In that short… time, the kidnapper had drugged the child, cut his hair different, and put a different shirt on him. Wells. LUCIFER IS NICE. International financier Edmond Safra’s private bank, the Republic National Bank of NY, launders money from the Medellin drug cartel. Why is it so important to the FBI and CIA to cover up that Walt was an FBI agent? While Cathy O’Brien got programmed via the Catholics, Jim was part of another denomination which also was into programming, the charismatic Assemblies of God… It would be worth pointing out who has come to Jim Bakker’s rescue when he was under attack… Ronald Reagan, Dale Evans, Robert Schuller, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham and Rex Hubbard. The paper trail proves otherwise. Your story refers to *one* incident which did *not* occur at the park, and for that matter even the use of "abduction" is questionable. Another slave abuser that spent time with Disney was Bob Hope… On the opening days telecast, cameras showed Sammy Davis Jnr. Go missing? Some of the next full length animated films to come out were: The Three Caballeros (1945), The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad (1949), Cinderella (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951), The Story of Robin Hood & His Merrie Men (1952), Peter Pan (1953), 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), Sleeping Beauty (1959). (Anaheim will issue $400 million in bonds. They have a scripted answer to the girl's every worry. I knew she would be back in a few mins because our PLAN was to always meet at the ice cream shop. The school is a prep school for the establishment’s entertainment industry…, Rich Frank was President of Walt Disney’s TV-Media Division. (See, “... Freemason Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid, pres. Walt observes his parents strange reactions concerning his birth certificate and other questions, and begins to deeply distrust his father. THE BRITISH EMPIRE, HOMOSEXUAL/LESBIAN/TRANSVESTITE NEW WORLD ORDER, IN Gold, Oil, Drugs (GOD) We Trust - THE BLINDNESS OF MODERN DAY CHRISTIANITY, CHRISTIANS FOOLED OVER THE ASHKE-NAZI 'JEWS' OF ISRAEL, CONCERNING THE MODERN DAY NAZI STATE OF ISRAEL - CHRISTIANS SHOULD TAKE NOTE. LUCIFER EXPLOIT THEM!’". ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. Before we entered the park of that July 4th hot day, I put notes in the pockets of my children. Bakker hired people who had worked for Disney to construct Heritage USA. Steven Rockefeller and Walt Disney travelled and spent time together with Dr. Hadley Cantril, an establishment expert on human behaviour…, An insider states that the Disney police are definitely part of those moving and abusing innocent children brought in for occult rituals… Employees do not enter the theme parks like the visitors, nor do they move around like the visitors. Will my baby feel pain? I checked in with "CITY HALL" on Main Street at least 15 times and each time my daughters name was not be found on the Lost Child list. HONEST SCIENTISTS & DOCTORS CONTROLLED AND INTIMIDATED. He is perhaps the second richest man in the nation, and too powerful for anyone to touch… Readers need to study the Lincoln Savings & Loan scandal and the scandals connected to programmed child slaves at Boys Town to get more information on this Disney stockholder…, The Tommy Dorsey Band –This band has had a number of men in it who are mind-control slave abusers associated with the Network. THE ELUSIVE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF BARACK OBAMA. ORDO AB CHAO - ORDER FROM CHAOS SWINE FLU REVOLT, POISONED VACCINES: Retired Vaccine Researcher to Jon Rappoport, BAXTER INTERNATIONAL'S NEW BIO WEAPON TESTED IN THE UKRAINE. A family abduction is the taking or concealing of a child under the age of 17 against the person's legal rights. EVOLUTIONISTS KNOW THEIR THEORY IS WARPED!! They were not known as Disney then, but because they came from the French Norman town of Isigny, they took the name d’isigny, and anglicised it to Disney… Locals in the Napa area do not trust any of the Disneys, especially the Roy O. side of the family. His impotency to carry out normal sex may help explain his secret sexual habits. I know that Bob Hope, Walt, and the rest of those who were involved in this horrendous mind controlled program are rotting in hell for the injustices heaped upon the lives of millions of children. CAYENNE PEPPER COULD STOP THAT HEART ATTACK! Crouch’s right hand man was Alexander Valderama, a charismatic Roman Catholic. The song and dolls play important roles in these alter’s mind-control program…, “Both rituals and programming go on at Disney amusement parks during both day and night. a remember being afraid and a really tall man. World’s largest, . Child Abduction Facts. Family abductions usually involve parents taking their children. Abductions by strangers. In exchange for their $14 million investment in Arvida, they had gotten... $950 million worth of Disney stock... Roy is involved in criminal activities, and several people investigating him have been bluntly warned that if they continue, they will see their children murdered. Disney has risen to become the unquestionably largest media-entertainment conglomerate in the world…, … HOW THE ILLUMINATI LIKE TO HIDE BEHIND PERFECT FRONTS. Admirals are briefed each day, and are given information concerning the secret power structure. Twenty four children called mouseketeers would help Mickey… Disney used his mouseketeers to play all the roles in an Oz movie Rainbow Road to Oz, which was never shown to the public. Shirley has shown clues that she may have been an Illuminati mind-controlled child protégé. HISTORY CHANNEL DOCUMENTARY VALIDATES CHEMTRAILS AND WEATHER WARFARE. Coerse children that the Bible isn't true or doesn't matter, all you need is Sorcer's Apprentic Mickey. Don't be a couch potato - put your TV in its rightful place... the bin! When Disney celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a two hour special on May 20, 1991, the programme included people like occultist Bill Campbell… Hillary Clinton (herself an Illuminati Grand Dame and a mind-control programmer) shared with the audience that she and Bill ‘first brought daughter Chelsea to the Magic Kingdom when she was four.’. SWINE FLU SMOKING GUN? In Oz she goes through many mind-control scenarios, ruby slippers, mirrors, etc. The film is realer than real to the child…, At this time, the child is a multiple, but the walls between the various parts of the mind are not solid, but similar to the walls between ego states in an adult non-multiple… The child will see the movie so many times in such vivid form and will be tested to the point that the movie will be memorised… The Illuminati had been creating trained multiples for years, bur they knew they wanted to program the different personalities in accordance with the best mind-control techniques of the day. Very soon after the production of all these movies, the Illuminati and their intelligence agencies used them for Illuminati total mind-control programming… Disney played an important part in the Illuminati’s plan to elevate animals and dehumanise humans…, Walt used the Le Sacred u Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for Fantasia. If only they knew what Disney’s primary goal is.’, “… His main home was an estate in Holmby Hills… where lots of rich show business families lived. A QUESTION FOR OUR TIMES, GLASWEGIAN BENJAMIN CREME'S FAILED ATTEMPT AT PRODUCING THE ANTICHRIST, A WEE TASTE OF THE ROTHSCHILDS FASCIST NEW WORLD ORDER, ILLUMINATI FAMILY MEMBER EXPOSES ROTHSCHILDS, ILLUMINATI INSIDER 'EXPONENT' JORDAN MAXWELL - EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY. How many kids are kidnapped by family members? The parade had started. I was ignored completely. The four of us were waiting for the evening parade to begin at 6:30pm. Wherefore He saith, AWAKE THOU THAT SLEEPETH, AND ARISE FROM THE DEAD, AND CHRIST SHALL GIVE THEE LIGHT. They have underground tunnels and… entrances and facilities for that… Walt Disney Inc. has teamed up with, One of the Disney executives began one of the most horrible trauma-based mind-control programming centres, in, Trinity Broadcasting Network. Cases like Walt’s were watched because people who could be blackmailed could be resources in the future for Hoover. Here we have a boy with no soul, who is told if he works hard he will be given one… The script was definitely changed to have a storyline far more useful to mind-control programming… Both Snow White and Pinocchio have occult type ‘deaths and resurrections’… Although Walt was financed by the Mishpucka (Jewish Mafia), he didn’t like the idea. What is highly esteemed among men, is an abomination to God according to the Word of God… behind the appearance of wholesomeness… lies abominations – some of the most grotesque aspects of generational occultism the world has ever seen…, Years ago, an Illuminati Grand Master and programmer stated, ‘If the world only had the eyes to see the fibres which lay under the surface of Walt Disney’s image, they’d tar and feather him and drag him through the streets. I tell my family and friends about the agenda of the elites for them to wake up, with all the murders committed by these sick demented people who are used by the devil but will surely Parish because once he uses the people to praise him he spits them out and all of a sudden their crazy and end up in asylums or homeless when their not crazy they speak truths. Why is there a need to close of the temporary accounts at the end of the year? While pretending to make fun of witchcraft, they actually teach witchcraft… the three witches stand for the maiden, mother, crone combo that the Illuminati reverence. The Luxembourg/ Belgium branch of Bank Nacional de Paris issued a bearer bond that was connected to the Lendvest drug running operation. Disney personal were no help at all. We FREAKIN' COUNTED ON YOU AND YOU BETRAYED US! 3. (, … In an office memo from the new… SAC FBI agent to, Once the reader is familiar with the programming scripts, the reader merely needs to watch the Disney, “Both rituals and programming go on at Disney amusement parks during both day and night. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - WANNABE ANTICHRIST! Schools in Florida and California areas make field trips to the Magic Kingdom that are arranged with Disney. 200 singing shows a year at places like Mafia controlled Atlantic City. This date is 10 years off Walt’s birth date, and is intended to throw people off track… they plant a fake birth certificate for Walt in the Illinois State records for the year 1890. - Maurice Strong, multi-billionaire Luciferian co-founder and first head of UN Environmental Programme, opening speech, Rio Earth Summit 1992. … one ex-worker… 10 years with Disney, was caught discussing his divorce with another worker. The Nestle family is exposed in this author’s booklet Illuminati Control over Foods and Grains, p. 4 as one of the elite Black Nobility families. This author theorises that the reason the FBI and CIA are so touchy about letting people know that Walt worked for the government is that the Network knows how the FBI and CIA worked together to procure children for mind-control programming purposes. From what this author has learned from some sources about Walt’s non-public life as a hidden sadistic porn king, it raises questions about other parts of his life. & State) were filed over the years by victims trying to expose the Disneyworld programming tunnels, so that finally the programming centre was dismantled, cleaned up and a ‘maintenance’ tunnel level and a ‘casting’ tunnel level were opened to the public. of Bristol Meyers Co.), In 1935, Walt Disney received the French legion of Honour for his Mickey Mouse cartoons. “After the Bass brothers joined the Disney management (and became one of Disney’s major stockholders), they soon joined sides with Roy E. in a management fallout over whether Disney should buy Gibson Greeting Card Company. No doubt his 32° Masonic membership and his De Molay activities helped boost his support and… Walt’s bend towards the occult…, “He was showered with 700 awards and honours from important people, including 30 Oscars and the Presidential Medal of Freedom… In 1934, Walt Disney made a cartoon about a goddess of the Mystery religions named Persephone. One mother who got separated from her child when getting off a train, frantically told a guard her child was missing. They also wanted to make occultism/witchcraft the common belief of the American people. She was used by the CIA in an operation in Australia, where the CIA used her as a sex slave to compromise Andrew Peacock, an Australian MP, so that they could establish the Nugent-Hand Bank for their dirty money laundering etc. Wesley Ernest Disney, a 32° Mason and Shriner, who was a U.S. CHINA TO LEAD NEW WORLD ORDER - WELL, THAT IS THE CURRENT PLAN FROM LONDON! MAIN PAGE MESSAGE: Click here to continue reading... the film industry - and I include Walt Disney in this - are controlled by Satanic Freemasonry. Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney were good friends and both cut from the same die in many ways. We all thought disney was so great and loving and caring and all those great things. During her life she has gotten repeated ‘psychic urgings’ – that is, strong urges to do things and go places, which she doesn’t understand… After hypnosis, Christa drew pictures of the doctor who programmed her. She married someone from an elite network family from, “… Warren Buffett. Bakker had already gotten his career kicked off with Illuminatus Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Was Shirley an early example of brain-stem scarring to get geniuses? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - WORLD'S 1ST FREEMASONIC NATION! THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THEIR GREAT CROP CIRCLE SCAM. With such huge crowds, it doesn’t take much imagination how the Illuminati have been able to do sneaky criminal activities right in front of people, and the public never sees it… Euro Disney has been a money losing affair, but the Saudi’s who benefit from its mind-control, gave Disney the money to keep it financially in business…, Disney, through their movies, books, toys, records, etc. It was in a basement that you had to walk downstairs to enter. no one ever told me about Disney and it's evil but i gradually began to sense it on a level that is more instinctive than anything else.. What prompt me to post was the mother who's daughter was missing. A great deal for two mind-controlled slaves. Many victims of trauma based mind-control have taken hold of the illusions that were programmed into their minds secretly at Disney, and never let go. Eternity and a Day (1998) “In the 1951 cartoon, Get Rich Quick, Goofy wins money at poker and his initially angry wife who doesn’t like gambling forgives him when she sees how much he’s won… The gambling spirit is a very powerful spirit that the Illuminati want to instil in this nation… Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is a military expert on how to condition people so that they will kill. The Bass’ owned 27% in Prime Computer, as well as sizeable real estate and oil holdings. My daughter said that she rode a train underground that took her to the Gerber lost and found children area. Several members of the Disney family came to England with William the Conqueror. The only full-time African-American during Walt’s lifetime was a black shoe-shine man… Arthur Babbitt claims, ‘On more than one occasion I observed Walt Disney and Gunther Lessing there [at Nazi meetings], along with a lot of other prominent Nazi-afflicted Hollywood personalities…’, In the final panel of the Mickey Mouse comic strip of 6/19/40 a swastika appeared. In 1955, Walt Disney made his cartoon character Mickey Mouse real by creating a fan club – the Mickey Mouse Club, which aired five days a week usually just as children came home from school. The street was bare at Disney at 2:00 am and my Mother and son had not left their spot at the ice cream shop. Which adjective used twice in the opening paragraph gives the reader the central clues to the woman's appearance. - EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!! SO ALBERT EINSTEIN WAS AN ATHEIST WAS HE? THE TRUE MOUNT SINAI - COULD THIS BE THE ACTUAL ROCK THAT GAVE FORTH WATER? At that time, Melodyland was a rich heavily infiltrated charismatic church, with its share of programmed multiples. Um..if you check the original post, he asked about "numerous child abductions at the park." When did organ music become associated with baseball? That it was meant to be a pilgrimage. We always would meet at the Ice Cream shop on main street when we separated. Using phoney names and paying cash, Disney buyers bought the land and swore the sellers to secrecy… in 1971, Walt Disney World was opened to the public. Later in 1983, they renamed it Snow White’s Scary Adventures. SILENT WEAPONS OR QUIET WARS - 'WHO' KILLED AFRICA GETS READY TO KILL THE WORLD! There is more – much more to the sordid affairs which swirl around Roy Disney. They dont make you happy. YELLOWSTONE PARK - GIANT EARTHQUAKE IN THE MAKING? NOT ONCE did the disney employees or security tell me that lost children were held at the Gerber shop. 302. One wonders what he would have liked! A Grand Dame or Mother of Darkness often worked with the Illuminati programmer as an assistant programmer… When a three to four year old is shown Fantasia on a hypnotically-prepared and controlled LSD trip, the colours and effects… are increased about 1000 times. They say disney is where dreams come true but I think what they really mean is where nightmares come true. Child abduction for ransom: United States. In the early 70’s, ABC put Bakker and Crouch’s early shows on their affiliate stations on Sunday morning. In the cartoon entitled, Walt used the Le Sacred u Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for, A retired Navy admiral Joe Fowler was in charge of constructing both, According to CIA informants opposed to the N.W.O. More On The Cancer Deception - Stuff That Big Pharma Does Not Want You To Know! Don't take your family to Disneyland. That was a lie. As much as possible, help your child become familiar with the layout of the park. Do Not Take The Poisoned Vaccine - Boost Your Immune System! During the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s at least 90% of the Illuminati’s trauma-based mind-controlled slaves were subjected to watching Disney’s Fantasia film in order for them to build the foundational imagery… Child mind-control victims had their eyes taped open, and then sat one-on-one with their primary programmers so the programmers could give the scripts as the child watched Disney’s Fantasia over and over. CDC ADMIT TO RECONSTRUCTION OF 1918 SPANISH FLU VIRUS THAT KILLED 50 MILLION! Many people pay Disney to get their children out of a Disney cell, and never get due process of any law. “Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images… the sinister side… has been carefully hidden. A major stockholder in Walt Disney. What they put my family through for six hours will never be forgotten. DO CHRISTIANS HAVE THE RIGHT TO COMPLAIN? SIGNS OF THE TIMES - PROTEST IS NOT A FORM OF TERRORISM! Are there many child abductions at Disney World? Sid Bass and Chuck Cobb (chief exec. I mean just for fame? It’s like they believe their own script that IF people did find out ‘no one will care’. Bakker had already gotten his career kicked off with, “Most people are aware of Jim Bakker’s $265,000 payoff to Jessica Hahn to keep her sexual services to him a secret, his long-time homosexual relationship with his right hand man David Taggart, and his prison sentence. In fact, parents who take children under the age of six should be brought up on child abuse.’ Woman from Michigan. They hope people will think that somehow a filing error has occurred… 1941 – Walt confronts his father with the truth, and his father commits suicide… his real mother comes to live with him as his maid…, Walt was a 33° Freemason and an occultist… Roy O. Disney was born in 1893, and his brother Walt in 1901. Snow White’s Adventures… was one of what the Disney people called ‘dark rides.’ After a while a sign appeared with a witch warning people that the attraction was scary. It has merry music, an incredible castle, boat rides, story book characters etc… Inside Fantasyland are Illuminati programming sites such as the Mad Hatter teacups, the King Arthur carousel horses, and Snow White’s forest. Thank God he was safe and yes, I'm so grateful Disney has a policy in place to handle the eventuality of a missing child. Once the reader is familiar with the programming scripts, the reader merely needs to watch the Disney Adventures in Wonderland that come on TV in the morning to see Disney mind-control at work. AMERICAN PIG HEADED PRIDE BRINGS DOWN THE NATION, FOREIGNER IN THE WHITE HOUSE: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - ROTHSCHILD CANDIDATE. Disney acquired the Bass brothers Arvida, and brought the… brothers into Disney’s management. Usually we can sit the child on the counter so you can see them better or they can spot you. Simpson’s case. March 7, ’42 in NY) came from old American money… rich merchants and lawyers. The guard took her to the monitor room, where they saw the kidnapper carrying the child out of the park with the boy slumped over his shoulder. ... A teenage hustler and a young man obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth. Now I feel pretty good about that.’ (Thomas, Bob. Among the visitors to Disneyland have been all the American presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton, over a dozen kings and queens, as well as Emperor Akihito of Japan, Anwar Sadat, and Robert Kennedy… Both Denmark’s and Belgium’s kings who are in the Illuminati visited, as well as the dictators of Indonesia, the Shah of Iran and Ceausescu of Romania… Organisations that have been actively working for a New World Order for many years gave big awards to Walt in his early years such as the B’nai B’rith… The establishment’s Yale & Harvard Universities gave him honorary degrees. Last year, Disney spun two billion-dollar-grossing remakes from its 1990s catalogue: Aladdin and The Lion King. When the British broadcasting Corporation was first set up in 1923, an experimental station called 2MT was established. To help Bakker with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore, came to help Bakker run his ministry’s finances. This category has only the following subcategory. WORST FINANCIAL CORRUPTION CRISIS IN HUMAN HISTORY! The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer -, as they freely admit to in their publications for high ranking Masons, "In 1922 Godfrey Isaacs established the British Broadcasting Company Limited (BBC) which was given monopoly broadcasting rights over. It kind of lulls you into thinking ‘this isn’t so bad’… I admit the experience gave me the absolute heebie-jeebies… it was way too intense for me, and I’m now 27 years of age!’ From a family in Laurel, MD. It was even more of a deodorised world at the Walt Disney Studio where the publicity men insisted their boss was faultless… and woe betide anyone who tried to suggest otherwise…’. Family abductions are less likely to result in death or sexual abuse than stranger abductions, but psychologists warn that the experience can still greatly impact a child's development. I had a literal disdain for mickey mouse and any disney stories. U.S. of So. Its really sad how disney turned themselves bad. Jon Heely, 58, of Santa Clarita is accused of abusing the girls ten years ago. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. They would have an increasing presence within the Bohemian Grove membership… The film makers and the Mafia both had power and money. This is an area that has a large well kept cemetery for pets…, Roy Edward Disney (nephew of Walt)… Walt’s son-in-law Ronald Miller is one of the Disney clan who can’t stand Roy E… in the power struggle between them after Walt’s death, Roy E. won and ended up with Disney…, Saul Steinberg made what looked like the beginnings of a sincere hostile takeover of Walt Disney through Reliance. Less than one quarter of child abductions are by a stranger, with more girls being abducted than boys. of Procter & Gamble, and Marvin Koslow, V.P. A major stockholder in Walt Disney. I believe many of the things you are writing about in this blog. There are numerous Illuminati homes, restaurants, wineries and other institutions that are today carrying out the same type of strict standards upon their employees’ that Walt Disney Studios maintained. In fact, parents who take children under the age of six should be brought up on child abuse.’ Woman from, “Michael Eisner, the President of Walt Disney Co., initially rejected Alien Encounter for not being scary enough when it was being considered as an addition to Disney World. This type of treatment has gone on for decades, and is almost a daily occurrence at Disneyland…, Traditionally, the Mob crime bosses have had a yearly summit… In 1931, they held their secret annual conclave at Wappingers Falls, NY. WORLD WAR ONE - THE 6000 YEAR WAR ON HUMANITY. I thought the Disney warnings were vague and inaccurate. It was located between Bel-Air (an occult word for Satan) and Beverly Hills. They intended (and have succeeded) in getting some of their offspring to produce/direct TV/films. JOHN TODD/LANCE COLLINS EX-ILLUMINATI WITCH EXPOSES ROTHSCHILD POWER. i remembe being very scared , there were no windows . I love disney like Lilo and Stitch and mulan and the lion king and more. TBS used an abandoned military base as their TV complex, using hangers as studios. Hours passed. WHY?! I called our Hotel numerous times from a pay phone hoping that for some reason my daugher had gone to the Hotel. FABIAN SOCIALISTS - & OTHER FRIENDS OF LUCIFER: THE FIERY LAKE AWAITS! This ‘Valley of Kings’ plays a major role in the dirty activities revealed in this chapter… Roy O., considered by some insiders to be the more evil of the two brothers…, From 1940 through 1946, Disney lost money every year… finally in 1947, things turned around… Pinocchio cost $2.6 million to make in the late ‘30’s, an amount hard to retrieve at that time from the box office and Fantasia’s original release in the ‘40’s was a dismal financial failure… Sleeping Beauty… in 1960 … was a loser… The real money made by the Disney brothers… came from the merchandising of Disney products, the production of hard porn, and the kickbacks from various groups which used Disney for mind-control programming, and money laundering. Many have asked why Pinocchio was chosen by Walt. The elite were just beginning to form the roots for today’s environmental movement. It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has been very abusive mentally and physically to their children… Bette Midler has been Disney’s main actress… she is possibly a Monarch mind-controlled slave… She has gone on tour for Disney without making money… The movie, During the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s at least 90% of the Illuminati’s trauma-based mind-controlled slaves were subjected to watching Disney’s, At this time, the child is a multiple, but the walls between the various parts of the mind are not solid, but similar to the walls between ego states in an adult non-multiple… The child will see the movie so many times in such vivid form and will be tested to the point that the movie will be memorised… The Illuminati had been creating trained multiples for years, bur they knew they wanted to program the different personalities in accordance with the best mind-control techniques of the day.