The Pros And Cons Of The Federal Reserve System . :-|. With the Federal Reserve, the booms and busts are much more stable. If people are risk averse, then this market structure can't achieve the optimal outcome. Nowhere does it say that CONGRESS is FORBIDDEN, expressly or otherwise, to COIN "FOREIGN" money. I would say that lender of last resort and deposit insurance need not be provided by a Congressionally sanctioned monopoly, and can exist in the free market. Ok, asked for it! You see all those people at RP rallies chanting 'End the Fed!' They don't seem to have a good understanding for how market frictions can affect outcomes. 3. The Federal Reserve's Survey of Consumer Finances for 2019 indicated that the top 1% of families own a higher percentage of the nation’s total wealth (nearly 40%) than the bottom 90% (not quite 23%). The Federal Reserve has brought us endless boom-and-bust cycles. I'm not on you're level of intelligence, but I'm not stupid either. The FEDERAL RESERVE and the IRS is HISTORY! Otherwise, a bank run can lead to a run on the lender of last resort or deposit insurer if people think enough banks will fail. 1. Second, the Federal Reserve Board unanimously approved a request by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to decrease the primary credit rate from 3-1/2 percent to 3-1/4 percent, effective immediately. This latest boom-and-bust looks an awful lot like an Austrian Business Cycle. The closest the US, or the Western world, has gotten to an "Austrian Economics" system was the 1800's to early 1900's. The Federal Reserve Benefits Special Interests. The Fed is led by seven presidential appointees called the Board of Governors. The material is endless, and any question you may have can be easily found from any number of them. Pretty pathetic how some Americans are so indoctrinated into the corrupt system that they can't see past their own ill-informed egos. The expansion of credit cannot continue permanently which means that inevitable bust will follow a false boom created by the Federal Reserve. [Click here to see a PDF version of this report. During that time, he has consistently been a source and fearless champion of some of the best, limited-government legislation across a wide spectrum of issues. So lets’ start there. That's where you, finding or possessing a certain amount of ORE, that has a certain amount of GOLD or SILVER in it...takes that ORE to the MINT, and you let the MINT process it into ALLOYED COINS for you to then TAKE FROM THE MINT, and YOU YOURSELF, spend those ALLOYED COINS into circulation. The Federal Reserve Hurts the Poor and Middle Class the Most. The People who chose credit cards with APR's, Tim, are doing so without really realizing they are conducting an INTERSTATE business arrangement with who they think is their LOCAL BANK. A run on banks can easily turn into a run on a clearinghouse. The more dollars we have in the circulation, the less the currency is worth. On behalf of FreedomWorks’ activist community, I urge you to contact your representative and ask him or her to cosponsor the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act, H.R. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to the Federal Reserve Board’s decision to cut interest rates close to zero, John Tamny, FreedomWorks Foundation's Director of the Center for Economic Freedom (CEF), commented: It is no secret that limited-government proponents dislike the Federal Reserve, or “the Fed,” and the influence that this central bank wields. 3. But it’s fast and easy for the Federal Reserve to print more money at a whim. Special interests receive access to money and credit before the harmful inflationary effects impact the entire economy. It was not fueled by cheap credit since most of the investment wasn't leveraged heavily. 8007, Sound Money Caucus Looks to Bring Needed Attention to Monetary Policy, FreedomWorks and Allied Groups Deliver Nonpartisan Letter to Senate Demanding FISA Reform, FreedomWorks Foundation CEF Statement in Response to Fed Decision to Cut Interest Rates, Top Five Reasons to Support “Audit the Fed” Now, FreedomWorks Statement of Support for Judy Shelton for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. 1. Judging by the constant insta-polls the MEDIA around, oh.... 9%. Overall, the reasons I'm giving might make you want to think of things from a different angle. This is a big problem if you kept cash under a mattress. The House of Representatives this afternoon voted on a bipartisan basis for Rep. Ron Paul’s “Audit the Fed” bill, designed to increase the transparency of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy operations. The Austrian Business Cycle Theory explains why we see such wide fluctuations in the economy. The Federal Reserve was ordered through a Freedom of Information Act request to release 28,000 pages of documents in March 2011. The Federal Reserve is Far Too Secretive. Did you ever bother to READ THE FINE PRINT?! However, the boom (with jobs coming back) would follow much sooner. And I don't think that those that responded to you're commit are not stupid. There may be something to the ABCT, but Austrian methodology is problematic though. FreedomWorks is proud to roll out its 2020 policy platform for the Republican Party. Banks can provide this better outcome with liquidity transformation. A Local Bank finding themselves within States, that have on their Books, certain USURY LAWS that limit excessive Interest...will find themselves signing up for their CREDIT CARDS, from their local bank's OUT-OF-STATE subsidiary... (maybe it's the SAME NAME, and maybe it's the SAME BANK, but it might be a CORPORATE BRANCH of some kind...). Smarty pants'. I'll take a shot at this. this like "fill in this box HERE!" The Pros and Cons of Federal Reserve Transparency. This starts with a truth about seigniorage or the profit that a government (or central bank) makes from printing money. VOTERS that keep VOTING for the PEOPLE THAT CONTINUE IT? Pro 1 Raising the minimum wage would increase economic activity and spur job growth. ", And here you're scratching your head, saying "WHAT?". Well, you gave your reasons to end the Federal Reserve, so, allow me to put up a few reasons WHY YOU SHOULDN'T END the FEDERAL RESERVE... Now, these reasons are not in any particular order, and perhaps, they could stand as equally important.