The evidence against Sarah Good is that she asked Mary Warren for bread and cider, and when Mary refused she walked away muttering her Commandments. why or why not? Goody … after being refused bread and cider by Mary Warren, she walks away mumbling saying her commendments. (embed a quote and include page number) 8. What was the "evidence" against Sarah Good? Although both Good and Sarah Osborne denied the allegations against them, Tituba admitted to being the "Devil's servant". Aides say the Senate will hear evidence "nobody has seen before" related to incitement of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Get your answers by asking now. Answered by jill d … Mary adds that she now realizes Good had tried to kill her in the past: whenever Good came begging and Mary turned her away, Good would mumble, and one time Mary felt extremely sick just afterwards. **Then he must search on. her selfe & Sarah Good abstracted Charges Sarah Good to hurt the Children & would have had her done it 5. were with her last night & would have.had her hurt the Children w'ch she refused & that Good was one of them Although initially refusing, Tituba said, she eventually wrote her name, after Good and Osborne forced her to. Proctor says that Sarah Good is just a "jabberer." What was the "evidence" against Sarah Good? Why did Hale come to Proctor's house? Why doesn't Proctor want Mary to go back to court? Solart took his own life in 1672 when Sarah was 17, leaving an estate of 500 pounds after debt. The former president's defense, however, argues the trial should not happen at … idk[] Asked by britt m #380573 on 8/6/2014 7:54 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 8/6/2014 8:12 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. (Summary of Evidence v. Sarah Good) [++ June 29, 1692 ] Titabes Confession & Examinacon ag't. Join. What was the "evidence" against Sarah Good? 1 0. (Summary of Evidence v. Sarah Good) To: Titabes Confession & Examinacon ag't. Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were the obvious targets of accusations of witchcraft, not being churchgoers, and both fitting the common description of a witch as old, ugly, and ill-tempered. What woman is sentenced to hang? Sarah Good was the daughter of a prosperous Wenham innkeeper, John Solart. Now you tell him Sarah Good's going too! After testimony of an oral will, the estate was divided between his widow and her two eldest sons, with a portion to be paid to each of the seven daughters when they came of age. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. her selfe & Sarah Good abstracted Charges Sarah Good to hurt the Children & would have had her done it 5. were with her last night & would have.had her hurt the Children w'ch she refused & that Good was one of them. 7. She stated that a tall man dressed all in black came to them, demanding they sign their names in a great book. In "The Crucible" the evidence that Sarah Good was a witch was that she could not recite the ten commandments. 5. 6. 39. Do you think this is sufficient evidence to prosecute her? ** Dr. Griggs bid me come tell you, reverend sir, that he cannot discover no medicine for it in his books. **What does the doctor say, child? How many women did Mary say had been arrested? 9. Hale asks Elizabeth if she believes in witches. But Mary says that Good "sent her spirit out" during the trial to try and choke the girls accusing her. Still have questions? Why does Elizabeth think Abigail wants to kill her? What things are "suspicious" about Proctor and his family? Other evidence presented was that she confessed to witchcraft, and that she … The cell phone evidence. Ask Question + 100. ... the state’s best option doesn’t spell good news for Wilds. Hathorne and Corwin assumed that those accused of witchcraft, such as Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne, were guilty from the outset.