while im grouded to the silent treatment!! Look no further in your times of need, I’ll be there for you always. 2. Is it possible for a narcissist, through therapy and couselling, to overcome being a narcissist? 18. We have ensured that you are attached to us, bound to us and functioning and therefore this solid and substantial investment in you is not just for an initial period of time. He also tried to guilt me and said that I obviously don’t care of him like how he cares for me because I completely blocked him out of my life. 🙂 You are welcome CJ7, it is all an illusion. Give me good shelter in your heart. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I don’t respond to his messages, his messages through 3rd parties or his Facebook posts professing his undying love for me. I do not break down. I am interested in fuel. I concur. He stormed out of my house, and I called him later and told him that he didn’t need to come back. The means justifies the end. Must say Martin chooses rather scary sounding ever presence music for her to associate with sex. We do not want to waste such a significant investment. I’ll stand by you, even when the world stands against you. Maybe I’m being bitter and cynical. The best place to ever place my hands on will be within your fingers, as I trust it will stick to yours forever. I’m not leaving you, my darling. but you do have much going for you… so it seems your color is green but not with envy! I could have written a ride off into the sunset, happily ever after ending but we both know the truth… We make a euphoric union but it takes two to make it work and one of us may give up… Or not. We have emphasised just how much control we have over you and to have you return, either exhibiting joy, relief and thanks, the quality of this hoover fuel is impressive. For the fuel. I actually hope it is possible but, then again, I’m imposing my desires on another person that may not wish it. I still think you are worthy of love. He is less aggressive and therefore may be more manageable. I shall let you prepare a synopsis for consideration. 3. The prevailing view I have encountered that yes, our kind have had troubling pasts and trauma. I will never leave you, my dearest. We know your strengths, your weaknesses, your vulnerabilities and your pressure points. The insistence may be to draw a reaction from the other parent (“you are making him/her do too much”) to draw fuel and/or it may be so that the child makes many achievements so that the narcissist gains fuel and traits vicariously. Many things may be destroyed in life, but my promise of sticking with you through thick or thin will never be destroyed by impatience. I’ll never leave you, my only one. I would have a blog of my own, and I would only be here to steal the followers. 63. I will never let you go, not in this life nor in the one to come. Hoover fuel. I ain’t getting on no aeroplane, Murdoch, you crazy fool! 62. He said that they spoke to each other about trying to make things work. I have not reached a point where there are too many appliances for me to handle. Think as far as you can, my commitment to you goes even further. 2. It is a common question that is asked of me. He has damaged me so much, that I have actually had to seek professional help. How can I think about letting you go when the only thing I wanna do is to be next to you? Indy, I completely agree with you. I think there is great power in healing yourself and making different choices. We will of course expend effort in securing new investment opportunities but we are not going to forgo previous investments as well. DO NOT get me wrong, I appreciate him immensely and I myself am totally in love with how beautiful and tantalizing his writing is but to think he really has OUR best interest out of the kindness of his heart is preposterous. Committing my life to you is no mistake at all. Would a break down likely release the creature? I have to much to do yet so no annihilation of the planet. Copyright © HG Tudor - Knowing The Narcissist - The World's No.1 Resource About Narcissism All Rights Reserved. Of course, keeping a handle on the various appliances and my interaction is possible given the higher functioning brain that I have. No regrets. 8. I know you keep lots of notes that keep you organized. 22. 65. 6. How thrilling….. There is nothing to be said, and there is nothing to talk about. 3 quotes from Pursuit of Happyness: 'Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. That naughty step is looking at you Indy! My team is one where I am given fuel and in return I light up somebody’s life. This’ll get her (lied). 44. If I take you for granted that means I count my life as nothing. Each of these times he became extremely angry, would launch a smear campaign, stop contacting me, but only for a short while. I can’t let you go, I can’t let you go. Thought I would share it with you and anyone who can relate. Sweetness never leaves honey. Master of your domain. Completely in your element. I did not reply to this email. I’m committed to not leaving you. You mean so much to me like water to the earth. And yet, for someone who claims not to pay attention to me, you are always so quick to jump all over everything I say. 4.      Hoover fuel. A Mid-Range also has no insight into his disorder but has an awareness that he “needs” certain things. Okay, I have written about 5 different synopsis and even have one saved in draft that I was going to email you… It seems the more I write the more personal I become with you and more descriptive…so here is the short and I think that you can agree that this is what we both want: Girl meets boy but not by chance, she was supposed to learn from her choices in men but instead falls in love with the exquisite author of the blog she frequents. Not only will this draw no response because of the lack of compassion as mentioned above but because you are providing us with fuel we will want more of it and therefore your pleading is something we want to see, but it will have no effect on us other than to make us want you to continue to plead and beg. I will never leave you, my darling. When I would tell him he did not love me and just loved the way I made him feel, he would get angry and ask me how I could even say that. I then CHOSE to reintroduce my son to the ex when my son hit adulthood and could make up his own mind. Im exude found something when unpacking ! Same school, same all….. 😉, Good luck with that. so sassy! We know how you think, how you react, how you respond, how you act. :0 and thanks for the reminder at the end of your post HG, that we can still do much to secure some freedom! People are falling for the illusion that this man’s fantastic writting is creating when he is exactly like the rest of them…. I believe it is self-regulating in the sense that as the fuel levels increase, I feel less need to turn to those appliances and it is only as fuel levels wane that I find I have the need to do so. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. No. The more i listen the more my heart breaks. It is the punishment given when I misbehave. 5. I will never leave you, my love. It flows from the rivers of my heart. Have you not been on youtube lately, there are many people out there doing what HG is doing just not as well. I understand narcissist feel superior and like a god but I have also read that they have low self esteem and hate themselves and feel as though they are not worthy of love . Letting you go means letting fear take over what her heart wants. We know you. ), Lol thanks Indy! The jealousy and envy are kept under control during the seduction for the greater gain. They don’t want to. In sickness and in health, my love is simply for you. How did it slow down, I go round and round. I will stand by you because it is my goal in love. Do not think that pleading with us for relief, release and clemency will get you anywhere. You should also look out for “Will He Hoover Me?” which should be available later this week. What we need to understand, as hard as it is; is that a narcissists personality is ingrained within them. I have always been fascinated in observing the personality traits of others. He said that as much as he regrets what he did because of how it hurt me, he equally regrets how he hurt her and gave her false hope. I may not have what it takes, you may not deserve it either, one thing I know is sure, I’ll stick with you forever. I am what I am. Do not be doubtful of my love. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The mood rings, the bracelets and the beads Nothing can separate us nor come between us. Sitting on naughty step. It also includes all of the effort that we put into your seduction and the devaluation thereafter. I understand this blog and your books to be what they are. If we manage to draw a positive reaction from them or even a negative one, it reinforces our power over this person and causes the fuel to be even more powerful. If we all sat down with a professional sketch artist and a transcriber I bet each of us have a different idea of what HG looks like… and also our ideas of how we really perceive him to be. You’re irreplaceable. HG No NARC compliments another Narc. They wont let you go because you are providing them with the things they need to survive as a narcissist. Seems like a bit of smoke blowing here. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) The thing with Aries is that they are basically very … And you HG are the devastating eye. 10. Compassion. 5. 3. You’re my necessity. I ain't never gonna let you go Don't go. My response was: This is my acknowledgement that I have received your messages. You know I love the humor and yes even B&T’s smoke blowing. You are welcome 217 and your assessment is entirely correct. Complete your Rufus Thomas collection. I actually escaped a past a abusive relationship (when I was 18) for the sake of my newborn son and because I was stalked in a small town, I disappeared into a city with my child. Yes, there are several of the books in paperback now – Escape, No Contact, Sitting Target, Sex and the Narcissist, Revenge, Fuel, Ask the Narcissist and Exorcism. It is done so we can rely on this investment, time and time again in the future. As much as he has hurt me, I do hope for his sake, and his daughter’s sake, that he can somehow overcome this – although I am doubtful. I think everyone here would agree he is in a league all his own. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. In some instances, which is dependent on the type of narcissist you are being punished for your transgressions against us. i LOVE CAPS ( capital letters). Think of it this way, they are all computers running off of one single server. We attach you to us when we seduce you and suck the fuel from you. You narcs are a little full of yourselves, your grips are not strong enough….keep hitting the gym! This too will take time. 23. Life isn’t black and white and I know below the masks is great great pain and it myst be terrifying to even consider approaching that pain to continue such behavior. We have invested much in you and we want the return from our investment again and again and again. Thus there are several reasons why we will not leave you be and let you move on. 🙂 Oooh I love people watching! 30. I define it. Jesus is saying we need to get hold of God and say as Jacob did, “God, I'll not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26). 9. Perfect place and time. I’ll never let you go, my irreplaceable. He seemed so real in his response, that I am just really curious to know if he believes the bs that comes out of his mouth himself. Check out Can't Ever Let You Go by Vaneese Thomas on Amazon Music. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 25. Once during our “relationship” (I use that term lightly now, as I’ve realized we never had a real relationship), we got into a huge argument. I won’t leave you for anything because you’re worth more than the priceless treasures of the secret places. You know when my heart bleeds. However Laura (Julia Roberts) seems to jump into a new relationship far too quickly in my opinion. 1.      Control. Those are fair queries but they fail to understand the dynamic that is at work in respect of why we keep coming back to you. Since we do not regard you as a separate and distinct entity, but rather part of our powerful and far-reaching selves, we consider you to always be available and thus we keep hoovering you since in our minds you are part of us and thus within reach. Except I do not want to be a flying monkey. If I am looking out for myself, is the best option just to have no contact? Btw…I sent that email to you & appreciate it so much that I could write to you. Especially with that beautiful smile of yours, it must be top notch positive fuel to be on the receiving end of that!” >, No I meant exactly what I typed. Ten wives. EXACTLY the point I attempted to make not so long ago…. Loving you has made me realized that some things in life cannot be replaced again, for this reason, I’ll never let you go, I’ll stand by you, my love. Within my heart is an arc of love, which is askew to your direction, so, I’ll always come to you no matter where I go or how long it takes. Can you swim across the POND Mr. Scorpion? Hello BD, the fact that he has visitation rights means that he has a conduit available to him and hence why he hoovers you. I honestly don’t think that I can mentally take being hoovered for the umpteenth time. You are however approaching dealing with those hoovers in the right way and eventually he will stop as he gains no fuel from you, be it positive or negative. I am not trying to figure you out as I can see you are a cling on. Does fuel allow organized filing cabinets with expansion when needed. I read your article and checked off essentially every reason as to why I believe my Narc hoovered me in the past. We know your strengths, your weaknesses, your vulnerabilities and your pressure points. I thought Narcs want all the glory and will not like to see anyone else get it. I was devastated and felt betrayed (yes, I know I was the other woman and she truly is the one who was betrayed). If not, here is a link about him. We know you. I have lost count on how many books I’m keeping my eyes peeled for 😊. But we all know there is only one BADASS. I’ll never leave you. I’ll stand by you until we become united. I Can’t Let You Go Quotes. They see nothing wrong with their choices in life. You deserve the element and all that comes with it. I’ll hold onto you like a rope, trust me I won’t let it slide off my hands. Hello Liz, thank you for the update on your position. Our significant sense of entitlement means we can do as we please and naturally as someone who was once our primary source you are always going to be subject to the manifestation of this entitlement by us keeping coming back to you, subject of course to the conditions of the Hoover Trigger and the Hoover Execution Criteria which I have written about separately. I am so glad that now that I know who and what he is, I can begin to move on with my life. So would most of the people on this blog. Friends for life, lovers till eternity. I truly feel that because of this site, I have made significant gains in overcoming the narcissist that I was involved with. 68. It’s scary to know that the behaviour of these kinds of people are so similar. We can learn to love ourselves more so we know what we deserve. I will never let you go, my heart. 20. With regard to the spheres of influence and the hoover criteria, if you read Spheres of Influence and Hoover Time !Sphere One, which you will find not he blog that will explain it for you. His chemistry was the attraction to your fuel and not him. I know How to disappear when needed and my ex never found me. Letting you go means living a life without you in it. There has been no greater challenge I’ve faced before than trying to get the narcissist out of my head. Because it is you and I making that history, I will always stand by you, my darling. I believed that he was just a wreck and was making irrational decisions because he did not know how to handle the situation. I ain't never gonna let … Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. Is narcissism a mental health issue, just like depression, bi-polar, etc.? ” Compassion. It means that someone who is unpleasant to you, but is not one of our kind, may decide you have had enough and thus leave you alone, because their motivations for what they do are different. 28. Maybe they can be the rare ones exempt from the manipulations and harm . He said he would never contact me again, and I hope that he means it. 21. And unique. I saw that you have a book in paper back now. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-leader-4','ezslot_25',122,'0','0']));38. I will keep you posted as to how this progresses. I thought for sure that the lesser would be more responsive to therapy than a greater, given that the greater is aware of who and what they are. I am well aware now, thank you HG, yet because of the way the dance was before he may just enjoy this challenge, if he so decides to engage again. But i need this. I sure do. Baby, I love you girl, I'm never gonna let you go I'm never ever gonna hurt you so When you are in my arms, you fill me up with All of your charms, baby You are the best thing that I have ever had I'm never ever gonna treat you bad I'm never ever gonna make you sad, girl Step into my world, I'll do … If we manage to bring about the resumption of the Formal Relationship, then this is even better. Must say Martin chooses rather scary sounding ever presence music for her to associate with sex. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'sweetlovemessages_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_21',118,'0','0']));21. On a daily basis, my heart is preoccupied with your thoughts, so much so, I’m fixed on you. Be it the darkest night, in the chilly weather or the beautiful morning, I’ll stand by you until I become your shadow. In case you have not noticed everything HG is doing here is rare and unheard of which is but one of a myriad of reasons why he is so unique and brilliant. Great article HG… I haven’t read the blogs lately… Although I don’t go where I use to live. I was nervous that he was going to show up at my house, so I did email him this time. But since I am me it is nothing but beautiful. Pleading. The Narc I was involve with told me that when he was younger, he would have a one-night stand with one woman in particular. I think with my kind, we are not victims. Will give me something to do while I’m grounded to the silent treatment 😁, Lol B! eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-box-4','ezslot_9',112,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sweetlovemessages_com-box-4','ezslot_10',112,'0','1']));4. Humming “Never Let You Go” by Third Eye Blind “I remember the stupid things The mood rings, the bracelets and the beads Nickels and dimes, yours and mine Did you cash in all your dreams You don’t dream for me no, you … 2. 50. I’ll abide forever with you until darkness becomes light. How did you respond to his e-mail, did you answer it? Didn't I cherish you right Don't you know you were my life Even though I try I can't let go Something in your eyes Captured my soul And every night I see you in my dreams You're all I know I can't let go Just cast aside You don't even know I'm alive You just walk on by Don't care to see me cry And here I am Still holding on I can't … 69. I hope he gives up eventually. SMH. As I look into your eyes, my promises get stronger and my commitment becomes irrevocable. We have invested much in you and we want the return from our investment again and again and again. You wouldn’t have impacted people in this way around the world otherwise, right? We do not want to waste such a significant investment. I am only able to look at it from my current perspective due to your blog and books. But I will be his Huckleberry. I’ll cross the deepest oceans for you, I’ll climb the highest mountains just to be with you. 46. Now you should probably go change SA because green is not your colour. We grow from all these experiences and I myself have learned a great deal from your types. I have respect for what HG is doing and he knows this as I have expressed my gratitude more then once. 45. As I am a woman of conviction. I Love You So I Can Never Let You Go Quotes for Lover. Hahahaha Thanks B!!!! In some instances, which is dependent on the type of narcissist you are being punished for your transgressions against us. Check yourself. Thank you for that Indy, I did have a read, quite interesting. Hello SII, I’ll never let you go, sweety. This is the chief reason why we hoover. Right HG? I Promise I Will Never Let You Go messages for your Lover. For I will never leave you, I’ll stand by you to fulfil every promise I ever made to you. These Narcopaths can sense when you’re vulnerable and have danced with one of their kind! 5. For I will stick with you till we both become indispensable. Since we do not regard you as a separate and distinct entity, but rather part of our powerful and far-reaching selves, we consider you to always be available and thus we keep hoovering you since in our minds you are part of us and thus within reach. We need to remind you that you belong to us. Today is not your day. 6.      Compassion. But for your kind, when we love one of you, I would like to hold out hope that beneath your own pain and wounds that maybe someday you would want to release yourself from your own misery and hell that you have created. Although at times I still feel those emotions, it is getting better after learning what the man I was involved with truly is. Sweet love lasts all night, so I will never let you go. If you can get past my music selection (I know it’s not for everyone) and hear the lyrics it is quite fitting lol. I’ll always give that to you because I will never leave you. The other part thinks that he is waiting for my recovery and will then strike for more fuel. It also includes all of the effort that we put into your seduction and the devaluation thereafter. I am sure this will provide good fuel with comments to follow 😉, Thank you B, I could have really gone on and made it so much more interesting but short and sweet gets her done! 64. This may well have been through the preparatory work that was engaged in when we targeted you, working out the relevant traits that you had which appeal to us, assessing your susceptibility to our seduction hoover and so forth. 41. 23. It edifies me so I can go about my day, my work, my socialising, my sport, my writing in an effective fashion. He said he was angry but still wished me well. Slowly I smile, before I have half a smile HG comes at me like “JK”. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I think he plays it well, he’s got a menacing presence and a chilling scary stare (I’m glad I’ve never witnessed yours HG). I’ll never leave you, my one in a million. Y parents knew where I was, including my best friend. She can’t let you go because letting you go means letting go of a piece of her. Nickels and dimes, yours and mine Now you are torturing animals? I may have failed in so many things, but my success is sure with you as I stand by you. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/01/life-as-a-nonviolent-psychopath/282271/. We know how you think, how you react, how you respond, how you act.