According to Natural Fertility, “Cervical mucus is made up of 90% water, so if you are not hydrating your body your cervical mucus production may lessen”. According to Baby Hopes, vitamin C causes the body to produce more water, which increases cervical mucus. The Stork Mama has reported that women with low levels of Vitamins A and C also have low levels of cervical mucus: “Vitamin A will improve both the volume and quality of cervical mucus… A dose of Vitamin C is known to improve the amount and constancy. You're most fertile when your mucus resembles egg whites, looking and feeling stretchy and clear. In her groundbreaking book Fertility, Cycles, & Nutrition, Shannon gives specific examples of vitamins that have been specially formulated to support a woman’s fertility cycle—something that very few vitamins can adequately do. 6. Vitamin C can be found in citrus, sweet peppers, broccoli … Not only does maintaining a healthy weight increase your chances of conceiving, but it also increases the quantity and quality of your mucus. , it seemed like the Internet was chock-full of suggestions for ways we could change our diet and lifestyle in order to naturally boost our fertility. The body does not produce Omega 3 fatty acids, so it’s important to include it in your diet or as a supplement. FertilPrep works to help optimize the quality of cervical mucus to facilitate conception, reduce free radical oxidation, and support natural fertility function. Evening primrose oil (EPO) is derived from the seeds of the beautiful flowering plant known as the “Evening Primrose.” EPO is a natural source of Omega 6 essential fatty acids, which means it may help naturally boost fertility by improving the quality and increasing the quantity of your cervical mucus. You may find that some (or all) of these supplements are helpful for naturally improving your fertility and thereby increasing your chances at conception. The following are a few supplements that may help you to naturally boost your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant—keeping in mind that you should always consult your doctor before starting a new vitamin or supplement regimen. Your cervical mucus changes in quantity and quality throughout your cycle. Luckily, there are some simple things that you can do to improve your cervical mucus and therefore improve your chances of becoming pregnant. Experts advise women to drink at least 8 full glasses of water daily. With the guidance of a doctor trained in Fertility Awareness Methods for achieving pregnancy, such as NaProTechnology or FEMM, you will be in the best position possible for navigating the nutritional, emotional, and physiological aspects necessary for healthy fertility. Continued. Right before ovulation, your … Observing cervical mucus (CM) is an efficient, easy, fast, and free way to detect your fertile window each menstrual cycle. 3 Simple Nutrition Tips that Will Improve Your Reproductive Health, How Whole30 Helped Me Manage my PCOS and Overcome Infertility. Incorporating foods rich in these vitamins can benefit your cervical mucus. “Cervical mucus increases and becomes very thin, stretchy, and clear as you approach ovulation,” says Staci Pollack, MD. Cervical mucus creates a safe environment for sperm to travel to egg; without it the sperm could not survive the vagina’s acidic conditions. Shannon specifically recommends Optivite PMT (and its male counterpart, Androvite, for men whose wives are trying to conceive), Professional Prenatal Formula, or ProCycle PMS as the most complete multi-vitamins a woman can take to naturally boost her fertility. A low level of Vitamin A means a woman has a low level of cervical mucus. “The evidence on most herbs and supplements is not based on large, well-designed studies,” she says. Omega 3 fatty acids may also promote an ideal balance of reproductive hormones. In honor of Cervical Health Awareness Month, we wanted to share six easy ways to help increase and improve your cervical mucus health. There are several foods to increase the quantity of cervical mucus, and carrots are one of them. Taking a vitamin E supplement could increase a couple’s chances of conception. Omega 6 essential fatty acids may also promote proper hormone balance, which may in turn help with other reproductive issues like PMS. It is also very important to be gentle with yourself, and to remember that even the “perfect” diet and all of the “right” supplements might not be the answer to all of your reproductive issues. But because of EPO’s effects on the uterus, you must be careful to only take this supplement before ovulation, which you can easily target if you’re charting with a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). © 2021 PregPrep LLC. and lower inflammation throughout the body, both of which help promote conception and a healthy pregnancy. Still, not all prenatal vitamins are created equal, according to Marilyn M. Shannon, an expert in human physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, and fertility. Drinking grapefruit juice may help address a pH imbalance with your cervical mucus. The cervical mucus is the fluid which is necessary for conception. 4. Omega 3 fatty acids may also promote an ideal balance of reproductive hormones. In the completely revised 5th edition of Fertility, Cycles & Nutrition, Shannon remarks that she “found flax oil very helpful to many reproductive problems,” such as premenstrual syndrome or PMS, heavy/painful/long periods, endometriosis, luteal phase deficiency, low thyroid function, and polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. It works by increasing the amount of water in your cervical mucus.” It helps prolong the sperm’s life within the female a couple more days, so as to increase the chances for the egg to be fertilized. premenstrual syndrome or PMS, heavy/painful/long periods, Vitex (also known as chasteberry extract) may help improve a woman’s fertility by raising her progesterone levels and lengthening cycles that are shortened due to luteal phase defect—a common underlying cause of infertility. Enough intake of Vitamin C helps in increasing mucus production as it is already known for many of its health-related benefits. Last updated September 2, 2020. Taking foods like Okra, egg yolk, mushrooms, salmon, sardines and liver would boost the amount of vitamin … Cervical Awareness Month • cervical mucus • preconception health • pregnancy. Not all vitamins include omega-3s so you may want to invest in an additional supplement. Improving the Quantity. Vitamin C to make the blood vessel walls stronger and fight infections. Citrus fruits are an ideal source of … Yes, you should start taking a prenatal vitamin even before you get pregnant! Omega 3 fatty acids also may help improve cervical mucus quality (the substance produced by the cervix that nourishes sperm and helps them to reach the egg). If you slightly change your diet, you can increase your chances of conceiving a girl in this way. It’s worth considering that, while these vitamins do a great job of improving fertility—which will prepare your body to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy—you needn’t wait until you’re thinking about trying for a baby to start taking them. When you join our list, receive our exclusive PDF Understanding Your Cycle. L-Arginine to increase the fluidity and production of your mucus during ovulation. Try drinking one glass of fresh grapefruit juice each day. Along our infertility journey using FAM and NaProTechnology, we also learned how to naturally improve our fertility through the use of various dietary supplements, multi-vitamins, and herbs for both men and women. In addition to taking supplements, relaxation is essential when trying to conceive. Foods Rich In Vitamin D This vitamin helps in the production of estrogen which, as earlier stated, is the hormone responsible for mucus production. Yet another reason to be in-tune with your cycle before trying to conceive! Other possible causes include uterine displacement caused by scarring, problems with a fallopian tube,s or hormonal imbalance. Vitamin C Since vitamin C isn’t naturally stored in the body, it’s recommended to get a daily dose of it, as it regulates the menstruation cycle and normal ovulation. In a study of 52 women with luteal phase defect, chasteberry extract helped elevate progesterone levels and lengthen the luteal phase of their respective cycles.