of the two Zeta stars of the Reticulum Rhomboidalis constellation, which is just one of many solar systems where Greys can be found. These slender aliens are light and almost delicate looking are are always described to have an over-sized cranium and large, slanted black eyes. Zeta Reticuli ist die Bezeichnung für ein Doppelsternsystem im Sternbild Netz. The Zetas are named as such since they are from Zeta Reticuli - a double star, 39 light years away - in the constellation Reticulum of the southern hemisphere, though some reside in the Orion and Sirius systems known as the Greys, and in general are now somewhat spread around, having cloned bodies that can tolerate varied environmental conditions. Zeta 1 Reticuli: System: Zeta 1 Reticuli, a populous system with three successfully terraformed planets: Stellar Type: G2 V: Companion: This star and Zeta 2 Reticuli form a binary system; the two stars are at least 5500 A.U. Zeta Rigelians-Drakonian-Orion Confederation administration, MJ-12 and Nazi Zeta Treaties, enslaved Zeta-Reticuli, “Zeta-Talk”, Thule Society, Allister Crowley/“Black Sun”/“Golden Dawn”/“Enochian Watchtowers” metaphysical cults, Pagan teaching distortions, Philadelphia Experiment/Montauk Project, 1983 Rigelian-Andromie Alliance. The meaning of Reticulum may be a paronomasia for their abduction economy. The Dracos colonized Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Capella (Alpha Aurigae) systems. Out of the three types of Greys the type A’s are believed to be the ‘scientists’. Zeta Orionis is a multiple star system with at least three components. Es wird gesagt, dass Sie eie hybride Rasse sind zwischen den Menschen und Grauen aus Zeta Reticuli. The Greys come from the Zeta Reticuli 1 & 2, a binary star system visible from the Southern Hemisphere approximately 38 light-years away. Zeta Reticuli, a dim binary system of Sun-like stars only 39.5 light years away in the little constellation of Reticulum is strangely well-known. Short Greys: these Greys are shorter, about three and a half foot tall. They belong to the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars that share a common origin. (others went to the Pleiades and the Orion nebula.) The Zeta beings have also been called the “Greys”. Why is it so famous? Der Sassani Bashar kommuniziert seit Jahren medial mit Darryl Anka. The stars have apparent magnitudes of 5.52 (Zeta 1) and 5.22 (Zeta 2) and are visible to the naked eye from areas without light pollution. (a light month) apart in space, which gives a … The type A’s have been reported to communicate telepathically and are also believed to have evolved to a point where they have no need for sexual reproduction and instead create clones of themselves similar to the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula. The Zetas are interested in Breeding Programs to create Zeta human hybrids in order to maintain control over the earth in the future timelines. Sie erkannten, dass sie definitiv aussterben würden, wenn sie nicht möglichst schnell eine Lösung für ihr Geburtenproblem finden würden, von den ökologischen Problemen mal ganz zu schweigen. They function in a mode that is apparently military in nature with a rigidly defined social structure that holds science and "conquering worlds" to be the prime movers." Also, as we indicated earlier, the little Greys occupy a small percentage of the Orion population; their origin, Zeta Reticuli, is a neighbor of the Orion constellation. The type A’s are believed to come from the Zeta Reticuli system which is a neighbor to the Orion star system where the type B’s are believe to hail from. Based upon parallax measurements, this system is located at a distance of about 39 light-years (12 parsecs) from the Earth. The Founders embodied the group consciousness of what eventually became humankind. These type A’s are currently widely believed to be operating out of Earth with the co-operation of our government.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'itsnature_org-box-4','ezslot_6',630,'0','0'])); i will never ever never ever want to meet those!! These are the same extra-terrestrials whom we were warned about in crops at Torino in Italy, six days earlier. It has 33 … Your email address will not be published. Der Planet Essassani befindet sich nah der Orion Konstellation etwa 500 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt. It is said that the spiritual ones such as the priests gained this feature from their spiritual path. Dracos attacked the Lyran home planets and killed Lyrans by the millions. ζ Reticuli (Zeta Reticuli) Zeta Reticuli is a wide binary system composed of two yellow G-class stars, both of which have a visual magnitude of 5.22. Ein „Ret. Orions have a reputation for possessing an aggressive nature and have been involved in many destructive wars. RETICULI. Zeta Reticuli? During the late Interplanetary period, a number of nuagist, ufer, and space brother sects - known as Travellers - managed to acquire and launch spacecraft towards Zeta Reticuli. The star system consists of two stars one slightly smaller than our own sun in the Milky Way and the other almost the same mass as our sun. The first race comes from a star in our constellation Orion, which is 1350.3 light years from Earth. According to their religion (based on … Wir möchten nun über die Wesen reden, die ihr als Zeta Reticuli kennt. This star and Zeta 2 Reticuli form a binary system; the two stars are at least 5500 A.U. The first question I would ask you or maybe someone that has Universe Simulator Software (Google Earth type but for Space) is: How far away is the Zeta Reticuli Star System from Betelgeuse Star? They are the typical grey aliens with a large head, large black eyes and thin, small body. The star has a visual magnitude of 2.0 and an absolute magnitude of -6.0. Thus, overall, the genetic differences are quite marked. This southerly sky location makes Zeta Reticuli invisible to observers north of Mexico City's latitude. Also known as Zeta Reticuli from the Zeta Reticulan star system (the Bernard star) neighboring the Orion area. Zeta Reticuli Bf is the outermost planet of the secondary star's planetary system. Der Winkelabstand zwischen beiden Sternen beträgt 310″ (Bogensekunden), was ungefähr einem Sechstel des Vollmonddurchmessers entspricht. The stars are gravitationally bound and located approximately 39 light years … DRACO REPTILIANS WARRED WITH HUMANOID LYRAN-VEGANS IN ORION WARS. Zeta2 Reticuli is orbited by a circumstellar debris disk. The Zeta beings are one of the more commonly recognized ET being because they were the topic of several well known alien encounters. Nur die Frauen haben Haare. Die Zeta Reticuli Zivilisation. Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black from Nibiruian lines. I had a lot of Zeta abductions in my teens, but they rarely had conversations with me then. Greys are undoubtedly the most famous of all alien species and are constantly depicted in science fiction and are the most reported type of alien involved in everything from sightings to full blown abductions. Um den Geburtsprozess zu umgehen, entwickelten sie über Generationen hinweg, ein ausgeklügeltes Klonungs-System. Countless varieties now exist. The star system is composed of two Sun-like stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, located at a distance of about 39.3 light years from Earth. Based upon parallax measurements, this system is located at a distance of about 39.3 light-years from Earth. She convinced Zeus to send a monstrous scorpion to attack Orion — the hunter died from the stings. The reason for this is unclear however some say its they are trying to create hybrids to better themselves and others say our genes hold the key to saving the Greys from an unknown threat. They are the typical grey aliens with a large head, large black eyes and thin, small body. Zeta Reticuli is the star system that is home to the Zeta beings. The Betelgeuse star is located in the constellation Orion. Vier“ (ein Slangbegriff für einen Bewohner des vierten Planeten des Zeta … The distance between the two is believed to be around 1350 light years. They are beings of manipulation who have power over the Greys (who live near Orion in Zeta Reticuli). The second race comes from a star Zeta Reticuli, which is 39.170 light years from Earth. Approximately 20% are natural phenomena mistakenly identified as artificial craft. Zeta Reticulan Greys written May 27 2013 Zeta Greys are the most well-known aliens reported to abduct people and to subject abductees to medical procedures. The Zeta beings are one of the more commonly recognized ET being because they were the topic of several well known alien encounters. Orion? Its for this reason many believe the Greys are accompanied by a less than delightful stench. Some Zoeific Biopolity affiliation. Sie sind etwa 5 Fuß (1,5 Meter) groß mit grauer Haut. The two stars are known as Zeta 1 Reticuli and Zeta 2 Reticuli, or together, simply known as Zeta Reticuli. those coming from Draco, Orion and Ursa Maior, are believed to be reptilian species. Zeta Reticuli (ζ Ret) is a wide double star located in the southern constellation Reticulum. They have presumably appeared in the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, the Travis Walton abduction, and to Nancy Lieder. The Lyran-Vegan explorers fought the Dracos in the Ring Nebula over planets each sought for themselves. Alnitak A is a close binary star, consisting of components Alnitak Aa and Alnitak Ab. A lot of useful information here. Das bedeutet, dass Zeta Reticuli, ähnlich wie Mizar und Alkor, schon mit bloßem Auge From the southern hemisphere the pair can be seen as a naked eye double star in very dark skies. They can project to a very high level of fourth density, but their natural … There are apparently three types of Greys; Zeta Reticuli Greys (type A Greys), Orion Greys (type B’s) and the more elusive type C’s. My Findings: From Wiki Page of Betelgeuse Star Distance from Earth: 700 Light Years. Artemis was furious with Zeus and the mortal Orion. Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centuari. Damit war das natürliche Empfangen, Austragen und Gebären von Babys unnötig geworden. It takes 17.2 years to orbit once around the star with a very high eccentricity of 0.638, meaning the distance varies from 2.40 AU (359 Gm) to 10.86 AU (1624 Gm).