As a teacher, he was always kind, preferred peace, explained things rather than… 'Aisha) in her behaviour towards the Prophet (SAW)), for she (i.e. Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu'z Zubayr al-Makki from Said ibn Jubayr that Abdullah ibn Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, prayed dhuhr and asr together and maghrib and isha together, and not out of fear nor because of travelling." ". C’est un avis très fort qui est montré par le hadith de ‘Abdallah Ibn ‘Abbas (qu’Allah les agrée lui et son père). Heraclius was a foreteller and an astrologer. We saw you taking something from your place and then we saw you retreating." Didn't I warn you? They were merchants doing business in Sham (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan), at the time when Allah's Apostle had truce with Abu Sufyan and Quraish infidels. Heraclius then asked him about the Arabs. Ibn 'Abbas is of prominent companions in the fields of exegesis and transmission of traditions who has been mentioned with outstanding titles and epithets (in Islamic sources). His companions asked, "O Allah's Apostle! So, I entered upon the Prophet (SAW) and saw him lying on a mat without wedding on it, and the mat had left its mark on the body of the Prophet (SAW), and he was leaning on a leather pillow stuffed with palm fires. S | ), Once Allah's Apostle passed by a dead sheep and said to the people, "Wouldn't you benefit by its skin?" Bismillah In today’s Khutbah I will be talking about a hadith that Prophet SA taught to his beloved cousin Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA. We are at truce with him but we do not know what he will do in it.' He was born just three years before the Hijrah. He went in and brought the same reply as before. V | The original text is in Arabic and titled as Nurul Iqtibas fi Mishkat Wasiyyah… He said, "No, but there were none in my people's land, and I find that I dislike them." They do not eclipse for anyone's death nor for anyone's life. The messenger replied, 'Arabs also practice circumcision.' He stood for a long time, nearly as long as (it takes to recite) Surat al-Baqara (Sura 2), and then went into ruku for a long time. Lalu Baginda telah mentahnikkanyya dengan air liur Baginda Nabi SAW. He kept voluntary fasts regularly and often stayed up at night in prayer. If you are benevolent to one of them throughout the life and if she sees anything (undesirable) in you, she will say, 'I have never had any good from you.' ", Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Ubaydullah ibn Abdullah ibn Utba ibn Masud that Abdullah ibn Abbas said, "I approached, riding on a donkey, while the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was leading the people in prayer at Mina, and I was, at that time, nearing puberty. Allah's Apostle slept till the middle of the night, either a bit before or a bit after it and then woke up, rubbing the traces of sleep off his face with his hands. the books of Moses), and the Injil (i.e. If you pastured in the fertile part, wouldn't you pasture them by the decree of Allah? Despite his young age, he participated in big lessons of ilm and settled the most difficult issues. O Allah, I submit to You and I accept You and I trust in You and I turn to You and I argue by You and I summon to You for judgement. I passed in front of a part of the first row and then dismounted from it, and the animal started grazing. (See Hadith No. Q | I replied, 'No.' I replied, 'No. ' Have Ghassan come? The Prophet replied, "Because of their ungratefulness." N | Having heard the news, he (Heraclius) ordered the people to go and see whether the messenger of Ghassan was circumcised. What would you think if these camels had gone down into a valley which had two slopes, one of them fertile, and the other barren. Shall I perform Hajj on his behalf? I replied, 'They are increasing.' Who are they who practice circumcision?' You are the Truth, and Your words are true. When he had answered the call of nature and returned. He said, 'Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?' Z. is known to be the leading source for ahadith on the world wide web. It aims to bring all major hadith collections at your fingertips. that he stayed overnight in the house of Maimuna the wife of the Prophet, his aunt. (a town in Syrian and stayed there till he received the reply of his letter from his friend who agreed with him in his opinion about the emergence of the Prophet and the fact that he was a Prophet. Then he said, 'The sun and the moon are two of Allah's signs. Abdullah ibn Abbas RA was not content to accumulate knowledge. The people prostrated before him and became pleased with him, and this was the end of Heraclius's story (in connection with his faith). He proceeded towards the highest places of Mecca near Al-Hujun and he was assuming the Ihram for Hajj and did not go near the Ka'ba after he performed Tawaf (round it) till he returned from 'Arafat. U | Al-Fadl started looking at her and she looked at him. Allah's Apostle offered the eclipse prayer and stood for a long period equal to the period in which one could recite Surat-al-Baqara. 163 hadith found in 'Purification (Kitab Al-Taharah)' of Sunan Abu-Dawud. Allah's Apostle was praying at Mina. G | ", Malik related to me from Ibn Shihab from Abu Umama ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf from Abdullah ibn Abbas that Khalid ibn al-Walid ibn al-Mughira entered the house of Maimuna, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and he was brought a roasted lizard. Then he went into ruku for a long time, though less than the first time. I | Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. Selepas Abdullah ibn Abbas dilahirkan, beliau telah dibawa oleh ibunya bertemu dengan Baginda Nabi SAW. And all that happened on the 25th of Dhul-Qa'da. (see hadith 6 vol 1). Z. is known to be the leading source for ahadith on the world wide web. They were summoned and he asked them for advice. He called for his translator who, translating Heraclius's question said to them, "Who amongst you is closely related to that man who claims to be a Prophet?" U | to be a Prophet) before him?' The Prophet turned Al-Fadl's face to the other side. I was scared (by the hard knocking) and came out to him. He then, recited the last ten verses of Sura Al-Imran, got up and went to a hanging water-skin. Aisha) is more beautiful than you, and more beloved to Allah's Apostle (SAW). Y | 'Umar further said, "I then said, 'I went to Hafsa and said to her: Do not be tempted to imitate your companion ('Aisha) for she is more beautiful than you and more beloved to the Prophet (SAW).' (1717) Narrated Aqra' ibn Habib: Ibn Abbas said: Aqra' ibn Habis asked the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) saying: Apostle of Allah hajj is to be performed annually or only once? We saw you trying to take something while standing at your place and then we saw you retreating." J | I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, "If you hear about it in a land, do not go forward to it. Heraclius further asked, 'Has anybody amongst you ever claimed the same (i.e. That happened during Hajjat-ul-wada' of the Prophet. You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship any thing along with Him and forbade you to worship idols and ordered you to pray, to speak the truth and to be chaste. I poured water on his hands from the tumbler and he performed ablution. A contemplation on the traditions that censure 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas in certain early Shi'a sources. I further asked you whether there was anybody, who, after embracing his religion, became displeased and discarded his religion. 'Aisha knew that her parents would not advise her to part with the Prophet (SAW) . Abu Sufyan added, "By Allah! Part 1 – Introduction Abdullah ibn ‘Abbās was son of prophet’s uncle Al- ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, he was born 3 years before Hijra and his mother name was Lubaba bint al-Harith, who was s… When I saw him smiling, I sat down and cast a glance at the room, and by Allah, I couldn't see anything of importance but three hides. My companion went (to the Prophet (SAW) on the day of his turn, went and returned to us at night and knocked at my door violently, asking whether I was sleeping. The work was received with wide praise. He was born just three years before the Hijrah. And then while still standing, I said chatting: "Will you heed what I say, 'O Allah's Apostle (SAW)! By Allah, the wives of the Prophet (SAW) retort upon him, and some of them may not speak with him for the whole day till night.' When twenty-nine days had passed, the Prophet (SAW) went to Aisha first of all. (Note: It is apparent from this Hadith that Ibn `Abbas had witnessed the event and came out saying this statement. Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu'z Zubayr al-Makki from Tawus al-Yamani from Abdullah ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to say, when he rose for prayer in the middle of the night, "O Allah, praise belongs to You. Heraclius asked the translator to convey to me the following, I asked you about his family and your reply was that he belonged to a very noble family. E | He felt he had a duty to the ummah to educate those in search of knowledge and the general masses of the Muslim community. I expected that would happen some day.' And so in the early morning, the Prophet mounted his Mount while in Dhul-Hulaifa and set out till they reached Baida', where he and his companions recited Talbiya, and then they did the ceremony of Taqlid (which means to put the colored garlands around the necks of the Budn (camels for sacrifice). I asked her, 'Why are you weeping? He prayed two Rakat then two Rakat and two Rakat and then two Rakat and then two Rakat and then two Rakat (separately six times), and finally one Rak'a (the Witr). Then I dressed myself and went to Hafsa and asked her, 'Does any of you keep Allah's Apostle (SAW) angry all the day long till night?' I was informed by Abu Sufyan that Heraclius said to him, "I asked you whether they (followers of Muhammad) were increasing or decreasing. They disagreed. Even if you were to behave well towards one of them for a whole lifetime and then she were to see you do something (that she did not like) she would say that she had never seen anything good from you.' T | Alireza Del-afkar. K | The truth is not so, for Ibn `Abbas used to say this statement on narrating the Hadith and he had not witnessed the event personally. Ibn ‘Abbas permitted Mut’ah so Ibn Abi ‘Amrah said to him, “What is this O Ibn ‘Abbas?” He said, “I did it during the time of the leader of pious.” Ibn Abi ‘Amrah said, “May Allah forgive. These people have been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only.' B | Ibn Mazar and Ibn Hatim state, in the commentary known as the Tafsir Durr-I-Mansur, that they have it on the authority of Ibn Muniyah, that the Taurat (i.e. He did not forbid anyone to wear any kind of sheets except the ones colored with saffron because they may leave the scent on the skin. ", That he heard As-Sab bin Jaththama Al-Laithi, who was one of the companions of the Prophet (SAW), saying that he gave the meat of an onager to Allah's Apostle (SAW) while he was at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was in a state of Ihram. 'O people of the scripture! The sub narrator adds, "Ibn An-Natur was the Governor of llya' (Jerusalem) and Heraclius was the head of the Christians of Sham. He is there in the upper room.' In AH 10 (631/632), Muhammad fell into his last illness. The Prophet said, "But its eating only is illegal. ", Once Allah's Apostle gave a letter to a person and ordered him to go and deliver it to the Governor of Bahrain. (0002) Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah: When the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) felt the need of relieving himself, he went far off where no one could see him. The Prophet (SAW) said, 'The month is also of twenty-nine days.' They were Aisha and Hafsa." (3:64). You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth and whoever is in them. Then I sat with them for some time, but could not endure the situation. P | Demand from me whatever you like, and don't be tempted to imitate your neighbour (i.e. I replied, 'No. C | Someone said, 'Are they ungrateful toAllah?' Abu Dawud said: A similar tradition has also been transmitted by Sulaiman b. Bilal from 'Amr b. Abi 'Umar. The site started in 2010 and since then it has continued to grow rapidly, you can help it to be the largest! When he was born, his mother took him to the blessed Prophet who put some of his saliva on the babe's tongue even before he began to suckle. From As-Sab bin Jath-thama Al-Laithi that the latter presented an onager to Allah's Apostle while he was at Al-Abwa or at Waddan, and he refused it. The teaching circle of Abdullah bin Abbas was famous. Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death. In those days it was rumored that Ghassan, (a tribe living in Sham) was getting prepared their horses to invade us. Ibn Abbas used to say, "No doubt, it was a great disaster that Allah's Apostle was prevented from writing for them that writing because of their differences and noise." L | 543/4, Al Mu’jamul Kabir, Hadith: 10581, Majma’uz Zawaid, vol. You are the light of the heavens and the earth and praise belongs to You. 3 pg. Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the greatest scholars of Islam, whose contribution to the religion is immense. Part 6 – Conclusion and sources Ibn Abbas was an ideal student of knowledge, he had the best teacher in prophet (pbuh), he had the best etiquettes of a student like humility, patience, bravery, daring, maturity, avoiding doubtful matters, listening attentively etc. º, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib ( may Allah be pleased with him). I, too, got up and did as the Prophet had done. Abdullah ibn Abbas was not content to accumulate knowledge. I said, 'He tells us to worship Allah and Allah alone and not to worship anything along with Him, and to renounce all that our ancestors had said. He was the Third son of a wealthy merchant, ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, thus he was called Ibn Abbas (the son of Abbas). They said, 'Why, Messenger of Allah?' اِلبَـس جَديـداً وَعِـشْ حَمـيداً وَمُـتْ شهيداً, Gifts, The superiority of giving and extortion of, Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment. It was asked whether they are ungrateful to Allah. (0001) Narrated Mughirah ibn Shu'bah: When the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) went (outside) to relieve himself, he went to a far-off place. The incident of a bird appearing at the janazah of Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) has been reported through several chains. Had I taken it, you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains. Then he stood for a long time, though less than the first time. º) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. I replied, 'It is the poor who follow him.' Indeed Mut’ah was an exemption like in the case when the dead meat, blood or the flesh of swine is necessary. Then, if they turn away, say: Bear witness that we are Muslims (those who have surrendered to Allah).' She said to him, 'You took an oath that you would not come to us for one month, and today only twenty-nine days have passed, as I have been counting them day by day.' When he was born, his mother took him to the blessed Prophet who put some of his saliva on the babe’s tongue even before he began to suckle. I, then asked you whether the rich people followed him or the poor. That Abu Sufyan told him that Heraclius said to him, "I asked you about the outcome of your battles with him (i.e. He then Performed the ablution from it and it was a perfect ablution, and then stood up to offer the prayer. V | Khalid added, "I chewed and ate it while the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was looking.". Letter 33: To Qutham ibn al- 'Abbas, his Governor of Mecca; Letter 34: To Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr; Letter 35: To 'Abdullah ibn al-'Abbas after Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr had been killed. He withdrew his hand. G | R | The sun eclipsed and Allah's Apostle offered the eclipse prayer and said, "I have been shown the Hellfire (now) and I never saw a worse and horrible sight than the sight I have seen today. Don't ask Allah's Apostle (SAW) too many things, and don't retort upon him in any case, and don't desert him. Furthermore I invite you to Islam, and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your Arisiyin (peasants). He said, 'They are ungrateful to their husbands and they are ungrateful for good behaviour (towards them) . N | He felt he had a duty to the ummah to educate those in search of knowledge and the general masses of the Muslim community. By then, the sun (eclipse) had cleared. Then I started to become sure that he (the Prophet) would be the conqueror in the near future till I embraced Islam (i.e. You replied that they were increasing. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and praise belongs to You. The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! So, I went and sat with the people who were sitting by the pulpit, but I could not bear the situation, so I went to the slave again and said: "Will you get he permission for Umar? And in fact, this is the way of true Faith till it is complete in all respects. T | Some said, 'You have set out for something, and we do not think that you should leave it.' View More Narrators:  Then he bowed for a long time and then stood up for a long period which was shorter than that of the first standing, then bowed again for a long time but for a shorter period than the first; then he prostrated twice and then stood up for a long period which was shorter than that of the first standing; then he bowed for a long time which was shorter than the previous one, and then he raised his head and stood up for a long period which was shorter than the first standing, then he bowed for a long time which was shorter than the first bowing, and then prostrated (twice) and finished the prayer. Others said, 'You have the companions of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the rest of the people with you, and we do not think that you should send them towards this plague.' "On that the Prophet (SAW) smiled." I passed in front of part of the row, dismounted, sent the donkey off to graze, and then joined the row, and no one rebuked me for doing so. Abu Sufyan added, Heraclius told his translator to tell my companions that he wanted to put some questions to me regarding that man (The Prophet) and that if I told a lie they (my companions) should contradict me." embrace Islam).' He offered the eclipse prayer. And as he had a Badana and had garlanded it, he did not finish his Ihram. K | Then he lay down again in the bed till the Mu'adhdhin came to him where upon the Prophet got up, offered a two light Rakat prayer and went out and led the Fajr prayer. On noticing the signs of some unpleasant feeling of disappointment on his (As-Sab's) face, the Prophet said to him, "I have only returned it because I am Muhrim.". Then he said, 'What was the outcome of the battles?' (On hearing the views of Heraclius) the people ran towards the gates of the palace like onagers but found the doors closed. ". A | I replied, 'No.' After that the Prophet (SAW) gave the choice to his other wives and they also gave the same reply as Aisha did. When they assembled, he ordered that all the doors of his palace be closed. His explanations were precise, clear and logical. (And I recite to you Allah's Statement:) Heraclius called them in the court and he had all the senior Roman dignitaries around him. D | Narrated/Authority of Abdullah bin Abbas Listed in: Gifts, The superiority of giving and extortion of That he heard As-Sab bin Jaththama Al-Laithi, who was one of the companions of the Prophet (SAW), saying that he gave the meat of an onager to Allah's Apostle (SAW) while he was at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was in a state of Ihram. Do you have any doubt (that the Hereafter is better than this world)? We flee from the decree of Allah to the decree of Allah. He replied, 'At night when I looked at the stars, I saw that the leader of those who practice circumcision had appeared (become the conqueror). (33.28) 'Aisha said, 'Am I to consult my parents about this? 'Just Issue orders to kill every Jew present in the country.' He said, 'I saw the Garden and I reached out for a bunch of grapes from it, and if I had taken it you would have been able to eat from it for as long as this world lasted. His explanations were precise, clear and logical. B | He summoned them and not one of them differed. The Prophet (SAW) did not accept it. H | One occasion when his formidable powers of persuasion was used was during the caliphate of Ali. The woman said, "O Allah's Apostle! Then he rose and stood for a long time, though less than the first time.Then he went into ruku for a long time, though less than the first time. I replied, 'He belongs to a good (noble) family amongst us.' The slave went in, talked to the Prophet (SAW) about it and came out saying, 'I mentioned you to him but he did not reply.' Your reply was in the negative, and in fact this is (the sign of) true faith, when its delight enters the hearts and mixes with them completely. It was narrated that Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) said: "The Messenger of Allah embraced me and said: 'O Allah, teach him wisdom and the (correct) interpretation of the Book." 758), Abu Sufyan told me that Heraclius said to him, "When I enquired you what he (i.e. Heraclius said, 'Have you ever accused him of telling lies before his claim (to be a Prophet)?' I also saw the Hell-fire and I had never seen such a horrible sight. He placed his right hand on my head and caught my right ear and twisted it. If it comes upon a land and you are in it, then do not depart in flight from it." They acted as the Muhajirun had and disagreed as they had disagreed. Forgive me what I have sent before me and what I have left behind, what I have kept secret and what I have proclaimed, You are my god - there is no god but You." Khalid said, "Is it haram, Messenger of Allah?" He said, 'Because of their ungratefulness (kufr).' M | Peace be upon him, who follows the right path. Say To your wives; If you desire The life of this world And its glitter, ... then come! He used to go one day, and I another day. Doesn't she fear that Allah may get angry for the anger of Allah's Apostle (SAW) and thus she will be ruined? When you see an eclipse, remember Allah.' Umar called out to the people, 'I am leaving by camel in the morning,' so they set out. Heraclius asked, 'Have you ever had a war with him?' Your promise is true, and the meeting with You is true. Abu Sufyan then added, "When Heraclius had finished his speech and had read the letter, there was a great hue and cry in the Royal Court. She said, "My father has come under Allah's obligation of performing Hajj but he is a very old man and cannot sit properly on his Mount. The Prophet replied, "I saw Paradise and stretched my hands towards a bunch (of its fruits) and had I taken it, you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains. But if you seek Allah And His Apostle (SAW), and The Home of the Hereafter, then Verily, Allah has prepared For the good-doers amongst you A great reward.' 137 hadith found in 'The Rites of Hajj (Kitab Al-Manasik Wal-Hajj)' of Sunan Abu-Dawud. So I wondered how a person who does not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about Allah. The first question he asked me about him was: (When they returned) he said, 'What already said was just to test the strength of your conviction and I have seen it.' L | 1, p.220 footnote.) Then the Prophet (SAW) entered an upper room and stayed there alone. Dedicated to bringing you error free hadith with your help insha-Allah! I questioned you whether anybody else amongst you claimed such a thing, your reply was in the negative. The Prophet then said, "The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah. 9 pg. When I went I would bring him the news of what had happened that day regarding the instructions and orders and when he went, he used to do the same for me. Abdullah ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (p.b.u.h) said, "Healing is in three things: in the incision of the cupper, in drinking honey, and in cauterizing with fire, but I forbid my Ummah (nation) from cauterization (branding with fire)." (See Hadith … We, the people of Quraish used to have the upper hand over our women (wives), and when we came to the people whose women had the upper hand over them..."