Both Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly score in the mid 140s, and their abilities are very obvious. This test is currently accepted by the Glia Society (IQ 150) and, I presume, Hoeflin's own groups, the Top One Percent Society (IQ 137) and the One-in-a-Thousand Society (IQ 150). When she was 10, Marilyn received an IQ score of 168 on an IQ test (the ceiling of the test). The Mega test is so hard, they say, that only super-geniuses [one in a million] could score high enough to even qualify to take the test. of 16. The Mega Foundation. 1 Therefore, on the Mega Test scores, and on an S.D. Required is a score at or above .999999999 of the adult population on a first attempt. This corresponds to a deviation IQ of 188. By self-acclamation, the Mega test was the hardest IQ test in the world, offered by the most exclusive society of geniuses in the world. The Tera Society was founded by Roddy Young in 2009. Started in 2000, this group was established originally in New York by Nathan Haselbauer and is now legally operated in the Netherlands. Epida is a high IQ society founded on 09/01/2010 for people with an IQ equal to or higher than 152 on a scale using a standard deviation of 16. ... Mega Society Re: Estimate Dana Perino's IQ : Who On The FIve Has The Highest IQ… The pico Society, founded by The same person, was incorporated into the new over all platform of humans' ever conceived and those with IQ scores on the One in one trillion range as out layers on the left and right of the bell curve were acted for (IQ 200-201 SD15 and IQ 0-1 SD 15) or more or less were invited to join. To establish the minimum cut-off for groups like the Prometheus Society and the Mega Society, the nominal requirements are 164 IQ (4.0 standard deviations above the mean) and 176 IQ (4.75 standard deviations above the mean), respectively. 09/24/01 Ron writes: "The lower scoring fee of $20 for my tests does not seem to be stimulating much interest, so please raise the fee to $30 per test." However, extrapolating (presumably, her measured mental age was 22 years, 10 months), she was assigned an IQ of 228. ... IQs of 163, 167, and 170+, respectively, on an S.D. The IQ equivalent earned by her subjects on the verbal test—the test which is probably the closest equivalent to a conventional IQ test—was a median of 166, a score that is about the same as that earned by the average member of the Prometheus Society. Her adult deviation IQ score on the Mega … Retest scores are not accepted, as are scores self-normed by the applicant. A high IQ society is an organization that aims to limit its membership to people who are within a certain high percentile of IQ test results. International High IQ Society. In my opinion, most people in the media would score less than 120 on IQ tests with some obvious exceptions. Insecure people who perform well on standardized tests join them in order to bolster their sense of really being intelligent.. The International High IQ Society is open to individuals who have demonstrated an IQ in the top five percent of the population. The Mega Society, One-in-a-Thousand Society, and Top One Percent Society all accept the Titan Test for admission purposes but only the latter two societies accept the Mega Test for admission." The boast of the Mega Society is that it has no peers.