Crystal Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. Many items can be used such as a crystal ball, a crystal point, a mirror, a pool of water, a pool of ink, wafting smoke or even dancing flames. Crystal Ball Dreams Meanings Explained. crystal ball A crystal ball can mean you're seeking: An answer, direction, or information about the future Information from areas that are inaccessible, such as from "the other side" or from another time Air. In the event that you dream for viewing others toss or catch a... Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming with round ball may speak to completion, symmetry and versatility. The interpretation of dreams, also called oneirology (Greek - oneiros), tries to understand and interpret a hidden symbolic message behind the stories and pictures experienced in dreams. What is crystal ball dreams meaning? Because you lack passion and adventure, he or she will attract your attention immediately. Its appearance indicates the inevitable decline in almost all areas of life. Dream Dictionary Dream Meaning. Golf ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream for a golf ball means an objective or issue that you are open to taking as much time as required attempting to fathom. You can safely engage in magical art. It is to be a crystal that draws you and one that feels comfortable to the touch, place it on a table in front of you. If you have a dream where you are holding a crystal or surrounded by crystals then the meaning of this has something to do with your personal health. ... Amethyst crystal balls are also good for answering questions about spiritual matters, healing, health, dream interpretation, romance and difficulties in relationships. Ifit is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. A full bowl predicts quarrels or disagreements with a partner. Eye – This is unusual! Smoky quartz helps in grounding and clearing negativity. Take a deep breath, focus on the question and click the button! Show all dream meanings of a Glass Sphere and Crystal Ball. Crystal Ball Dreams Interpretations and Meanings. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. Crystal ball: The crystal ball usually stands for insight, prophecy, the future, your hopes and plans, fate, intuition, gazing into yourself. Noticing what the future may be like based on current events or what you expect might happen. Your aura would love to settle to the frequencies that this sphere radiates into your surroundings. It can, because of its shape, denote the Self, or completeness, indicating your ability to be aware of intuitive impressions and creative imagery. We will interpret your Crystal Ball Dreams for you FREE. To dream of coral has a significant meaning in dreams, since coral comes from the depths of the sea; it may therefore relate to your deepest hopes and fears A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. If you dream of a crystal ball of blue color and brilliant you will be able to face events amazing in a successful way in your work. Ask the crystal ball! Crystal – This is the stereotypical form of scrying, but nonetheless very effective. Crystal Ball Ring | What it means crystal, ball, ring in Dream | Dream Interpretation: Crystal Ball It represents your outlook of the future. Dream Interpretation and Healing Session We use cookies to personalize content and ads for our visitors. Crystal Meanings. Letting healing crystals into your life allows you to embrace ancient and mystical knowledge. Dreaming about crystal ball. Copyright(c) 2021, Dream Meaning: Dreams Meaning and Interpretation, All rights reserved. An empty bowl is a sign of tranquillity, quiet and rest. You are probably going through a sickness in real life and you are trying to force yourself to get better. Crystal glass seen in a dream is not the most positive sign. Ask the crystal ball! Also called soul gazing, this form of scrying involves looking deep within a person’s eyes and observing the reflections. The method is normally used for prophecy. Crystal Ball Dream Meaning: To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. . Crystal Ball Dream Meaning - Dreams Meanings, Crystal Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Crystal Meth Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Beach Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Disco Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Eight Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Golf ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Soccer Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Witch's ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Wrecking Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Fortune Teller Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Godfather Dream Interpretation and Meaning, Cotton Balls Dream Interpretation and Meaning. To Dream with Crystal Ball. Do you feel that you are feeling “blank” as far as your future is concerned? As no one can fulfill the mission only you are meant to fulfill. On the psychic crystal ball you get a short interpretation of various dream symbols in key points. To dream of coral has a significant meaning in dreams, since coral comes from the depths of the sea; it may therefore relate to your deepest hopes and fears This practice is also known as scrying. The esoteric interpretation of sleep states that rock-crystal symbolizes latent or overt paranormal talents, possibly the gift of clairvoyance. To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. A situation may arise where showing your true feelings will NOT be in your best interests. Dreaming that you are looking into a crystal, is indicative of how you are looking within yourself to find your true destiny. If you dream of a soccer ball on a humid grass you will have a great test... Witch's ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of witch's ball represents the protection against unpleasant things or thorny situations. Discover you dream meanings with crystal ball. Crystal Ball Dreams. Added: 2 September. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. To enjoy that you are too important to... Beach Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of playing with a Beach Ball or playing a diversion including balls means upbeat news. The meaning of my dream! Corresponding Dream Tarot Card: The Star. (read all at source) Dreaming of a crystal ball of rosy color and opaque seeks advice to be measured and careful when you wait an offer of important work. Depending on the other symbols in the dream, this could mean that YOU need to do a little "acting." It may also reflect an … Transcendent meaning: To look at gift of the strength, - a revelation of that, as you see the world, - the ability, the things from another direction. To watch videos about dreams and others dreams visit our Youtube channel Dream Meaning. The meaning of the dream symbol: Bowl. To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. Crystal Meanings. Tell us the details of your dream and find out interpretations, analysis and meanings for it. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. Discover you dream meanings with crystal ball. It involves the use of a crystal object (usually a ball or globe) to gather special meaning. Also, it could reflect a very detailed or excessive point of view in matters of little importance. Crystal gazing, always use a clear crystal, one you have chosen for the specific purpose of scrying, and only use it for this purpose, this is the most popular form of divination. To dream of a crystal ball represents your outlook on the future. What does crystal ball dream mean? When the word crystal ball is mentioned, many of us conjure visions of a gypsy woman with dangling earrings and bracelets, her dark curls wrapped in a bright scarf, staring intently into a clear crystal sphere. Crystal Meth Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of the crystal meth represents the addiction to negative, destructive feelings and anything human absolutely. Interpret your dreams online. Crystal Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. What does crystal ball dream mean? If you were looking into a crystal ball in your dream, what you see is most likely to be wish-fulfillment or a reflection of your hidden fears. I have known golf dreams to also mean that there is a struggle ahead. Crystal Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming of a crystal is expressed the fullness, the purity, and the fragility of something very necessary for your life. Ifit is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. Want to get an answer to the question that worries you? Over 9,000 dream symbols are available. What does my dream mean? If you dream of a golf ball it might also signify wealth and prosperity coming on your way. Introduction Crystal Ball Reading. It is to notice that the future can be happy on the base of some difficult doors that its opens up before you. A crystal Ball in dreams represents good things forthcoming. Actually, this type of dream to reflect a point of view, an omen or an alert of your matters or steps in the future, including complex or somber roads. What is crystal ball dreams meaning? Crystal Ball Dream Meaning. Witch's ball means warning or certainty of something harmful... Wrecking Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a wrecking ball represents intentional destruction of something not wanted or destruction of something in an involuntary way. Amethyst is best in moonlight or candlelight. Crystal ball gazing is a divination method used by psychic readers to see spiritual visions. What does it mean to dream about a crystal ball belonging to a witch? The ball having a circular shape represents a grand and positive start, to dream of a ball, means to see the situation fully from all sides and evaluate it, considering every detail. This can also be used as a crystal ball for divination. Crystal Ball. To see or find a crystal skull in your dream represents something you do not fully understand. Dreams about Crystal Ball Interpretation, Meaning & Analysis. It is symbol of authority and... Cola Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To drink a cola very cold during a dream means the inevitable necessity to encourage or to stimulate your current life totally. The water dream might warn you of turbulent times ahead. Cr ystal Skull. Did you have a dream about witch ball of crystal? Crystal Ball Dreams Interpretations. Crystal Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. Ideally, they offer guidance to interpret the dream by yourself. If you were looking into a crystal ball in your dream, what you see is most likely to be wish-fulfillment or a reflection of your hidden fears. To dream of a black crystal ball may reflect a bleak or scary outlook of the future. Dreaming about a crystal ball belonging to a witch might be indicative of being uncertain of your future. Your dream state might also foretell an interesting person walking into your life. Crystal Ball Dream Meaning. You are a messenger and you are to keep going. To see or look through a crystal ball in your dream suggests that you are looking for guidance and direction in your life. Using a Crystal Ball Care and Dedication / Sizes, Shapes, Prices / Types of Balls / Crystal Meanings. Seeing a crystal in your dream means wholeness, purity, and unity. “In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life-principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being” -Nikola Telsa Crystals hold the history of our world, and encapsulate eons of crystalline information, knowledge and wisdom. If you notice a river valley tumbling its way down to the sea then this can indicate a possible feeling of being out of control of your emotions. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. To dream of a cola represents... Cotton Balls Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of cotton balls represents to assist and to solve matters of low complexity. A crystal means the love or the... Fortune Teller Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a fortune-teller reading the palms of the hand or using the letters of the tarot expressed arrival of a satisfactory future, a daring action of... Godfather Dream Interpretation and Meaning: A dream with a godfather represents adoration, advice and religious and lay authority for the Western culture generally. Healing Crystals The dream interpretation depends on the details you notice in your dream. Dreaming about crystal ball. Ball symbolizes the future, it is as bright as a symbol of the cross, but is only associated with suffering. ... Dream Interpretation. With our guidance at your side, you’ll find out everything you need to know about healing crystals for spiritual growth. A lackadaisical attitude... Soccer Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a soccer ball symbolizes sure victory soon through wisdom and sacrifice. It is to notice that the future can be happy on the base of some difficult doors that its opens up before you. Back to startpage ... Association: Something harden, - a protecting sign, - clearly, - crystal ball. To dream that you have your fortune told in a dream, either by astrology, palm reading, tarot or crystal ball, suggests that your current situation feels uncertain and you are in need of guidance. Crystal Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of a crystal ball represents points of view on the future or the arrival of something very positive in little time. It is to notice that the future can be happy on the base of some difficult doors that its opens up before you. But you need the means to understand these stones as they behave in the present day, too. Copyright(c) 2021, Dream Meaning: Dreams Meaning and Interpretation, All rights reserved. Eight Ball Dream Interpretation and Meaning: To dream of an eight ball it should be forget the fear to be left or abandoned in an unknown place or in a complex situation. . Its shape is a symbol of wholeness, completion, karma, sense of oneness, and respect for cyclical energies. Comments. Amethyst sphere is a crystal that is shaped and polished into a spherical shape.