I plan on moving on to an institution that cares. Now we have money, but we prefer to keep it in a joint savings account. The women on the phone tells me that I can't change it over the phone (I think, I could barely understand a word she was saying), then continues on to tell me about a new emergency cash card that is perfect for college students who needs some cash in an emergency that I should consider signing up for. Major run-around, and no care for loyalty. and when I was opening account I told banker and her manager this account is just for transfer money from another country.1- they did not sent ATM card after 20 days2- when her dad sent money less than 10000.00 they immediately hold and block her money and with out any reason closed her account.. Being able to do all of this online, has taken a lot of the unpleasantness out of banking. The person who helped me was very nice, and I got the letter saying the change was made for the date we had agreed on. I verified the debit with the bank upon which the funds were drawn, Union Bank.Wells Fargo drew down the funds. Every bank branch that I've visited had people who were genuinely caring and very professional in giving me the best banking experience possible. Customer service has always been pleasant. I have excellent credit and perfect pay history with Wells.i have been solicited to re-finance my current mortgage. Then, during the span of about a month, I called five times to get the issue resolved, but each time I was put on hold for excessive amounts of time, told a representative would call me back, which never happened, or simply got an answer that it was not possible to fix the issue at the time. A reader writes: My husband works as a bank teller at a local bank. Bruce-Winter Haven, Florida. Plus other fees before he decided to close the account. Their fees are not the best, but I know that, that is how they make their money. Rather than having a loan backup account, simple and clear, it has convoluted possibilities, ranging from taking money from savings to credit card--all with flat charges rather than interest. I highlight talked a big game, because the delivery and execution is lacking greatly. They have hidden fees and service charges at every turn. The clerk had the authority to delete the charges and I love that she was empowered to do so, without waiting for a manager to become available. The disruptions had affected the bank’s automated teller machine network, as well as transactions on unified payments interface, credit cards and debit cards. How dare they set a minimum of $1500 or higher as daily balance to waive a monthly service fee of $5. You work hard for your money - make sure you place your trust in a banking institution that deserves and appreciates your business. Instead of waiting another two weeks for yet another card, mine will be up and running again in about a day. Cole was instead a heartless cold blooded murderer of not only peace officers and bank tellers … Very large and unweidly.I received a rate increase to one of my Credit Cards of 2.5%. Even though I was always above the fee criteria, charging a fee just for an account seemed ridiculous. Their benefits are great and they have given me many tips throughout the years on how to manage and save my money, as well as help pay off other accounts to the best of my ability. I am winding down these business accounts and had cancelled my American Express and NPC merchant accounts, but the monthly charges hit my WF account anyway, saddling me with two overdraft charges which WF refused to refund. I had a Wachovia bank checking and saving account for 5 year when Wells fargo bought them. Last Saturday, home-confined with black ice covering our roads, I received a call from their collections department informing me I was five days late with my minimum payment and must pay immediately. I do not have to go in person to the bank hardly ever now. However, a couple days later, the employee who originally opened my account called and said he had reversed the fees on my account and that he advised me to close the account if was not going to use it, in order to avoid incurring more fees. This bank is fairly consistent with it's services and customer support. I think they might be trying to act with good behavior since they are trying to repair their image. I have normally had good service at wells fargo and if I did not I would go to a supervisor and the problem was resolved. So due to all this mucking about (and one of the big transactions being refunded) there were a whole series of large pending transactions some of which stayed pending for OVER TWO WEEKS! They linked my debit card to the wrong account, drained that account, and kept posting overdrafts which they took out of the wrong account. Wells Fargo's online bill pay stinks. The Franchise Tax department assured me on 2/24/15 that the mistake will be corrected immediately as a notice “to release account” will be sent to the legal department of Wells Fargo and then all monies and fees charged due to this (wrong doing) error would be corrected and my checking account will be credited as it should. Like many of the previous posters, have been a wachovia customer for many years without any issues. Is there any reason why they can't notify me by email or text when first charge was TAKEN from my account? In the last few years, it has become obvious that Wells Fargo only cares about itself. I can also easily transfer money to other bank accounts from the same bank or even other banks and this all can be done with my computer or even my phone with their easy to use app. I see a lot of people dogging on the personal customer service, and that's where I wonder if it's just me, but I can't write a review and rate this bank based on other people's experiences. ). After that I realize over the summer that I'm being charged from my savings account everytime I make an ATM withdrawal from checking WTF!! Wells Fargo released 1/3 of the funds and the work began. She opened for me a new money market account, a check and save as you go account. Another utility introduced via UPI is the electronic mandate, or e-mandate. I had an checking account with the WellsFargo bank at San Antonio Mountain View for many years without any problem until they upgraded their system several years ago. Their app also allows checks to be deposited by taking pictures of them, which is extremely convenient. On the face of the letter, there is something a little off. iSPIRT’s approach to solving these problems favours the creation of open APIs and public standards (like OCEN and DEPA) which allow different market participants to connect more efficiently and transparently. This bothered me because I had just opened a savings account and checking account with them. I have finished paying my debt except the late fees and now they want to send me to collections. My beef with Wells Fargo is that their savings rates are so darn low that I have to go elsewhere for CD's. I got a phone call from a gentlemen who said he is receiving my husbands mail from Wells Fargo at his house, along with a credit card in my husband's name. Very greedy Company that tacks on late fees even in medical emergencies and when pay off balance still accruing late fees on account.Will not recommend this bank to anyone and will not open another credit card in their name. After all this WF informs me that they can only go bck 90 days from the day i was trying to file the claim. But today when I made a deposit I was told at the drive through that starting in September all their accounts are required to have a daily $1500 minimum balance. I was under the impression that it was the same College Student account, but it turned out it wasn't. I was in drive through one day, and teller told me that she wanted to talk to me about a change that was available with my checking account. I linked Ally Bank & WF and no issues (checking account at both). Our readers in the EU and UK might recognise the AA system as India’s own spin on Open Banking. Wells Fargo is a...ok choice if you're looking for a bank that has a large national footprint. But i did as they said. I have been using Wells Fargo as my primary day to day checking and stock investing. The only fields inside the UIDAI database are name, address, age, gender, email, phone number, biometrics (which are designed to never leave the database), and some metadata about which service providers the user performed e-Auth or eSign or online e-KYC with. I just closed my account after 5 years being with them and I couldn't be happier that I finally made the time to get ride of them (with a $10 fee they charge for closing, but this is the last $10 they will ever get from me.). I have found that consistently, whenever I go in to the bank, I'm treated as a human. I have had the misfortune of dealing with Wells Fargo (not by choice) in various scenarios where they failed miserably. This bank is anti-business and anti-consumer. After losing about $30 from Wells Fargo I ended up closing my account before I lost any other money there. It's been an awesome bank for our family. My credit score would probably take a dip from closing my accounts with them, but I'm sure it will bounce back. This brings us to the customer experience side of things, where UPI offers a superior UX to most global payment systems. The results have demonstrated that aside from the Invisible Hand in the US, or the regulation-led strategy in the EU, or even the Great Firewall of China, there is a ‘fourth approach’ to development in the digital era and it is being pioneered in India. This server sends messages to and fro between all the banks, with NPCI as the middleman. Additionally, the ecosystem of hardware and software partners around the Aadhaar system should have been controlled better so that their own faulty security practices did not result in data leaks about Aadhaar users. In addition I was using a totally free business checking account for a low volume project. This bank has horrible customer service and high fees. Fees are too big for loans and some loans have a penalty for paying your loan off early. I can deposit cash, and use the app to deposit checks. !I will continue sending every body and anyplace my feedback until I die !!!!!!!!! Reminds me of that commercial about banks. WF has good ATMs and loads of branches; but there is much more to a good bank than that. I am very impressed with their customer service. i deposited $10.00 bill on Dec31st to clear negative balance the available balance was $4.18...on Dec31 ...Have the receipt to show available balance... on Jan 3rd I was gong to deposit a check for $15,000 to find that the $35.00 fee found its way in my account. During this process, I logged near as much five hours of phone time with them, and though the issue wasn't resolved as fast as I would have liked, I understood their limitations with overseas shipping. Along with banks, telecom companies also benefited massively from e-KYC. I visit Wells Fargo daily as a office manager of a loan company I make several deposits daily and I have not once had an issue with the representative who work at that location. I joined with them over 6 years ago to open a simple checking account. What bull. No customer service period. I recently had to deal with a large accounting error and the bank corrected the error immediately after I contacted them. Moved to PNC, no atm fees at thier atm and they refund other atm use fees right back to myaccount, no limit eaither! Don't waste your time with this institution...unless you want to get ripped off over the years. When suspicious charges were made to my account, they immediately locked the account and reversed the charges. But that doesnt jibe with the reports. He assumed my account had been handed off, but no such luck. And you would think it is the most impossible request in the world to get a check list of what documentation is needed.... the list doesn't exist. Despite my better judgement figured that I would continue a relationship of 38 yrs. I'm very UNHAPPY with Wells Fargo, the one I went to was in Murrieta, Madison street. And today I had a small problem, but between the 3 managers (men standing around in suits), and the 3 or 4 tellers, (only one of which was helping the ONLY customer in the bank), no one was willing to help me, or let alone just give me some advice or assistance to resolve my problem. My 2011 income is substantially more than my 2009. The NEXT Friday, I got a call stating that I had to come in that night to sign the papers. Wells Fargo is a solid choice for a bank. I have had a wonderful relationship with Wachovia for nearly a decade. Transfers from one account to another, or deposits made at a banking location or ATM, do not qualify as a direct deposit. I haven't actually had any reason to go to a physical Wells Fargo in over a year. I stick it in, punch in my pin. They treat you like royalty when you step foot in the bank and try to solve any of your needs. This has happened at least 4 times resulting in an increase in my rate. We have been members for over 30 years (through banks being bought up by them), and we have no service at all. (1) They did not send me replacement debit card when the original one expired last September. Seems more interested in insurance business than in banking. THEY SUCK! I am about through with Wells Fargo. In the process of moving everything I have with them away. Since taking over Wachovia has droped to you are just a number and verry inpersonable. With its philosophy of building public digital infrastructure, India Stack seems to give the state an important role to play in fostering innovation. I"m happy and would recommend them to others. I gavethe next branch all the Canadian bank info along with the manager's name and phone number, but that was not good enough. and a loan to value of less than 50% and I have over $ 200,000  in equity in my house. As a college student, they waived any monthly fees on my account, since I'm not currently working. They will always attempt to resolve issues immediately or within a short time frame. Please take my advice and choose a different bank!! The customer service on the phone is so nice and aren't in some other country where I can barely understand them. When another man, the purported manager, Mathew, came over, he would not cash the check because the teller wouldn't, and in spite of the fact---know your customer---that he knew me, acknowledged that he knew me, but he just wasn't going to cash my check without writing down all of my personal information. I have a very good experience in this bank and I love it. Just because I am helping the economy by buying a house doesn’t automatically mean that I am some shady character simply because I actually have some “savings” even in the middle of a recession, on a government salary, and can afford to buy something. i do not have any thing else to say to short or just a way to avoid posting do you work for the banks. It doesn’t even have to be the case that the state builds everything itself. If you do not understand any of these terms or you do not know how to do, just don't proceed. I don't do business with thieves. I sure do miss Wachovia! They have lots of "managers" to manage the one teller and one other employee to open accounts. They took my cash deposit and it never showed up in my account. They said it would cost me $5 a page for them to research and copy the files. We opened our accounts before we had children and at that time we only used a checking and a savings account. The answer, it turns out, was to build a mobile payments platform that made using these newfound accounts cheaper and more intuitive. So, when trying to rectify this matter, I was told that I had 'used up' my courtesy refund. So far my experience has been very positive. I will spare you the details. I still know a bunch of people who bank st Wells Fargo and love it, I was just not one of those people. People have gone out of their way to help me. I was late paying my balance by six days because I was on business trips and thought the card would link to my accounts. I deal with MANY banks for multiple clients, this is the ONLY one that operates that way. Nope they will not  and they will not give you credit for them til the next day!!! The answer is that it solved an economic primitive. I must be a sucker to stay with Wells Fargo. At times I have had more cash in the bank and received the treatment I would expect for a preferred client. Wells Fargo has refused to release funds transferred from RBC Wealth Management, who abides by Texas probate laws that allow for two or dual POA's. I have good services from other banks I am with. Which would be great, if the app actually worked.I have over 10 accounts with WF, with my personal and business accounts. On 12/9 I obtained a $45,000 loan and went on vacation for the holidays. My wife deposited her payroll check on Saturday, September 3 at 10:03 a.m. in the morning. What I perhaps find most interesting is how well this bank does in comparison to other branches. Wachovia was terrific. Feeling dejected, the borrower laments the paucity of options available to him - he either has to mail the money through the post office, or wait a few months and hand it over in person! And they're posting record profits all while service declines. After i moved from Florida to Oregon I switched my bank to wells Fargo on account of my previous bank not being in the area. I GO IN AND LADY GIVES ME DIRTY LOOK. We are not affiliated with the financial institutions included in this website. This decade-long socio-economic experiment has proved that you can balance innovation and inclusion without compromising on your economic principles. If you feel kike hassling to get your hard earned money than this is the bank for you. Unlike social security numbers and other national IDs issued by foreign countries, the Indian government built Aadhaar in a way that it could be easily leveraged and extended by developers. You would think people would be beating down their door to give them a small loan (we are only asking for a loan of ~22% of the value of the paid in full home to complete some landscaping and updates to the house!). I asked how this could be done, and we changed all the info back. These individuals have suffered, and although they only account for 15% of all the bank account holders in India, that still adds up to 160 million people. Go to a credit union immediately. These apps, provided by newly licensed financial institutions (Account Aggregators) allow individuals to use their mobile numbers to discover and link their bank accounts, credit cards, loan provider accounts, stock broking accounts, insurance policies, and 18 more financial assets which currently ‘house’ their data. Behind the hood, the user’s bank encodes and encrypts the data before sending it out for the approved requester’s eyes only (in this case - the lending website). The lady told me I could either come back for it or they would mail me a check. I called and told them to take her off or I would contact their manager about the person that let her gain access to my account and they finally took her off because I was not very happy. Avoid Wells Fargo at all costs. It didn't seem the manager wanted to be much help either as I waited for her and she never came to see what the issue was so I just left. I was actually dumbstruck by this, I had never heard of this happening with any other friends or family members. No, I never received my interest from that college account. i went to buy something and there was no money in my account. I use to love banking at Wachova as they treated me with respect and courtesy and was really disappointed when Wells Fargo bought them out. I will continue to stay with this bank for many years to come. I've always been impressed with the service I got in the local banks. It was approved easily and I deposited the money in my account. In response to the request, the UIDAI server simply returns a yes/no, indicating whether the database does indeed contain a record which matches the given number and demographic data or not. I have two accounts with Wells Fargo and one of my accounts went negative due to a dentist payment taken out for services back in June. I have to jump through hoops, by moving cash around to avoid some of the charges, which can be annoying. DigiSahamati (Sahamati) Foundation: This website, belonging to the organization overseeing the implementation of the AA framework, has lots of useful material, including video demonstrations by participants of last year’s seminal AA hackathon, and technical specifications of the AA system. I also like the option to do use billpay and transfer quickly to other Wells Fargo customers. They told my son he had to come into one of their offices so they could identify him. They don't have free checking/savings unless you keep $50,000, no matter how long you've been a customer. I told them it wasn't going to happen and then maybe we should just cancel it.......I was told I needed to come in to sign papers for that too. Where Wells excels in my opinion is their online banking app. More recently, he has been running an investment syndicate known as Prophetic Ventures which he is currently upgrading to a full fledged VC fund in order to better manifest his conviction in the quality and potential of the Indian software industry. So what is the secret - how and why was M-PESA so successful? Then WF bought Wachovia with bailout dollars and ruined the company. Problem is, when I went to set up my PNC account again, WF once again made trial deposits to my PNC account, and withdrew the deposits, which incurred another overdraft fee on my account. The brick and mortar stores are worth entering if you need an actual person for and they are always willing to help you out in any way they can. Overall we are very happy with Wells Fargo and would recommend it to everyone. Our closing took only 45 days and I was so happy I wrote a letter to higher management explaining my experience and since that I have brought over 50 people to this branch to open accounts. And you would think they would learn and maybe implement some kind of additional protection? Wells Fargo is very dependable and helpful. A 15 year wells deposit customer. During that conversation, I clarified that to avoid such instances in the future, if a second "amount" was paid after the due date, I would be all set for the next month.