Among the themes, there are three that are explored in Act Four. 3.Hale asks Proctor to recite the ten Commandments. Most obvious is the fact that John had … Giles says that Proctor does not believe in witches. He wants to know why John has not been to church much. Hale asks Proctor and Giles if they have afflicted children. He remains uninvolved in the petty rivalries and power plays of … The Crucible On page 67, Reverend Hale question John Proctor's ability to recite the Ten Commandments. Hale is a fair individual who honestly attempts to administer justice. John Proctor can easily be seen as both a good and bad man by different characters throughout The Crucible.. Giles Corey and Francis Nurse arrive and tell Proctor, Hale, and Elizabeth that the court has arrested both Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse for witchcraft. He also exhibits tragic flaws through his personal demons such as pride, lust, and unfaithfulness. Why does Reverend Hale tell the accused witches to confess? ... (John Proctor, p. 77) "You are a coward! By the end of the play, Hale pleads with Proctor to lie to the courts. Proctor does but, of course, forgets adultery. Which commandment does Protor forget? Much damage has already been done including the arrest of his innocent wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth has been arrested, and the true story of the poppet has been exposed. ... (Proctor explaining why he will not sign a confession, p. 143) "He [Proctor] have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! Initially he pleads with Proctor to get a lawyer and defend himself. (Danforth, p. When Proctor says this, he is speaking to Reverend Hale. Hale realises that his good intentions of destroying witchcraft in the village have only served to fuel the prosecution of good,innocent people like Proctor.) Analysis. Though you be ordained in God's own tears, you are a coward now!" (Elizabeth, p. 145) ACTIVITIES . DANFORTH: ‘Why? Hale asks why only two of his boys are baptized. Proctor says his wife has been ill. 2. Why does Reverend Hale tell the accused witches to confess? On page 67, Reverend Hale question John Proctor's ability to recite the Ten Commandments. Proctor knows that the court is a sham and out to get Proctor. Proctor denies having stated an opinion on witches at all and leaves Hale to his work. 1. Reverend Hale is an intellectual man, and he has studied witchcraft extensively. (John Proctor to Hale, p. 79) Act Three - QUOTATIONS "And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?" John Proctor fits perfectly to the definition of a tragic hero. HALE: ‘For he is taken I count myself his murderer’(Rev. Parris and doesn't want his slimy hands on the third. Why do you think this is significant? He arrives at Parris’s home with a heavy load of books. He shows nobility through his traits such as sacrifice and reason. 4. Through the character John Proctor… hale is shaken and starts to doubt the girls as these events unravel–since act 2, he was suspicious of anyone but now he can genuinely see that Proctor, Francis, and Giles are putting their lives on the line just to prove that all this witch hysteria is pretense. Proctor finally says that he dislikes Rev.