Apologies if I'm asking a stupid question, but I'm not sure my best way to run EQ these days. In general, the types of lean mass gain and the rate at which the gains occur are very similar between the two anabolic steroids. Hope this helps, and at 400/wk I don’t think most would experience anxiety from it personally-JD. I am using 200mg Test and 400mg Boldenone/EQ starting for next week.. At this time, I am just finishing cruising using 200mg Test Prop and 300mg Masteron for 8 weeks.. Hi JD, got a question. I shall do . Thanks! Equipoise doses in the 300-400mg per week range will be perfect for most men, but some will require or desire a little more. Keep in mind is my first time running EQ. Which i usually just run a test cycle . check the box for disable fullscreen optimizations. For me this is usually exactly 10ml so 1g has 1 mL displacement. I FUCKING HATE REDDIT……WITH A FUCKING PASSION!! I am 36 years old and I am competitive Physique Athlete, I have been competing about 30 times since I was 23 years old.. My Height is 5’9 and Weight is 194lbs (I stay lean year round, single digit percentage of body fat). Recently ran a fall cycle and made some great gains. He wants to do more Deca after the Test is done. My guy recommended to run some proviron & clomid. This information is outdated. Unfortunately this time he didn’t have my nolva when I fetched the proviron Midway through the cycle. It does not do much until week 12. I honestly appreciate everything u have done man, you are a life saver. Hey John, thanks so much for all the great information you share. A very basic and beginner variant of Equipoise cycles, this particular one introduces a minimum and safe amount of compounds while providing effective results and potential gains. I always pre order my PCT & make sure it’s on hand before my cycle ends. I havent experimented much with steroids so i wanna keep the doses low as i can already make gains clean . This is to provide a kickstart to the cycle for the first 4 weeks while EQ levels slowly rise to optimal target levels in the body. I have used Anavar 60mg/day for 12 weeks. Third cycle your receptors should be really fresh so gains by your final pin should be sweet. I have cycled test,deca, and dbol several years ago but I’ve recently considered jumping on my next cycle of Test Cyp and EQ and from what I’ve been reading at my age, it’s just best to stay and cruise on test after cycle since pct and cycling on and off is much more toxic on the body… I wanted to see your point of view on that and starting a self prescribed Test Cyp TRT. – Equipoise at 600mg/week You need to read Straight From the Underground – the ultimate reference guide to steroids, God help us all, Grandpa is on Trenbolone! This is why you’ll see a lot of bodybuilders talk about EQ raising their red blood cells (RBC). I am an easy gainer. I use them mostly in my OFF Season. Thanks for the quick replies, reason i ask is i'm working on my next cycle and was going to run 8 wks test e, and wasn't sure if 8wks on equipoise would be enough to see optimum results. Testosterone is not meant to be a primary anabolic compound in this cycle and is instead relegated to the supportive position of providing normal physiological levels of Testosterone. The irony of using Equipoise to artificially increase testosterone is that … If you missed the first part click, I’ve never done gear JD and I’ve been in the gym for 5 weeks now my diet is solid .iam 43 years old Iam doing therapy with test from my doctor of 200 mg a week Iam thinking about Doing eq to help me lose weight and get my body back I shape I don’t wanna be huge just ripped Iam 5 11 215 And almost back to 36 waist I am just not sure of what to gear up with my body respond well to training and test , what would you suggest I got your book and Iam reading it but I stiljust not sure thanks JD for all your info, Eq is a good addition, it’s not too harsh and the gains are quality. The gains from an Equipoise cycle are consistent and steady. Thanks for following- JD. Arimidex taken to 1 mg/day week 1, then resume 1/2 mg daily weeks 2-3 HCG @ 2500 iu/week x 2 weeks (split into 2 shots of 1250 iu per week) I am coming back after 2 years into the steroid cycle.. As any steroid, Eq should be used with testosterone. He ran out of Deca two weeks ago and we'll both be out of Test in 2 more weeks. Thanks for the response mate. click properties. But hearing what you have to say will be taken more into consideration due to your cycles, training & diets all being very on point for the approach I take in my lifestyle. Go 600-800mg equipoise for first 2 weeks then drop back to 400 throughout the remainder, I am an competitive Physique Athlete, I have been competing about 30 times since I was 23 years old.. Intermediate Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time) Viola it went away , – mid cycle. I have some pre-existing gyno from a year ago (400mg sust.. yeah i know) so i m sceptical as its my first time of using EQ dbol and AIs. Thanks for your reply John! You recommend running anything else with it? At the base of the article each reference will be linked to a peer-reviewed study or paper. This article contains scientific references. Equipoises, like most … Once Dianabol administration has been terminated, blood plasma levels of Equipoise should have reached a steady peak and therefore the user should be experiencing gains. Privacy is #1. EQ is most commonly dosed at 200 mg/ml and sometimes you see UGL's (underground labs) producing 300mg/ml versions of it. Also how much aromasin should i use during the cycle ,and some help on the pct please. STEEPLECHASE ON PROGRAM International Handicap, … EQ cycles in particular must actually be run for cycle lengths longer than average. I have found your web site a while ago. My advice is to just go with 500mg/wk of test if finances are an issue. Instead of HCG and Nolva can you pls suggest some other Pct.. Hey John Doe, Thank you so much for all your posts! Told me to come collect the HCG & proviron & run it with a natural test booster. You have it moved to be program 1 (closest to the start menu), then you will press Windows + 1, 1, 1 (Hold Windows key, press 1 three times). Thanks for following-JD. Thank you. Trenbolone Enanthate in particular is chosen, in order to blend well with the other two anabolic steroids that possess longer half-lives as a result of the longer esters (Enanthate and Undecylenate). Please keep preaching. Thanks JD but what brand eq , roid plus gen shi are oms .thanks a lot for your info JD . Advanced Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time) – Dianabol at 25mg/day. Is frontloading also neccessary? We could say the same thing for practically any anabolic on the market right now, and guys are bigger and leaner than ever nowadays and they’re doing the same shit everyone else is doing. Breaks my heart seeing 23 year olds at dosages SO high. It's hard enough for the human ear to detect definition in the bass … For example, you run 6 instances of EQ, you want to get to the 3rd one. Contact him again. I have run cycles simulair to the way you lay your out. Our content is referenced where possible. Another word for equipoise. I am in my mid 30’s about to go on my first cycle. The earliest recording consoles had simple EQ controls for boosting or cutting high and low-end. Hydrolysate or Concentrate. Aside from a little arimadex to negate the water/possible estro from the test, you don’t need anything else. Hi JD: Great info. The format and its goal are clear: Running circles around the unrivaled tracks of the Formula E Championship while collecting donations with every finished lap. It’s main effect is increased red blood cell count. Study: Is Citrus Extract Sinensetin Anabolic? When using EQ to build muscle it's smooth and steady and provides results week after week. Equipoise is great for building muscle or cutting fat! 10-13-2004, 12:48 PM #7 400-600 is common level. /safelock: password: Locks the EQ interface (mouse clicks, keyboard, most slash commands) with the supplied password. Have you ever tried stacking it with Deca and Test? Thanks a lot JD and Dave ,but I got one more ? At its debut at the 2019 Berlin E-Prix, the run generated €25,000 towards the Laureus Sports for Good foundation. Was running 250 mg of test 2x a week & 300mg of equo 1x a week. The truth of the matter is, Equipoise is an anabolic steroid that should most usually be stacked with other compounds, and all EQ cycles should always include Testosterone in them. To ask to be safe and legit , who should I use, roid plus , oms are gen shi are who do you suggest for eq .thanks ,Chad . Now slowly squirt eq into vial until scale says 10.0 grams. More so than any other compound I have run. This cycle introduces a couple of distinct changes from the beginner cycle as well. How To Run A Successful ESG Investor Day 13 July 2020. Which Whey Protein Is Better? It is not uncommon to see users venturing above this recommended cycle length, every individual must understand that this will increase the likelihood of negative side effects, diminished gains, and increased potential damage to the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis). Weeks 1 – 12: I loved the results. RBC and Hematocrit has never been an issue for the past 13 years of my continuous gear usage.. RBC and Hemoglobin both were always in normal range.. Tren is typically dosed at 100mg/ml or 75mg/ml so you would need 2-3 vials of that if using tren. I’d suggest 400mg/wk of EQ for 12 weeks alongside your TRT dose of test. I thinking of taking something like, EQ 500mg/per week/10 weeks Test E 500mg/per week/10weeks Pct – After 2 weeks of Test E 40mg of nolvadex for 2 weeks and 20mg for next 2 weeks, Does that look okay for the cycle? This particular cycle can be utilized for almost any purpose: bulking, lean mass gaining, or cutting. If you run a longer cycle and use the EQ, test will always stack well. Most steroid cycles will commonly be run in the window of 12 – 14 week cycles at a maximum for this reason. EQ is slow acting. Equipoise needs to be run in longer cycles and is for the person that is happy with moderate gain over the cycle. It’ll still suppress you so be sure to use a proper PCT. Equipoise is very versatile, it can be used for both cutting and bulking cycles. But once again, this is where their similarities end. Despite the easy availability of the original Equipoise … Equipoise is essentially just an alternative for testosterone, which is the hormone that makes people or animals feel much more energetic and active. If you are planning on running a 5-6 week cycle use test prop, but you may actually have some muscle gain so be prepared to fight off the wife. It’s good to see someone else out there who has similar views and methods. Is Boldenone more harsh on lipid profile than Testosterone or Nandrolone? I usually never leave comments, or even join the chat boards I have been reading in for the past 10 years. You absolutely need to run a cycle support product when running Equipoise or any type of other steroid. 5’10” 185lbs mesomorph. Although it can be utilized for cutting cycles during periods of fat loss just as easily, Equipoise commonly finds itself used as a mass-adding agent. For example, an individual that finds himself very sensitive to certain side effects from Nandrolone but prefers an anabolic steroid of a very similar anabolic:androgenic strength ratio as well as a very similar rate of Estrogenic activity would instead opt for EQ cycles over Nandrolone. During cutting cycles it's stacked with trenbolone and winstrol. Diet will be 4day low carb and 3day high carb. Too late for clomid/ nolva? Mabuhay from Philippines! Companies have traditionally run Capital Market Days (CMD) as a way for senior management to meet investors, in a slightly more relaxed approach, to talk about the broader direction of travel of the business in terms of strategy. Pppl get carried away with anti-e’s now, there should be no need on EQ and a minimal amount of testosterone, just being real here. Thanks. Many men can tolerate as much as 600mg per week very well, but we cannot advise going over this dose for most men. If so forget the EQ, it needs to be ran at least 12 weeks. Talking parrots just repeat what they hear. But he decided arimadex was better for PCT. Most will tell you it’s not safe to run alone, but I’m of a different opinion on this and I see no issues with it other than not “feeling” the effects of testosterone elevation. On cycle the side effects were minimal besides some gynae. I am suspect about running without test – lots of forums suggest not to run anything without test as a base. I've found that taking equipoise on Mon/Wed/Fri makes life easy because I could just do 1cc 3 time per week and I was at 600 mg per week. Equipoise relates to uncertainty about whether a treatment is effective or a new treatment is better than the existing options. /run: Makes your character run if it isn't. Equipoise was always my go-to compound. *Do you think Nolvadex would be sufficient for PCT? /say: text I ordered my whole cycle but totally miscalculated and only got one bottle of eq500 instead of two. I am 36 and have been lifting since i was 18. Hv 12% bf and decent musculature. I've experienced a little anxiety from EQ before but never any issues with ED. I am now 36 years old, My Height is 5’9 and Weight is 194lbs (I stay lean year round, single digit percentage of body fat). How much? When I run EQ and get vascular and hard as nails and stronger I don’t even need to question it, I know it’ working, Hi sir. Therefore, many individuals have found that Nandrolone and Equipoise are interchangeable substitutes for one another in cycles. I've never found much benefit to using more than 600 mg/week. Boldenone abuse may also cause acne, increased frequency of erections, unnatural hair growth, oily skin, enlarging clitoris or penis. Out of anything I have read online, your training, AAS, nutrition is in line with how I view things. trust me man there are plenty of UGL’s dosing the powder at the right amount with injectable EQ. This article describes the most popular ways how Equipoise cycles are arranged and some PCT logs to arrange after cycle is over. Without such intervention, cycles such as this can present possible Estrogenic side effects such as water retention, which will provide the often undesired ‘soft’ and bloated look to the physique. Do you suggest doubling the Equip dosage to 500? Cannot agree more. Some users can experience slight anxiety or paranoia on EQ and a small percentage of users can experience erectile dysfunction similar to Deca. That’s why it produces results and side effects similar to other testosterone derivatives like Testosterone Cypionate. The highest Hematocrit was 51 when I was on 300mg Test/300mg Tren/300mg Deca/300mg Mast/500mg EQ a few years ago.. My main issue is always lipid profile (Low HDL), maybe because I have been active competing for 13 years since I was 23 years old.. I’ve got another bottle of eq coming but it’s 2 and a half weeks away and I ran out of eq yesterday, and I’m about to start week 8 of 16. I personally know of specific UGL’s that pro bodybuilders are using and they work well. -JD. yes, EQ for 15 weeks is good. In terms of frontloading EQ, honestly I like doing that myself. Along with longer cycles that were mentioned, Equipoise is run at higher dosages too. – Trenbolone Enanthate at 400mg/week. Or could I just run arimistane? Is it safe to run alone at this dose? Said it’s “normal” after equi. I would disagree on that. Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate), or EQ, is a veterinarian grade anabolic steroid with a similar molecular structure to testosterone, where a double carbon bond was added to alter its structure.However, its effects are not very similar to testosterone; in fact, EQ was designed to be an injectable form of Dianabol (D-Bol). The second change is the reduction of Testosterone to 100mg weekly, which is a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dose, and serves only to maintain normal physiological function of Testosterone during a period in which endogenous natural Testosterone is non-functioning or suppressed as a result of the use of exogenous anabolic steroids in this cycle. Equipoise could be considered an anabolic steroid that possesses moderate versatility, and some might even consider it slightly more versatile than Testosterone itself (this is because Equipoise retains the same anabolic strength as Testosterone while exhibiting far less androgenic and Estrogenic activity). A leading two-year-old in 1930, he missed most of the next season, including two of the three American Triple Crown races through injury and illness. When EQ is used to cut there is hardly any water retention from it and its ability to maintain muscle during a caloric deficit is incredible. 250 Test E + 250 Equip + 400 Primo every week. Budget isnt an issue, gear is cheap here in India (Mumbai). Beginner EQ Cycle Example (14 weeks total cycle time) I only see the bulking protocol in the article. Is EQ safe to run by itself for 12 weeks at 50g a week? Our team of experts and qualified doctors strive to be objective, unbiased and honest. And find myself constantly coming back. Draw up 12ml of Eq using 12ml syringe, make sure there are no airbubbles and plunger is exactly in line with 12ml hatch mark. I’m 5.8 89kg 13%bf Or should I swop with tren. It’s not necessary, but I find that when it kicks in it really bangs hard. I feel like it kicks in harder when I front load higher the first couple weeks. IRON CITY PIT, I’d be splitting the EQ up into 2x/wk shots spaced out evenly, you also want to split your sustanon into 2x/wk shots so you can take more advantage of the test propionate in there. There’s no difference in price except for the fact that you will need to buy more EQ. It's a good idea to use cycle aids with your EQ run, both cardarine (GW-501516) and N2Guard is a must The difference in this case is the exclusion of Nandrolone, replaced by Equipoise, which serves to demonstrate to a variable degree that Equipoise is indeed capable of acting as a Nandrolone replacement of sorts. My friend ran Test Enan/Deca @ 300mg each/week. Testosterone suppression. right click the EQ shortcut icon. the problem is with the fullscreen optimizations causing it to not launch. But I’m curious if anyone has run a cycle of equipoise only directly behind the cycle of test for 6weeks at a time? EQ not a quick bang like other steroids such as testosterone or Trenbolone, but equipoise has very little in the way of side effects and it's about as versatile as you can get when it comes to cycling steroids. I am currently on 250mg/week of test cyp. I really appreciate the response. The third change is that of a 12 week cycle total time instead of 14 weeks. really starts to work at 12-16 weeks. I am planning my 2nd cycle in Dec 2018. Begin your EQ PCT 2 weeks after your last testosterone shot. Stats are 6″2 , 225, 11% 25 yo been lifting for 9 years, Done about 2-3 low dose cycles. Consume L-Citrulline, Study: Increase Endurance with Caffeine and L-Carnitine. Shout-out to the Philippines!! I have never tried HGH or insulin. i hope it works for you. Time to see a doctor? When overdosed or abused, Equipoise can result in health complications such as deepening of voice, irregular menstrual cycles, unnatural hair growth, and unusual hair loss. Shit, go for it. Can I substitute more test or deca until the eq arrives? Does that look okay for a cycle? yes and yes. This is my third cycle. Not everyone responds to things the same way as the next guy. You'll occasionally hear talk about how guys are getting nothing out of it but some of these guys don't understand the way equipoise works. I usually do 800 or 900 first 2 weeks, then back it down to 600/wk the remainder, sometimes 400 but usually 600, hope this helps -JD. You need to read Straight From the Underground – the ultimate reference guide to steroids. Many readers will also notice as well that the typical cycle length of this particular cycle is 14 weeks long. Equipoise cycles are most usually either bulking cycles or lean mass cycles in which the user’s typical goal is that of significant mass and size increases (including strength gains). It’s funny because half the people getting crazy even at an armature level, I run compounds low and don’t get into the hyp of ones that can effect my long term health, and you can stand me by them and most would agree my physic will be more on point year round, even if I am in a blast or cruise. First time I’ve done equi. As I mentioned Eq needs to be run for a minimal of 12 weeks as it will give the user slow but steady gains during cycle. Chapter 2, Arimidex taken to 1 mg/day week 1, then resume 1/2 mg daily weeks 2-3, HCG @ 2500 iu/week x 2 weeks (split into 2 shots of 1250 iu per week), Clomid taken at 100 mg/day first 5 days, drop back to 50 mg/day the next 15 days. Equipoise is a generally well-tolerated anabolic steroid for most men, and is often very well-tolerated by many women when low doses are applied. Weeks 1 – 14: I haven’t run EQ yet, but I’m interested in adding it for next cycle. click compatibility tab. However I do like to front load the first 2 weeks at 800 mg and then back down to 600 mg/week for the remainder of the cycle. It would not be ethical to run a trial if we know ahead of time that one treatment is definitely better than another. This is to accommodate the slow and steady action of Equipoise, as the average user on such a cycle will typically not begin to see any significant gains in terms of strength or size until approximately the 5th week mark on average. 50mg/ml is as common in non-UG EQ, if not more common, than 200 mg/ml. I would like to ask if EQ can be run alone for 20weeks at 400mg per week? check run as administrator. What would you suggest for a cutting cycle? And some even adjust the test a hair too to dial in specific goals. Sus is a blend of 3 long esters and 1 prop ester so it’s a time released testosterone. But this is an important detail to remember. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please contact us through the feedback form at the base of this page. The only major change is the addition of the very powerful injectable anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Can i kickstart with dbol tabs? EQ is known for raising it. However, although it’s been awhukensince last time I ran equipoise, I don’t recall any scares on labs or it being any worse than things like testosterone and deca. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable media sites, academic research institutions and, whenever possible, medically peer reviewed studies. Cardiac Health & Changes Associated With Anabolic Steroid Usage, Anabolic Steroids And The Cardiovascular System. Anyways stuck in a hole I took the arimadex as instructed. Such a cycle should provide minimal Estrogenic activity and would be very suitable for cutting, lean mass addition, and even bulking cycles. How much did your red blood cell count jump up staying on EQ that long and what dosage were you using to stay on it up to 2 years without a major increase in hematocrit levels? Have 12 tabs of proviron left What would you recommend? Side effects of Equipoise use are certainly possible, but most healthy adults should find this anabolic steroid very manageable. some good info here. Weeks 1 – 12: The first noticeable change is the addition of the oral anabolic steroid Dianabol at 25mg daily. To achieve this, we created a unique event: the Mercedes-Benz EQ Run. I was not one of these people. I was wondering if running EQ 400mg/week for 16 weeks with my test cycle is a good cycle. Only shooting it once/wk will make it so the prop ester is out of your system before you take it again, making for more unstable blood levels. They will donate blood to help combat this side effect. The following guide is designed to teach you how to launch and login to multiple EQ accounts with a single double click of an icon. It’s hard to explain but my overall feeling of well being is vastly improved when I run it. Now that I have hit my 30’s these are options I will start reading about allot more before trying. Equipoise (1928–1938) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse and sire.In a career which lasted from 1930 until 1935, he ran fifty-one times and won twenty-nine races. My test isn’t as bad but still wouldn’t say 70% – going on my strength in gym & erection longevity with the natural test booster. Muscle gains from EQ are more sustainable after cycles end. Equipoise cycles are also normally run for much longer cycle lengths than most other compounds, due to the fact that its longer half-life provides a slower release and peak-time for effects to be seen. The contents of this website, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. This website is truly godsend with places like reddit and other muscle forums advising Ridiculously huge amounts where as for most people aesthetics is the primary reason. Also at what dosage did you feel anxiety and how bad was it? This command is not toggleable (i.e. The exact same thing can be said for individuals that find Equipoise to be undesirable for whatever reasons – they may opt to run cycles that include Nandrolone over Equipoise.