But when Metatron's minions ambush Castiel at the meeting Gadreel later returns to Castiel to apologize for their interruption and begins to consider Castiel's offer, hoping that there is still some honor somewhere. During his imprisonment, Abner was abused by the angel guard Thaddeus for countless of centuries but also befriended fellow inmate Gadreel. While he may have been misguided, ultimately, it wasn't so much his reputation that mattered to him, but rather he just wanted to be a part of the family again. And really, the only one making me feel bad is myself, so screw it! He encourages Gadreel to pay any price for his path to happiness. Season(s) Gadreel then slits Abner's throat, killing him. From their conversations, we get the sense that they were merely close friends (angelic love would have been pretty interesting, though), which maybe makes it a little easier for Gadreel when he kills Abner. His sacrifice allows Castiel to break the angel tablet and Metatron's power and finally stop him. He is a rebellious, dim-witted hillbilly lemur who, along with his wife, Becca, repeatedly tries to overthrow King Julien. When Metatron abducted Castiel he offered Cass in exchange for Gadreel and both side did so willingly. This causes Gadreel to sacrifice himself to give Castiel the chance to do this, hoping that perhaps one day his name will be remembered among the many who restored the angels to Heaven, rather than as the one who let the Serpent into the Garden. Word count : 1,534 Warnings : Pissed off Sam, kidnapping, photographic evidence of Sexual Assault.Taunting. When Abner came to Earth and possessed a human, he grew so attached to the family that he stayed and overtook the role of father that the man had previously been neglecting. They find his car some distance away and covered in blood with Gadreel close by, seriously wounded. Family He believed there was only one way to redeem himself. Gadreel possesses the standard weaknesses of an angel. Gadreel turns over the angel and demon tablets and confirms Kevin and Thaddeus' deaths, but not Dean's, saying that Metatron didn't order him to kill Dean. In Dog Dean Afternoon, after Chef Leo slashes Sam's neck, seriously wounding him, Gadreel takes control for a moment to heal the wound and erase Sam's memory of it. Gadreel, presumably because of his Heavenly torturing, seems to favor death over imprisonment as he tried to goad Dean into killing him by using Sam's true feelings towards Dean. Abner was formerly an imprisoned angel, who fell from Heaven due to Metatron's spell. Gadreel begs them not to hurt him and advises Castiel not to heal him as it will weaken him with his already weak grace. Abner humbles himself to Gadreel, which I guess is a big mistake because he gets the axe. 1st Vessel Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gadreel moved on from Sam and entered his previous vessel. Before the Fall, he was of such strength that Lucifer chose to trick him to enter the garden rather than force himself in. Gadreel is angered when Crowley calls him the "original chump," saying he isn't anymore and tells Crowley to run. Portrayed by Once God's most trusted angel and greatly admired by his siblings, Gadreel became one of God's greatest disappointments, and was thought of as the one thing no angel should ever become, something that deeply hurt him. In Stairway to Heaven, Gadreel was present with Metatron when he met with other angels in charge of their own factions to gain their trust, all those that refused, Gadreel would kill. After the fall, Abner took possession of an abusive father named Alexander Sarver and decided to live a human life with Sarver's family as he found happiness in a human life. Those that refused Gadreel would kill. Surprise, they were just “friends.”) Dean’s desperation manifests not only in his decision to bring Crowley along, but in letting him visit Cecily alone. Under Metatron's orders, Gadreel killed Abner. Status Under Metatron's orders, Gadreel killed Abner. In Christianity his name has been replaced by Satan but long before the name Satan was introduced the story was told with Gadriel making the lustful offer that showed the deep pleasures of the flesh to the very first woman. Host of Heaven (formerly)Gadreel Sarver Family However Sam becomes suspicious as he heard Dean call for a "Zeke" but Dean tried to say that Sam was out of it. Despite this and his weakened state, he is compassionate to a fault, shown when he resurrects Castiel and Charlie despite knowing it will weaken him because Dean was distraught by their deaths. Abner was formerly an imprisoned angel, and possibly cellmate of Gadreel 's before the fall. Gadreel after being ordered to kill Kevin. Hey!! Abner continued to support Ish-Bosheth as king until Ish-Bosheth berated Abner, accusing him of treachery due to the fact that Abner had slept with Saul’s concubine Rizpah. He also reassures Dean that Sam is feeling better and that he is successfully healing him though it is slow going. Therefore, he was a holy angel before falling from Heaven alongside Lucifer. ", with Crowley calling him "the original chump", and Gabriel calling him an "old chest nut". While masquerading as Ezekiel, Gadreel inhabited Sam Winchester, as a way to heal the hunter and himself, but also to hide from Bartholomew and Malachi. This did not suit the embittered angel and he bitterly killed Abner, along with Delilah's father Alexander. Gadreel says that's not who he is but Metatron says it must be done. Gadreel was one of six angels to have met God prior to the series, the others being Metatron and the four. Crowley begins with his art, trying to get to real Sam - but Gadreel is strong enough to resist. Abner is now in customer support (“It’s like answering prayers”) and has a family. Family This contradicts the first section of Enoch, which claims that Azazel was responsible for doing this. Biography. At the Men of Letters bunker, Gadreel takes control and tells Dean that Castiel must leave because angels are after him and while the base is protected, they can't withstand an incursion. He forgave all past wrongs, was content with his new human life, and refused to follow the path of revenge and conquest with Gadreel. Gadreel later visited Metatron who was writing down his next plan phase, or "story" as he was referring to, and asked if his own capture was a part of the plan but Metatron claimed that Gadreel's capture was unexpected. He tells Dean he can either bring Charlie back or help with the Witch and Dean has him resurrect Charlie. However one angel Gadreel was unable to kill due to the number of people in the area but made the point to Metatron that no one would follow him over Castiel. Metatron amounted his image to "a sap" and "Heaven's longest running joke. Gadreel possesses Sam and leaves the hospital with Dean, leaving his previous vessel there with no memory of what happened. In The Future, while trying to figure out how to track Lucifer's son, Sam brings up his and Castiel's attempt to track Gadreel using his grace he left behind in Sam. After Metatron's spell, he posed as the famed angel Ezekiel, who was considered to be the exact opposite of Gadreel. Like angels such as Castiel and Naomi, Gadreel even for an angel, was extraordinarily powerful. This caused Gadreel's grace to explode out of him, killing Gadreel and destroying Heaven's dungeon as he intended. Dan Payne. Occupation Meeting with Abner when his family is gone, Gadreel learns that he has taken on the role of his vessel, taking care of the Sarver family and taking up his job, happier with his life as a human than of an angel. In First Born, it is revealed that a side effect of Gadreel's healing of Sam caused some of his grace to remain behind. In Heaven, Castiel and Gadreel are led to what is apparently Metatron's office, but what is really Heaven's dungeon to Gadreel's horror. To turn Castiel's minions against him Gadreel, on Metatron's orders forced some of Castiel's angels including Constantine and the reaper Tessa to commit suicide in public to kill Metatron's own men and make him look like a victim. Discussing the failure to track Gadreel in this manner causes Sam to come up with the idea of removing the child's grace to leave him human. Gadreel initially has the upper hand, but Sam manages to overpower him, finally expelling him. Castiel encourages Gadreel to change loyalties. Gadreel is able to locate Castiel this way and gives back control to Sam. Abner met with David and made an agreement to bring the entire nation of Israel under David’s control. Gadreel possesses the common powers of an angel and even more, but to a greater extent than most of them. But he believed he couldn't. This is partly why he accepted Metatron's offer to join him in building a faction, because Gadreel saw a way for him to be accepted by his angelic brethren again, and it was also partly why he stayed loyal to Metatron for as long as he did, for fear of being cast out of his family again, despite the dishonorable things he was forced to do going against his conscience. Gadreel and Dean decide to erase Sam's memory of his near-death experience and Gadreel gives Sam back control. He also imprisoned Sam in a fantasy world rather than harming him as he could have and tried to comfort Dean with this. Despite the stigma he received in Heaven, Gadreel does have some inherent benevolence. Abner described himself as a terrible angel and petulant, he spent 700 years in Heaven 's prison for abandoning his post. This is my first fan video....and i am so excitedI know that it's so long but i love gadreelI hope you like it Once he regained his strength, he was capable of killing entire groups of angels alone, proving to be far stronger than a standard angel. This is depicted in the second section of the "Book of Enoch"; "Parables". Cas has arrived … I need to find her faster this time. In his initial appearance, Gadreel imitated what he interpreted as Ezekiel's personality; the stereotypical interpretation of an angels, as he was humble and polite as opposed to being arrogant and condescending like many other angels. Gadreel, a good soldier, still went through … It's getting the one thing you want most and never letting it go. Two angels arrive and Dean puts up warding to protect Sam and Gadreel as Sam can't leave without dying and manages to banish the two angels who show up. The name Gadreel means “God Is My Helper”. He later switches sides after he sees Metatron's unscrupulous methods. After delivering a speech about the importance of the angels mission to protect humanity and his hope he would be remembered as one of those who gave Heaven a second chance, Gadreel drove a rock from the floor of the dungeon into his chest in the middle of the sigil. Really? When Metatron tasked him to smite Kevin Tran, Gadreel stated that killing the innocent was not who he was. Gadreel's angelic shadow form can be seen behind Sam on the barn in the Season 9 poster. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Characters whose actor played more than one character, https://supernatural.fandom.com/wiki/Gadreel?oldid=412899, When they say my name perhaps I will be remembered, not as the one who let. When Dean gets desperate to find Castiel after learning that reapers are after him, Dean calls on Gadreel to help. Gadreel Deceased (killed by Gadreel under Metatron's orders) In Do You Believe In Miracles?, Sam and Castiel find that Gadreel has fled the Bunker in fear for his life. The name "Abner" is Hebrewic and means "father of Light. After many secret meeting with Metatron he accepts the offer, Metatron is glad and gives him a piece of paper with a name on it telling him to kill said person. He had deeply loved humanity as their Guardian, and felt very regretful for failing and disappointing God. I'm not a wise man, Gadreel. Gadreel was once God's most trusted angel. While at a bar, he goes outside to get some air where he is met by Metatron who tells him he know who he really is.