Kindred has two major characters, Edana (Dana) Franklin and Rufus Weylin, Dana's great-great-grandfather. . Alice is supposed to be a free woman, but Rufus arranges it so that she becomes his slave and he forces her to have sex with him. ""I know," I said. I know I made you my girl for a reason, honeypants! Margaret Weylin could not run the plantation. Dana struggles to cut Alice down, then holds Alice’s body and cries. If they knew. How would she marry this boy? Dana startles when she realizes that the men are, ...Dana to go back inside. Then she drew closer to me and clasped them around my neck. Weylin explains that “Mr. "If I lived in your time, I would have married her. Alice’s baby is a girl, with far darker skin than Joe. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Rufus Weylin appears in, ...the trouble began for her on June 9th, 1976, her twenty-sixth birthday, when she met. Wonder how much that'll cost me" (3.3.6). Dana asks Alice’s mother if Tom Weylin owns her husband, and Alice’s mother nods sadly. Is that it? They be calling you mammy in a few years. I could accept him as my ancestor, my younger brother, my friend, but not as my master, and not as my lover. I know I made you my girl for a reason, honeypants! Rufus’s mother, Margaret Weylin, bursts into Rufus’s room, upset. help Alice, realizing that most of the wounds are dog bites and whip lashes. Dana has no idea how to help, Dana comes back in the room to find Nigel asleep on the floor and, ...of the girl that Dana knew. Her names were only symbolic, but I had more than symbols to remind me that freedom was possible—probable—and for me, very near.Or was it?Slowly, I began to calm down. Dana, in turn, does not care for Margaret Weylin. She then seals her letter to Kevin and hands it to. That's a no-brainer! Rufus Weylin . I'm sick of this treatment! Gas Station Attendant: Hmm... Where'd you say you pushed this thing from? There was no shame in raping a black woman, but there could be shame in loving one. "I didn't know. Eventually, he begins to see her as a sexual … Some of them will go on struggling to survive, no matter what. Cool. Every time, man. Vroom! As Dana worries about what she will do if she is stuck in the past, ...if the black man belongs to Tom Weylin, and if that is the reason that, ...for black people. Rufus says he would cut his own throat if he ever found himself wanting Dana. ", Rufus: "Why, you!!! The place, the time would either kill him outright or mark him somehow. But I've never been to the North Pole before. This is all part of my training! The plantation as home is an ironic place of safety. Nigel tells Dana that he and Carrie are expecting a baby together, and that, the Weylin plantation. Sarah had already warned Sam not to pursue Dana and invite. Rufus Weylin and Tom Weylin In Rufus’s youth he had hated and feared his father but as he grew older he had grown to respect his father. He beckons her to his time period several times, always during moments of peril. In 's historical time-travel novel , the two characters Rufus Weylin, and his father Tom Weylin, are white slave owners in the antebellum South. You wanna fight me. He wasn't a monster at all. "She looked at me for a long time without saying anything. He tells her he will permit her to read to Rufus but not to read anywhere else and not to touch his books. ""It's one of the few things about him you should copy.". The best fighter in America, an' not to mention the best lookin', is yours truly, Rufus! I still don't. Nigel tells Dana that the years of being with, 5. ...Sarah then tells Dana that the patrollers cut off Isaac’s ears. His father wasn't the monster he could have been with the power he held over his slaves. ", Ken: "Alright, man. ""Does that bother you?""No! you actually died and came back from the dead, a bottle of cheap hair dye and a pair of high heels, I guess we know where we're headed next! Anyway, all that means we're two halves of the same woman—at least in his crazy head.”. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. ". Kevin laments that, ...back to the Historical Society building, but Kevin looks forward toward a future free of, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Anything could be done to her. Or tried to.". With Tom Weylin’s death, Rufus officially assumes his father’s role. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Else, you'd have to see yourself for the white nigger you are, and you couldn't stand that. Tom asks why Dana continues to help, ...afraid of her than he is of anyone. Dana looks down on Sarah until she sees. Both the land and the people would be sold. Instant downloads of all 1408 LitChart PDFs But the danger to me personally ... the danger to me personally still walked and talked and sometimes sat with Alice in her cabin in the evening as she nursed Hagar. Rufus Weylin; a character first perceived as a young, curious and innocent boy, turns in to an over-obsessive and miserable tyrant. This is all your fault! ...that Alice would rather try to run again with Joe than continue to live under. I was suddenly angry. Like I said, I'm training here! And Rufus was Rufus—erratic, alternately generous and vicious. Rufus's dependency on Dana goes beyond her repeatedly saving his life; she also takes on the role of sister, friend, and mother. Join Facebook to connect with Rufus Weylin and others you may know. I guess we know where we're headed next! Her miseries started strong by being born black in the antebellum South, and the loss of her freedom at Rufus Weylin’s demands also was a great shock to her (157). I'll pulverize ya! I doubt I could get it a couple hundred feet myself.Candy: Well, my Rufus ain't no ordinary man! Rufus will then go on to impregnate Alice, … From the very beginning, the reader can see how needy Rufus is. I'll cut you up! My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Beacon Press edition of. While his impulses are praiseworthy, his behavior is consistently atrocious. He likes me in bed, and you out of bed, and you and I look alike if you can believe what people say.”“We look alike if we can believe our own eyes!”“I guess so. Margaret hates Dana because of Dana’s higher education and assurance. 'Course, I rolled up my sleeve and fixed 'er a while back. When Rufus falls from a tree and breaks his leg, for example, Tom Weylin's first thought is, "Guess it's broken all right. Every time...! ...out about the Weylin plantation in Maryland. All Books (1) An owner in Antebellum Maryland and Dana’s forefather. #2: “Better to stay alive,” I said. As Dana describes the family connection between her. Rufus, I just adore you!Rufus: Vroom! So when he is in trouble or dying, he doesn’t think of his parents. Posted by on November 4, 2020 in Dogs ... Dana changes the subject by asking how many slaves the Weylin family owns. I'm gettin' a little tired of this desert heat... Got it! Rufus's time was a sharper, stronger reality. I felt as though I were losing my place here in my own time. Rufus: " You are a genius, Candy! ", Rufus: "Don't you move! It's one of the few things about him I can respect. 7. . “At least while there’s a chance to get free.” #3: “I thought of the sleeping pills in my bag and wondered just how great a hypocrite I was.