Flooring materials in adobe buildings have varied from earth to adobe brick, fired brick, tile, or flagstone (called "lajas"), to conventional wooden floors. Traditional adobe construction techniques and materials should therefore, be used to repair or rebuild parts of the walls. After the damage bricks are out, the area needs to be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining moisture, dust or dirt. The removal and replacement of these mortars with mud mortar is not advised because their removal is usually destructive to the adobe bricks. It is a common error to assume that mortar hardness or strength is a measure of its suitability in adobe repair or reconstruction. 27 Cast Iron Such coatings applied to the exterior of adobe construction have retarded surface deterioration by offering a renewable surface to the adobe wall. 12 Structural Glass Instead, it eats the mortar particles from in between the sand. This publication has been prepared pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to develop and make available information concerning historic properties. Tucson, Ariz.:University of Arizona Press, 1973. Many are now manufactured using stabilizing agents (portland cement, lime, or emulsified asphalt) in their composition. It consists of lime, sand, and water and is applied in heavy coats with trowels or brushes. Newsletter of the National Association of Restoration Specialists. the maximum height of adobe mission churches in the Southwest was approximately 35 feet. 40 Ceramic Tile 37 Lead-Paint Hazards He began working on his first adobe brick home in 1985 which led into research and development of water repellants specifically formulated for the unique characteristics of earthen materials, including rammed earth. 33 Stained and Leaded Glass By its composition, adobe construction is inclined to deteriorate; however, the buildings can be made durable and renewable when properly maintained. Their strength also fluctuates with their water content: the higher the water content, the lower the strength. ... Vietnam Veterans and he gave me great insight as I made my first adobe brick with David’s unique instructions while repairing the “‘Chicken Coups” at the ranch. Successful stabilization, restoration, and the ultimate survival of an adobe building depends upon how effectively a structure sheds water. Spray (do not soak) the new brick and surrounding area lightly with water to facilitate a better bond. 5 (Sept.Oct. In some areas, these were laid in a herringbone pattern. The destructive effects of moisture on adobe buildings may be substantially halted by several remedies. Generally this problem is related to water, in which case it is advisable to consult a professional. When the coating has been mud plaster, the process requires that the deteriorated mud plaster be scraped off and replaced with like materials and similar techniques, attempting in all cases to match the repair work as closely as possible to the original. More important for durability, however, is the inherent clay-to-sand ratio found in native soil. Bunting, Bainbridge. Rotted or termite infested wood members such as vigas, savinos, lintels, wall braces, or flooring should be repaired or replaced. These served as a lathing on which the 6 or more inches of adobe earth was compacted. Mix in the tub for mess-free maintenance and repairs. This may take months of experimenting. Technical Preservation Services (TPS), National Park Service prepares standards, guidelines, and other educational materials on responsible historic preservation treatments for a broad public. Other times, this is not possible. However, concrete blocks have been used for interior partitions successfully. Observing adobe buildings for subtle changes and performing maintenance on a regular basis is a policy which cannot be over emphasized. When the wall becomes totally saturated, the adobe mud will flow as a liquid. 2. Hooker, Van Dorn. Mechanical systems should be monitored for breakdown. 1, no. 3. See Preservation Briefs 1–50 The hygroscopic nature of adobe has rendered these techniques ineffective and, most important, destructive. Hold the chisel at an angle above it. Step 3 Baer, Kurt; and Rudinger, Hugh. Often the wooden materials that comprise the traditional flat adobe roof create interesting and pleasing patterns on the ceilings of interior rooms. Traditional adobe repair. Their pricing was way more competitive than others in our area. Maintenance is the key to mitigating the destructive effects of wind erosion. Repairing and Maintaining The Historic Adobe Building Return to Top ▲ McHenry, Paul Graham, Jr. Adobe—Build It Yourself. For centuries, the way to build a brick or stone building was to make the walls solid, load-bearing masonry. Expect building with adobe to be cheap, unless labor and/or materials are cheap or free. Below: Mailbox adobe structure coated with Thoroseal with old mission dye colorant, performed 17 years ago, still looking good. When the ingredients are measured out in the appropriate balance, the mortar has a density that will repel the water. Eventually, the mold will begin to eat the brick as well, especially softer bricks such as Adobe or Dry Press Commons. Valuable suggestions and comments were made by architects Eugene George, Austin, Texas; John P. Conron, Santa Fe; and David G. Battle, Santa Fe. On an adobe building, it is not advisable to construct a new roof that is heavier than the roof it is replacing. Early Architecture in New Mexico. In an effort to halt the destructive effects of rainwater, 19th century builders often capped parapet walls with fired bricks. NOTE: Spalling, however, should not be confused with normal chipping on the face of a brick. The importance in keeping an adobe building free from excessive moisture cannot be overestimated. Small Job on the house. However, some professionals advise against the reuse of material which has spalled off because it frequently contains a high concentration of salts. In repairing loose and deteriorated adobe mortar, care should also be taken to match the original material, color, and texture. Tucson has several companies that specialize in repairing adobe that is neglected and also those that treat and maintain the bricks with a special coating to maintain its beauty and keep the bricks … When an individual adobe brick has partially disintegrated, it may be patched in place. New Mexico Architecture. This varies with the sand, clay, and silt content of the adobe. Coving at the base of this adobe wall may have been caused by salts deposited by rising groundwater and/or rainwater splash. However, it doesn’t eat the sand granules since the sand is a silicate and has no nutritional value to the plant. Adobe Masonry Finishing Techniques. 13 Steel Windows Photo: Russell Lee, Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress. The sand is what gets bonded together. Hammer the chisel quickly and lightly while moving the tip over the mortar. Steel lintels are much more rigid than adobe. Since adobe construction was load-bearing with low structural strength, adobe walls tended to be massive, and seldom rose over 2 stories. Some of the repairs made with new adobe brick have started to crumble and all the brick could use another coat of sealer to repel moisture.” As you read this article, you will notice that one of the photos speaks of a “secret sauce”. Photo: HABS Collection, NPS. Published bimonthly. If any person does not follow the building code requirements when mixing mortar, it can lead to issues. One open air space begins touching another and so on. Many of these problems originate from improper design or construction, insufficient foundations, weak or inadequate materials, or the effects of external forces such as wind, water, snow, or earthquakes. 5, no. When it comes to brick repair, spalling is an issue that can be noticeable and easily identified. New mortar is then placed around the hole and replacement bricks … Sounds simple, right? Bricks are brittle, and during shipping and installation, they can develop chips on the surface. Any information collected through this page is intended to be used for this transaction only. 23 Ornamental Plaster This expansion of the moisture in the mortar applies pressure to the brick which causes the face of the brick to fracture and peel off. Most important, surface coatings and patching only repair the effects of ground water and wind erosion, they cannot cure the cause. 14 Exterior Additions Repairing Walls. We have a strong knowledge of earthen building, a history of environmental stewardship and a dedication to building sustainable communities. ____________Of Earth and Timbers Made: New Mexico Architecture. These pests undermine and destroy the structural soundness of the adobe building. Normally, it’s the mortar that is the problem, not the brick. This may he done by regrading, by building gravel-filled trenches or brick, tile, or stone drip gutters, or by any technique that will effectively remove the standing rainwater. Spalling occurs when the face of a brick fractures and erodes away. 32 Accessibility It should be cautioned again, however, that adobe deterioration is often the end-product of more than one of these problems. Changes in the building should particularly be noted. Early adobe building foundations varied because of the difference in local building practices and availability of materials. Similarly some adobe bricks have been stabilized, containing cement, asphalt. 5 Adobe Buildings Early Southwest adobe roofs (17th-mid-19th centuries) tended to be flat with low parapet walls. 47 Maintaining the Exterior Fill out the form on the right to get a Free, No Obligation inspection. But its impermanence and the cost of annually renewing it has made it less popular as a surface coating in recent years. Unbaked adobe bricks consisted of sand, sometimes gravel, clay, water, and often straw or grass mixed together by hand, formed in wooden molds, and dried by the sun. There are a number of options available to rectify the problem. 38 Removing Graffiti Every job we take starts with a … 30 Clay Tile Roofs IDEAL FOR: Repairing and filling damage to house bricks and brick walls. These bricks were harder and better suited to weather the erosive action of rainwater; however, the addition of a brick cap to an existing parapet wall creates a drastic change in a structure's appearance and fabric. In the United States, cement stucco came into use as an adobe surface coating in the early 20th century for the revival styles of Southwest adobe architecture. Lime plaster, widely used in the 19th century as both an exterior and interior coating, is much harder than mud plaster. Held together by mortar, they achieve their smooth surface with a layer of mud or cement plaster. We supply the best adobe bricks and provide the best service in the industry. Start small-until you learn the right blend. Try to match the size and color. If these deposits become heavily concentrated, they too can deteriorate the adobe fabric. If left unattended, rainwater damage can eventually destroy adobe walls and roofs, causing their continued deterioration and ultimate collapse. Adobe bricks are only sun-dried, not kiln-fired. This consists of standing the bricks on end for a period of 4 weeks or longer. Instead, an air space will remain between the sand granules. A traditional mixture of mud and straw plaster should be applied to stabilize the exterior of this house. 39 Controlling Unwanted Moisture The early stages of cracking, sagging, or bulging in adobe walls should be monitored regularly. The roof should be inspected periodically. Although the bricks will outlast you or me – it is important to care for them just as you would a wood or stucco home. Many illustrations are new and in color; Captions are simplified and some complex charts are omitted. Wooden poles about 2 inches in diameter (called "latias") were then laid across the top of the vigas. Large plants should be removed carefully so that their root systems will not dislodge adobe material. Often, spalling can cause brick to erode completely, leaving only a hole where a brick used to be. The action of roots may break down adobe bricks or cause moisture retention which will harm the structure. The following article is an excerpt from chapter 5 of The Owner-Built Adobe … Vol. A water-tight roof with proper drainage is the best protection against rainfall erosion. Though the bulk of many historic brick walls are composed of common brick that is hidden from view, what we see on the exterior is a layer of veneer brick—here peeled off the wall. If high wind is a continuing problem, a wind screen or breaker might be built, using fencing or trees. Adobe will not permanently bond with metal, wood, or stone because it exhibits much greater movement than these other materials, either separating, cracking, or twisting where they interface. Consisting of ground gypsum rock, water, and clay, whitewash acts as a sealer, which can be either brushed on the adobe wall or applied with large pieces of coarse fabric such as burlap. Adobe News. To protect the exterior and interior surfaces of new adobe walls, surface coatings such as mud plaster, lime plaster, whitewash, and stucco have been used. Like adobe, mud plaster is composed of clay, sand, water, and straw or grass, and therefore exhibits sympathetic properties to those of the original adobe. Traditionally, adobe surface coatings that protected the fragile adobe building fabric were renewed every few years. Solutions may involve repairing foundations, realigning leaning and bulging walls, buttressing walls, inserting new window and door lintels, and repairing or replacing badly deteriorated roof structures. Haapala, K. V. "Stabilizing and Restoring Old Adobe Structures in California." How to Replace a Damaged Brick . If produced manually the earth mix is cast in open moulds onto the ground and then left to dry out. 29 Slate Roofs Any traditional surface coating may be applied to protect against any possible future destructive effects. Rudy and his crew did an excellent job in repairing over 100 adobe bricks; plus sealing all the bricks on our guesthouse and main house. Adobe King is the premier company for Tucson Adobe Repair. The Association for Preservation Technology Bulletin. In the past, these methods have been inexpensive and readily available to the adobe owner as a solution to periodic maintenance and visual improvement. Historically, flooring materials were placed directly on the ground with little or no subflooring preparation. 45 Wooden Porches Los Lunas, New Mexico. As the moisture content of the adobe increases, there is a point at which the adobe will become soft like putty. However, recent increases in labor costs and changes in cultural and socioeconomic values have caused many adobe building owners to seek more lasting materials as alternatives to these traditional and once inexpensive surface coatings. In some parts of the Southwest, it was common to place a long wooden timber within the last courses of adobe bricks. 18 Rehabilitating Interiors Seeds deposited by the wind or by animals may germinate in adobe walls or roofs as they would in any soil. Whether built in the 17th century or in the 20th century, adobe buildings share common problems of maintenance and deterioration. The bricks should be sprayed lightly with water to increase the cohesive bond. Don’t delay, your home could suffer water damage, pest infestation and higher utility costs. Coving is also caused by spalling during the freeze-thaw cycles. Photo: Russell Lee, Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress. E. H. Making the Adobe Brick. It is, however, less flexible and cracks easily. Tests, however, should be made prior to repairs to check on desired results since they usually are not reversible. 4. If the walls below have uncorrected moisture problems, the added weight of a new roof may cause the walls to bulge (a deformation caused while the adobe mud is in a plastic state). This brief discusses the traditional materials and construction of adobe buildings and the causes of adobe deterioration. The contractor will often reduce the mortar to half so that they are using a mortar with 1,500 pounds of crushing pressure that is supporting a 6 pound brick, which they believe is sufficient for the job. 25 Signage It is necessary to rake out the cracks to a depth of 2 or 3 times the width of a mortal joint to obtain a good "key" (mechanical bond) of the mortar to the adobe bricks. Pest control involving the use of chemicals should be examined carefully in order to assess the immediate and longlasting effects of the chemicals on the adobe building. Often fragments of the original adobe brick have been ground up, mixed with water, and reused to patch the eroded area. 50 Lightning Protection for Historic Structures. 12, nos. Today, all ingredients, except for sand and water, come pre-mixed. Handsplit planks (called "cedros" if cedar and "savinos" if cypress) instead of poles were used when available. It should be noted however, that the cement stucco does not create a bond with unfired or unstabilized adobe; it relies on the wire mesh and nails to hold it in place. A trowel or a large grout gun with new adobe mud mortar may then be used to fill the cracks. Photo: NPS files. All of our inspectors have many years of experience and are trained in masonry restoration. The moisture within the mortar freezes and expands. Often a clay render is applied as a surface coating. 19, no. This material has been very popular because it requires little maintenance when applied over fired or stabilized adobe brick, and because it can be easily painted. Preserving and rehabilitating a deteriorated adobe building is most successful when the techniques and methods used for restoration and repairs are as similar as possible to the techniques used in the original construction. Each brick has approximately 4 cubic inches of mortar beneath it—a total crushing pressure of 3,000 pounds, each brick weighing about 6 pounds. 003-00301740-0, Feb. 1977. Afterall, there are reasons that the ASTM building code requirements are what they are. 15 Concrete For example, roof tiles were widely used in southern California. Mortars composed of portland cement or lime do not have the same thermal expansion rate as adobe brick. Care should be taken to plant trees far enough away from the structure so that the roots will not destroy the foundation or trap moisture. Typically, a hammer, chisel and masonry cutting wheel are used to cut out damaged bricks and mortar. Brick Face Repair. Always patch with the same material that is being replaced. Adobe wall and roof surfaces properly maintained with traditional tiles or surface coatings generally resist the destructive effects of rainwater. Some of the web versions of the Preservation Briefs differ somewhat from the printed versions. 35 Architectural Investigation Washington, D.C.: Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, 1978. It has a crushing pressure of approximately 750 pounds per cubic inch. 9 and 10 (Sept.Oct. If most of the brick is not deteriorated, then the deteriorated portion may be replaced with a half-brick. Their knowledge and professionalism is outstanding. In some instances, incompatible materials can be removed from the building without subsequently damaging the structure. A Word of Caution: Plant removal, regrading, or trenching may be potentially destructive to archaeological remains associated with historic adobe building sites. But every reasonable effort should be made to retain original interior and exterior details. While it would be desirable to arrest that process in order to safeguard the building, no satisfactory method has yet been developed. "Territorial" styles and preferences for certain materials developed. 21 Flat Plaster Ground water (water below ground level) might be present because of a spring, a high water table, improper drainage, seasonal water fluctuations, excessive plant watering, or changes in grade on either side of the wall. Reply. The majority of adobe work in Tucson is from bricks, other construction types are covered by our team as well. thick wall.Would a poured in place concrete beam help to strengthen the wall. Over 30 years of experience passed down and quality checked each and every job we are the most reliable and highly rated Adobe specialists in the Tucson area. With that being said, contractors often have the rationale that you don’t need a mortar with 3,000 pounds of crushing pressure to hold up a 6 pound brick. Any time the ingredients used to mix mortar get out of balance, the mortar becomes something other than TYPE N Masonry, commonly known as brick mortar. 1970). Once in place, the mud plaster must be smoothed. Curing is important. To determine the nature of the deterioration, To identify and correct the source of the problem causing the deterioration, To develop rehabilitation and restoration plans that are sensitive to the integrity of the historic adobe building. Until recently, adobe bricks have been repointed with portland cement; deteriorated wooden lintels and doors have been replaced with steel ones; and adobe walls have been sprayed with plastic or latex surface coatings. Adobe is a formed-earth material, a little stronger perhaps than the soil itself, but a material whose nature is to deteriorate. When used for construction they are laid up into a wall using an earth mortar. The ‘Fiill and Stain ‘ technique of repairing damaged bricks can be a very effective way to slow the deterioration process while providing a repair that minimizes the unpleasant look of damaged or ‘spalling’ bricks. Concrete blocks and cinderblocks are likewise tempting solutions to extensive adobe brick replacement; but, like commercially stabilized adobe bricks, they are not compatible with older and more unstable adobe bricks. The use of traditional lime mortar with the fired brick is advised because it is more watertight and compatible with the harder brick. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. This portion of the house has caught the weather and with the bricks being a soft porouse brick they soak in the rian and moisture. Competent preservation and maintenance of historic adobe buildings in the American Southwest must (1) accept the adobe material and its natural deterioration, (2) understand the building as a system, and (3) understand the forces of nature which seek to return the building to its original state. 44 Awnings Our Advantage Masonry team often hears a customer remark about their “cheap brick”. As much of the deteriorated surface coating as possible should be removed without damaging the adobe brick fabric underneath. Even when very long nails are used, moisture within the adobe may cause the nails and the wire to rust, thus, losing contact with the adobe. 28 Painting Interiors There are several common structural problems in adobe buildings, and while the results of these problems are easy to see, their causes are not. Once any one or all of these solutions has effectively minimized the problems of rising ground water, the coving and deterioration of the walls can be corrected by patching the area with new adobe mud and by applying traditional surface coatings. The following are some common signs and sources of adobe deterioration and some common solutions. Next cedar twigs, plant fibers, or fabric were placed on top of the poles or planks. The process is not so simple where lime plaster and portland cement stuccos are involved. Roy Spears of Adobe Masters (520-331-4004) is a specialist in the repair and waterproofing of burnt adobe brick homes in Tucson, Arizona. 19 Wooden Shingle Roofs The Portland acts as a hardener, the lime is a softener, and the water fuels the curing process. Use this easy mix compound to fill and protect exterior brickwork after frost or water damage. It is easily recognizable because the face of the brick will be either partially or completely missing and recessing back. It is important to rid adobe structures immediately of all plant, animal, and insect pests and to take preventive measures against their return. If not supported, the roof may collapse or deflect. The prepared mud is placed in wooden forms, tamped, and leveled by hand. Bricks are constantly exposed to the elements. Feel free to explore, study and enjoy paintings with PaintingValley.com Adobe is an economical building material to use in almost any climate. Careful attention should be given to replace, repair, and/or reproduce all damaged materials with traditional or original materials. Wind damage on adobe walls and roof surfaces should be repaired with new adobe mud. It is always better to cover adobe with mud plaster even though the mud plaster must be renewed more frequently. every reasonable effort should be made to find clay with a texture and color similar to the original fabric. 7, no. Consequently, it makes the mortar more sandy over time, exponentially increasing the mortar’s ability to absorb water. The adobe brick is molded from sand and clay mixed with water to a plastic consistency. If the walls are dry but severely deteriorated, the added weight may cause the walls to crack or crumble (compression failure). The wall is then covered heavily with the lime plaster. 3 (1935). 1958. Roughly dressed logs (called "vigas") or shaped squared timbers were spaced on close (23 feet or less) centers resting either on the horizontal wooden member which topped the adobe wall, or on decorated cantilevered blocks, called "corbels," which were set into the adobe wall. This is an area of building repair that ought not be attempted by the amateur. Most often, adobe building foundations were constructed of bricks, fieldstones, or cavity walls (double) infilled with rubble stone, tile fragments, or seashells. A mixture of mud and straw is pressed into a mold to form an adobe brick. This technique and the durability of this repair can be either short or long term depending on the severity of the damage. COVERAGE: Repairs 6 bricks … Clifton, James R. Preservation of Historic Adobe Structures: A Status Report. Every effort should be made to recoat the surface with the same material that originally coated the surface. In repairing "coving," the damage caused by rain splash, adobe bricks stabilized with soil cement might be considered. These roofs consisted of logs which supported wooden poles, and which in turn supported wooden lathing or layers of twigs covered with packed adobe earth. Vol. Each situation is different and must be considered on a case by case basis. Windblown sand has often been cited as a factor in adobe fabric erosion. If extensive recoatings in lime plaster or portland cement stucco are necessary, the owner of an adobe building might consider furring out the walls with lathing, then plastering over, thus creating a moisture barrier. Reprinted from El Palacio. Finer brick or cut stone might be reserved for the fini… 77, no. In the west Texas and Tucson areas, "saguaro" (cactus) ribs were used to span between vigas.