The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. David was dazzled to discover that no one had ever written a book about the science of the Law of One series before, and he began writing some articles on Richard Hoagland’s discussion board in the summer of 1996. It was intended to become a sustainable organic farm, totally off the power grid, and a possible conference center. Wilcock’s preliminary, direct contact with Higher Intelligence was through a quick burst of automatic writing, which occurred at age 22, in November of 1995. David provided farm labor, including the completion of a large utility shed on the Avalon site, and complimentary housing for Avalon project director Bruce / LoneBear for an entire year. This time I will definitely try to keep it to no more than 2.5 hours! New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back, Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now. In November of 1996, at age 23, David broke through to direct verbal contact with his own Higher Self, thanks to the tuning provided by the Law of One study and the ongoing daily dreamwork. A very small number of characters gave a Bible citation that was highly synchronistic and meaningful to David at that time, even though he had never studied the Bible. At age 5, David had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness. His upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways. [Free Ebook!]. New York Times bestselling author David Wilcock’s latest captivating work of nonfiction, exploring new hidden truths about extraterrestrials, dreams, sacred science, channeling your Higher Self, and Ascension. We hope you enjoy this website and spiritually benefit from the intense research and dedication that has gone into it. He reached his heaviest and most depressed point at age 15. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation… But Why? (Sorry to our dedicated vegetarians out there… some people can do it and some can’t. A week later, David flew out to Electric LarryLand Studios in Austin Texas, and together they created the content and musical soundtrack for a three-CD series based on the Convergence material entitled “The Science of Peace.”. Then, in November of 1997, after considerable speculation from self and others, David confronted his Source directly about the possibility of having been Edgar Cayce in a past life. David’s message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. This remodeling process proved to be the most grueling physical labor David would ever perform. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. It also seemed to clearly be implying that a major change – literally a dimensional shift – was coming to the Earth in the not-too-distant future. Three years of daily dreamwork and intense metaphysical research helped “tune” his mind to receive this one brief message. Thus, the CONVERGENCE film project was born – the realization of the gold-medal prophecy. New Briefings: Alliance Seizing Trillions Stolen By Deep State, Preparing to Give It Back. The contacts David made at the Hoagland conference, particularly through Robert Perala, led to this opportunity. A must-read! He had a lot more work to be done in releasing fear, increasing responsibility, developing his new scientific models, et cetera. This is definitely going to happen, folks. They also insisted that he either begin doing readings professionally and publish books for free online, or he would completely lose his ability. None of the three films discuss any potential connection between David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce – they all focus on hard, provable scientific facts that dramatically change our view of reality. The Law of One integrated and explained all 300 books worth of David’s metaphysical research and his three years worth of esoteric dream research so well that he felt as if it had been written for him. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. With David Adair, Ronald Bernard, George W. Bush, John de Souza. Groundbreaking Area 51 Insider Bob Lazar 30-Year Anniversary: Alpha and the Omega. David Wilcock is the New York Times bestselling author of Awakening in the Dream, The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, and The Ascension Mysteries. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. When the outrageous similarity in facial appearance, soul purpose and psychic ability is factored in, “chance” or “coincidence” is eliminated. IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! David reliably paid 601 dollars monthly rent, shopped for the group’s food on Friday night and cooked the group’s food for the entire week all day Saturday (with fellow member Vara, who also did all the bookkeeping). DECLAS, Disclosure and David’s #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! In September of 1997, David was told in a consciously induced OBE to move to Virginia Beach, Virginia. At age 16, David committed to a weight-loss plan, and soon had the first of an ongoing series of lucid dreams, consciously induced through a technique he learned in Dr. Stephen La Berge’s book, Lucid Dreaming. David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant who, since reading Richard C. Hoagland’s “The Monuments of Mars” in 1993, has intensively researched ufology, ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. Gary also provided assistance in construction. David’s three-bedroom Milton home was 3.1 miles from the Avalon site itself and an equally short distance from Madison, Indiana. David is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between David and Edgar, features many of David’s most inspiring psychic readings, and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change… and how it directly impacts our DNA. David considers meditative journaling and dreamwork to be essential to spiritual growth.). If you can’t see this, you are definitely not paying attention! ), During this time, the Reincarnation? Please check out the CORRECTED FINAL VERSION of Wednesday's show. WHAT? David Wilcock on Ascension Mysteries: 4.5 Hours of New YouTube Videos! Discussion of David’s Critical New Disclosure Film — #1 Documentary! Featuring David Wilcock, Corey Goode, John Desouza, Niara Isley, Jordan Sather, and more. The day he cut his hair people were stopping dead in their tracks when they saw him in the hallways. I’ve … SBA Media's Above Majestic & The COSMIC SECRET, Co-founder of the Full Disclosure Project. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation… But Why? A New York Times bestselling author, TV personality, filmmaker, lecturer, and consciousness expert, David is the perfect person to guide us through the hidden realities of our world. Numerical synchronicity was discussed in the show! Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Finally Imminent? Enjoy! David Wilcock Marriage Announcement: A Happy Life! What happens when these telepathic “readings” begin predicting the future with astonishing precision—and speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration? MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. © Copyright 2021 Divine Cosmos | Privacy Policy | Store/Donate | Contact Us | Login. I have no doubt. The new first draft is expected to be completed by the end of September 2006 or earlier. David also continues to work on music by himself, with Larry and with other musicians, and further CDs are in the works, including music-only projects. We now have nine feet worth of books from printed website articles, which David organized with a binding machine. As soon as David arrived in Virginia Beach, many A.R.E. IT BEGINS: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed! He stopped taking clients for readings in August 2005 to devote his full energy to the film. and HOW? Introductory Essay on Wilcock / Cayce / Ra Connection and Website Goals. /* Content Template: appearances – slide - end */ David moved to Louisville, Kentucky in February 2003 to join forces with Jim and Carla, the two surviving members of the Law of One contact. The music ranges from ambient electronica to jazz fusion and many points in between. His upcoming Hollywood film CONVERGENCE unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways. Up until the Hoagland initiative, David had relied heavily on the work of Russian Dr. Aleskey Dmitriev’s studies to argue that our entire solar system was rapidly becoming brighter, hotter and more energetic. MOMENT OF TRUTH: Q Anon Discloses Secret Space Program. Within this site are thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. With its myriad information, anecdotes, “big picture” comparative analysis with over 500 references, and trustworthy messages channeled directly from the highest-level angelic sources, including a remarkable set of future prophecies built into the Great Pyramid itself, Awakening in the Dream promises to be his most astounding book yet.