It would reduce resource access. why high school campuses would rather start earlier in the day. An early school start time can cut transportation costs. For instance, sunlight and temperature are two big factors. Primary education starts at age 6 or 7 in most OECD countries, but in the UK children start primary school at the age of 4 or 5. It finds that early schooling boosts both cognitive and non-cognitive skills up Since school districts operate at the local level, in many ways, it’s hard to convince everyone why schools should start later. Otherwise, the circadian rhythms would just be delayed, and the same issues seen today with earlier school start times would still be present. Just to show you the range, the CDC reported that Louisiana had an average start time of 7:40am, which was the earliest in the nation. This would give kids time to do homework and other activities after school. … Sports needing to practice outdoors have more daylight, and students walking home from these activities can take advantage of the extra daylight for their safety. Later School Start Times Promote Academic Success. It is affected by the environment. Many studies show that later schools starts are associated with better grades, higher test scores, and improved focus and self-regulation among middle and high school students. Many attempts have been made to switch school start times to later hours. Considering commute and morning preparations, students are rising long before dawn to spend six to eight hours of dealing with academic and other school activities. This column exploits local variation in school entry rules in the UK to investigate the effects of schooling at an early age on cognitive and non-cognitive development. High schools in the U.S. generally start at 8 a.m. if not earlier. Most community resources do not open until 9am or later. One of the reasons adolescents do not get enough sleep is early school start times. It tells our body’s when to sleep, rise, and eat. Despite research showing how early school starting times can be harmful to the health and development of adolescents, Asia's academic schedules remain … Earlier school start times as a risk factor for poor school performance: An examination of public elementary schools in the commonwealth of Kentucky. Our body clocks, more formally known as our circadian rhythm, is a cycle tied to our physiological processes. School should start at around 4 am and get out at about noon. School should start earlier. School districts that decide to adopt an early start time can save up to 30% on their transportation costs. Improved self-regulation can also result in fewer disruptions in class. In some cases, students may need to travel, and an early start If the student went to sleep at 9 they could get up to 7 hours of sleep which is good enough for the student. This is where starting as early as possible comes in - students need the time to effectively identify, research, visit, and apply to schools that are best-fits. 8. This is why school should start no earlier than 9 AM. “Early school start times, however, are preventing many adolescents from getting the sleep they need.” In more than 40 states, at least 75 percent of public schools start earlier … The truth is, students should apply to a balanced list of reach, target, and likely colleges, ideally 12-15, but no more than 20. 2.