Meet five ocean-going animals who have mastered the art of slow living – so slow, in fact, that they’re among the oldest creatures on earth. Modern nautiluses have not evolved too far from their earliest ancestors, nautiloids. When it reaches adulthood, the T. dohrnii can revert back to its immature polyp stage if faced with illness, physical assault or environmental stress. Its jaws alone are believed to have been over 10 feet long – roughly the distance from the floor to the ceiling. The scientists say that the elephant shark has changed so little from its ancestors, making it the slowest evolving known vertebrate. These fins also move in an alternating pattern, similar to other four-legged animals, such as a trotting horse. Until a few years ago, sponges were thought to be the first animals on the evolutionary tree. The National Institute of Health (NIH) spearheaded this research into comb jellies to aid in research on animals as models for human diseases. The Lamellibrachia tube worm lives along hydrocarbon vents at the bottom of the ocean. Until a live specimen was discovered in 1938, the coelacanth was thought to have gone extinct about 65 million years ago, along with the dinosaurs. The liopleurodon was a large marine reptile and a carnivore that lived in the Jurassic Period (Cretaceous Period), that… The bowhead lives in the Arctic Ocean, and tends to remain in the Northern Hemisphere’s chilly waters around Greenland, Canada and Russia. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Cambrian Age: over 300 million Copyright 2020 | Terms | Privacy | Contact | Facebook, Spread the loveWe all know that dogs are man’s best friend and it’s often noted that dogs have been an…, Spread the loveIn general Shih Tzus live moderately long lives, typically ranging from 10 to 16 years, with the average…, Spread the loveAs a large breed dog, boxers are not known for living very long. Nothosaurs were marine reptiles, which had long tail, long neck, and were around 6m long. Mosasaurs; Giant mosasaurs are the largest animals within this group. However, we will talk about a different thing here, and that is the marine animal that can live the longest. Tardigrades, capable of cryptobiosis, have been shown to survive nearly 120 years in a dry state. Global warming has been a hot topic in the ocean world, and it is because of ocean acidification, known as 'the other global warming problem. Oarweed (Laminaria digitata) on rocky shore at Mount Batten (Plymouth) at low tideSubtidal zone – Although this is not technically within the intertidal zone, the shallow subtidal zone is occasionally exposed during extreme low water spring tides during periods of high pressure.It is home to more typically marine species, including kelps, anemones, fish and many other organisms. Onychophora, commonly known as velvet worms, are wormlike animals with a velvet texture, hence the nickname. Perhaps the most immobile creatures on Earth are the longest-lived. Cuttlefish typically spend the winter in deep water and move into shallow coastal waters to breed in the spring and summer. Scuba Diver Life Cyanobacteria are the oldest existing species in the world. Question Posted by Guest on Jul 8th 2020 Last Modified: Jan 25th 2021. But that’s just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the longest living sea creatures. Need Help? Location:  Marine waters worldwide. Since velvet worms have soft bodies that don’t fossilize well, it is not clear when their ancestors moved onto land. Get updates I also have this question. Kingdom:  Animalia Jellyfish are the oldest multi-organ animal in the world and have existed in some form for at least 500 million years. Kingdom:  Animalia Which of the following is a liquid fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that is burned to obtain energy and used to manufacture plastics? Over half of the known disease genes in humans are present in comb jellies. The next of our longest living sea creatures is a strange-looking one. 6. That’s right, this gigantic animal has been known to live 211 years. Fossilized stromatolites –  a type of layered rock made up of microbial mats of microorganisms – dating back to over 3.5 million years ago contain evidence of cyanobacteria activity. Megalodons They had nostrils on the top end of the nose. Scientists believe that this mysterious fish represents an early step in the evolution of fish to terrestrial four-legged animals, Researchers have sequenced the elephant shark’s genome, researchers found 445 million year old horseshoe crab fossils, Their blood carries unique properties that are used to test the safety of vaccines and other injectable blood, Nautiluses are the longest-living cephalopods, oldest known definitive jellyfish fossil dates back to 500 million years, 600 million year old fossil was found in 2015, ctenophores (comb jellies) are the first true animals, 12 Old School Cartoons to Bring Back Your Childhood, 13 Oldest Book Covers that Tell Their own Stories, 14 Norse Names to Give Your Little Vikings. Frilled shark first appeared on earth around 150 million years … Its first fossil was found in the United States in the early 1990s. It belongs to a group of fish called ratfish, which diverged from sharks about 400 million years ago. They hope that the information gained from studying the elephant shark’s genome will provide insight into the evolution of bony skeletons. While the blue whale is the overall-largest king of the sea, the lion's mane jellyfish goes to the top of the list for being the longest. The Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), literally “little cow” in Spanish, is a species of porpoise endemic to the northern end of the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez, Vermilion Sea).Averaging 150 cm (for females) or 140 cm (for males) in length, it is the smallest of all living cetaceans. Basilosaurus was a huge cetacean that lived 34-40 million years ago during the Late Eocene era. Equisetum, commonly called horsetails, are the only living surviving member or class of plants called Equisetopsida. Stop the Problem of Ocean Acidification . There are about 5,000 – 10,000 different species of sponges. Ancient horsetails dominated the land for more than 100 million years and could grow as tall as 30 meters (98.4 feet). Its teeth could grow up to 12 inches long. These well-preserved fossil sponges were thought to be the oldest until a 600 million year old fossil was found in 2015. Sea otters, in turn, predate on the urchins and all three players (otters, urchins and kelp) are vital for a healthy ecosystem. Added on: 2020-12-07 17:04:08 by Dekeyzer, Stefanie. Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, More posts by Guest Author Lauren Feather, Top Five Alternative Diving Bucket List Destinations, Great Barrier Reef Recovery During Covid-19 Lockdowns. Marine animals . Scientists first sequenced the genome of the earliest comb jelly, the sea walnut (Mnemiopsis leidyi), and compared it to several other species of comb jellies to determine that they split from the animal kingdom’s common ancestor before sponges. Location:  Marine waters worldwide; some species inhabit freshwater. Unfortunately, horseshoe crabs face many threats from human development. They can, however, reach 200 years of age. However, they are widely used by several cultures as food, wood polish, and, medicine. Today’s horsetails are much smaller, but still reproduce by spreading spores instead of seeds, like their ancestors. Kingdom:  Animalia Due to this, about 500,000 horseshoe crabs are harvested each year and have about 30 percent of their blood is taken. Comments . Coelacanths have many unique characteristics, including its four fins that extend away from its body like legs. Kingdom:  Eubacteria If you are wondering what marine creature species has been living on the planet the longest, the answer is most likely the crusty nautilus. A vital part of the West Coast ecosystem, these spiky creatures eat (and can devastate) kelp beds. New studies from around 2011, have revealed that jellyfish are more complex than previously thought. They are ancient animals closely related to arthropods (such as millipedes and centipedes). They were around 50- to 85-foot-long. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Late Ordovician Feeling stressed out by the frantic pace of modern life? While many ocean lovers can easily identify the iconic sperm whale, the charismatic humpback and the wily orca, not all are familiar with the bowhead. In third place is an aquatic snake, Palaeophis colossaeus, which may have been around 9 metres (30 ft) in length. According to experts, this species has existed on our planet for over 500 million years. He said that the nervous system of jellyfish might not be as obvious as it is in animals with a brain connected to a spinal cord, but it is distinct in its own way. These slow-growing corals are found at depths between 1,000 and 1,600 feet within the monument and throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Although it has been a difficult year for everyone, we know that taxonomists have continued to publish many wonderful new species throughout. On average, boxer dogs only…, Spread the loveGoldfish are one of the world’s most common pets and unfortunately are often seen as disposable. The longest previously known marine creature is the lion’s mane jellyfish — its tentacles can be up to 120 feet long. Liopleurodon was a marine reptile measuring in at more than 20 (6m) feet in length. Find out how they lived, when they vanished, and how much we know about them today. Animals first began to grow hard shells and exoskeletons about 550 million years ago. With a bit of luck and good lifestyle choices, the lucky among us can hope for 100 years on Earth at most. Among animals, the largest species are all marine mammals, specifically whales. Age: disputed – possibly 3.5 billion years; oldest undisputed evidence says 2.1 – 2.7 billion years Whales are the largest animals on Earth and live longer than all other mammals in the contemporary animal kingdom. The nearly blind, cold-water dwelling Greenland shark is thought to be the world’s longest-lived vertebrate. All of the species on this have ancestors whose fossils date back over hundreds of million years ago. Their land-dwelling ancestors lived about 50 million years ago. Diet: Carnivore. Cuttlefish are exclusively marine species and can be found in most marine habitats from shallow seas to deep depths and in cold to tropical seas. Kingdom:  Animalia Location:  Marine waters worldwide; some species inhabit freshwater. Scientists think that Ming would still be alive if it had been left in the ocean. They are believed to be one of the oldest known vertebrate species. Kingdom:  Animalia They were fish eaters and they had paddle like limbs with toes and webbed fingers. These reptiles had long teeth and the back teeth were shorter than the front teeth. The Tallest Land Animal in the World: The Giraffe. Which of the following is a liquid fossil fuel formed from marine organisms.. It can then resume growing into a mature adult once more. Plants. Age: 600 million years Location:  ocean waters and soft sandy or muddy bottoms worldwide. Stephen Hawking The largest known mosasaur is likely Mosasaurus hoffmanni, estimated at least 17.6 metres (58 ft) in length. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Archean Antarctic sponge. Location:  Worldwide except for Antarctica, but mostly concentrated in the non-tropical northern hemisphere. Add your answer. Which of the following marine species has existed the longest? However, this evidence is disputed and as of 2010, the oldest undisputed evidence of cyanobacteria is 2.1 billion years old. Reptiles . Impressively, its expected lifespan is double its own weight. Unlike arthropods, velvet worms don’t have a hard exoskeleton and their velvety skin is water repellent. Here’s a list of the top 10, from shortest- to longest-lived. The largest of these marine reptiles (extinct for 210 million years) was the species Shastasaurus sikanniensis, at approximately 21 m (69 ft) long and 68 tonnes. Because of this research, scientists have been able to piece together the evolutionary tree as well as the evolution of the Earth itself. Ammonites, which evolved about 416 million years ago, were once the most abundant animals of the ancient seas. Length: 1.83 meters. However, newer research suggests that ctenophores (comb jellies) are the first true animals, not sponges. The discovery of the siphonophore measuring an estimated 150 feet (46 metres) - twice as long as many blue whales - came as part of an expedition into the Ningaloo Canyons led by the US … Can you help? For many marine animals, attaining 100 years just puts them into adolescence. Odin: Who came up with the Trojan Horse … Although nautiluses are not yet close to extinction, they are all protected by CITES Appendix II, which means they may become extinct if strict regulations on the trade of nautiluses are not enforced. The enormous bowhead whale weighs an astonishing 100 tons. The red sea urchin is our first entry. Megalodons Location: Based on fossil findings, it has been determined that the species inhabited various parts of the oceans worldwide. Rather than building separate registers for all projects, and to make sure taxonomy used in these different projects is consistent, VLIZ developed a consolidated database called ‘Aphia’. 650 Castro Street Which of the following marine species has existed the longest? Nautilus: Which of the following does the green Olympic Ring represent? Age: c.500 million years Moreover, this shark has a … As humans, we’re incredibly lucky to hit 100 years of age. The oldest known definitive jellyfish fossil dates back to 500 million years. They also have a joint in their skulls which lets them open their mouths wide enough to fit larger prey; and thick scales that do not exist in any other known living fish. At around 66 feet (20 m) long, this creature is by far the largest on our list. What is the length of a marathon in kilometers? Both these snakes lived in tropical rain forests. Age: c.400 million years Added on: 2020-12-07 17:04:08 by Dekeyzer, Stefanie. Frilled Shark – 150 million years old. In several places around the world, horsetails are considered weeds and unwanted plant pests. Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2020. The Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish is also known as the immortal jellyfish, and left scientists baffled when they discovered that the jellyfish appears to change its age at will. Age: 700 million years Scientists gave the samples an estimated age of 4,265 years. The horseshoe crab is probably the most famous living fossil. Fossil records of lobopodians dating back to the Cambrian period bear a close resemblance to modern terrestrial velvet worms. They were around 50- to 85-foot-long. But that’s just a drop in the bucket for the planet’s longest living sea creatures. What are the world’s longest living sea creatures? Scientists estimate that the largest specimens in the Caribbean are over 2,300 years old. Despite its name, the elephant shark is not actually a shark, but a type of cartilaginous fish. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Devonian 400 years. Kronosaurus lived a bit later than Liopleurodon, in the Early Cretaceous Period, around 120-100 million years ago. Studies conducted on some of the oldest-known sponges estimate them to be over 1,550 years old. Age: over 500 million years; possibly 600 – 700 million years Location:  All tropical habitats and temperate zone of the Southern Hemisphere. Snow-white and shaped like a beer barrel, one individual of the Antarctic sponge species Anoxycalyx... 2. It preyed on large turtles, other marine reptiles, and possibly even giant squids! 'As the acidity of the oceans increases, it will have devastating impacts on marine life, including plankton, corals and shellfish, and the animals that eat them.. Kingdom:  Animalia Question Posted by Guest on May 11th 2020 Last Modified: Dec 25th 2020. Scientists believe that this mysterious fish represents an early step in the evolution of fish to terrestrial four-legged animals. Plants View all Plants ... We are the longest-lived land mammal, although there are a number of marine species that outlive us – bowhead whales can live for 200 years. Oceania: In Norse mythology, who wielded the weapon Gungnir? Mountain View Earliest Geologic Eon:  Late Devonian These bacteria are believed to be the Earth’s oldest known life form. Its first fossil was found in the United States in the early 1990s. In rok, In ark of orisis if I capture outpost can I disband my troops from it or .. N°3 Greenland Shark. Which of the following marine species has existed the longest? Also, nearly all of these species are known as “living fossils” because they have not evolved too far from their original forms. Poor Ming unfortunately died in 2006 at 507 years old after it was dredged off the coast of Iceland. Alan Weir / Flickr / CC BY 2.0. Ask a Question. Marsupials (Marsupialia) The largest-known marsupial is the extinct Diprotodon, about 3 m (9.8 ft) long, standing … Basilosaurus was a huge cetacean that lived 34-40 million years ago during the Late Eocene era. Researchers have sequenced the elephant shark’s genome and discovered that it is unique and quite different from the genomes of other living vertebrates. Once complete, it will provide the first definitive list of all known species in the world’s oceans. Although whales are expert swimmers and perfectly adapted to life underwater, these marine mammals once walked on four legs. We cannot be held responsible for any errors on the site and for any actions you may take after viewing its content. Kingdom:  Plantae Age: c.500 million years However, sightings of the leviathans are rare following their exploitation by such hunters. Nautiluses are easily recognizable by their spiral chambered shells. Meet Pakicetus , a goat-sized, four-legged creature that scientists recognise as one of the first cetaceans (the group of marine animals that includes dolphins and whales). Location:  Marine waters off southern Australia and Tasmania; south of East Cape; and Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand. The World Register of Marine Species is launched today by the Census of Marine Life. This massive animal, from the Norian stage in what is now British Columbia, is considered the largest marine reptile so far found in … Earliest Geologic Eon:  Precambrian In addition to their unique velvet texture, velvet worms are known for having many stubby feet – between 13 and 43 pairs of feet – which all have a hooked claw. A genus of early whale, it had a long, slender and sinuous body with vestigial limbs. The Top 10 Greatest Survivors of Evolution Travel back millions of years in your time machine and you’d find some of these species thriving and looking much as they do today Research on the the fossil was released in 2007 and states that it is over 200 million years older than the previously oldest jellyfish fossils. It’s quite…, Spread the loveParrots are known to be some of the most talented birds in the words, being both intelligent and…. Period: This species lived during the Jurassic period, between 200 and 190 million years ago. Unfortunately, these gentle giants have experienced dramatic decline in numbers since the 17th century, mainly due to whaling, habitat loss and ocean pollution. The rougheye rockfish, which can grow to over three feet (1 m) long and can weigh around 14 pounds (6.3 kg), is one fish that refuses to die young. Your email address will not be published. According to scientists, this colossal year-round Arctic dweller may live 200-plus years. © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Nautiluses are the longest-living cephalopods (octopus, squid, and cuttlefish), with a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Longest-Lived Fish: The Koi (50 Years) In the wild, fish rarely live for more than a few years and even … Unlike most other animals, sponges lack cell walls, true tissues, and organs, and have asymmetrical bodies. Identified in 2015 in the Hawaiian Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, the black coral Leiopathes annosa can live for over 4,000 years. At 8 kilometres (5 mi) across, and estimated at around 100,000 years old, it may be one of the largest and oldest clonal colonies on Earth. Location:  Nearly every terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the world. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Cambrian Finally, our list of the longest living sea creatures concludes with something that lives even longer than the aforementioned black coral: an immortal jellyfish. Its immobility and slow growth rate mean it can live for centuries. Age: c.400 million years The longest-lived animals in the ocean reveal their longevity tricks and secrets to staying healthy at extremely advanced ages. "Ming" the Ocean Quahog. Nautilus: Which country gave the Statue of Liberty ti American people as a gift? Between 10 and 15 percent of these harvested crabs die. Weight: Between 81 and 92 kilograms. It mostly lived in the seas that covered Europe during the Jurassic period, and it was one of the top predators around. Call for nominations for the WoRMS Top-Ten Marine Species of 2020. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By comparison, blue whales … Although it has been a difficult year for everyone, we know that taxonomists have continued to publish many wonderful new species throughout. The Antarctic sponge, as its name suggests, lives in the freezing waters of the Antarctic Ocean. The Bigmouth Buffalo ( Ictiobus cyprinellus ), a freshwater fish in the Family Catostomidae, has a maximum longevity of at least 112 years based on otolith annulus counts and bomb radiocarbon dating. The next specimen that defied death for over 500 years was an ocean quahog clam, nicknamed Ming after the Ming dynasty during which it was born. Studies are ongoing as to what keeps these worms alive so long. Although recent research suggests that comb jellies are older, sponges are still widely believed to be the first group to branch off the evolutionary tree from the common ancestor of all animals. In 2008, researchers found 445 million year old horseshoe crab fossils, which are about 100 million years older than any other horseshoe crab fossils ever discovered. France: Which of the following physicists was born on the death anniversary of Galileo Galilei, and died on the birth anniversary of Albert Einstein? Cyanobacteria. The blue whale is believed to be the largest animal to have ever lived. California 94041. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Cambrian Pity poor Ming. Today, the species is on the brink of extinction. They are known for their blue-green color, especially aquatic cyanobacteria, which can form highly visible and colorful blooms. It’s unsurprising that scientists plan to examine this critter in numerous studies and experiments, with the goal of figuring out how to live forever. Most of the Earth’s history has been uncovered through research into what is known as the fossil record. Marine and aquatic dinosaurs Ichthyosaur. The differences among a species, like different bird beaks, are called what? Your email address will not be published. Many live for around 170 years, however, recent studies have shown that some of these odd-looking critters have reached a whopping 250 years of age. The Greenland shark, otherwise called the gurry shark, or dim shark is a vast shark of the family Somniosidae, firmly… Location:  Indo-Pacific seas. Turritopsis dohrnii jellyfish (immortal jellyfish) Finally, our list of the longest living sea creatures … Through the fossil record, over 2,500 species of nautiloids have been discovered, but only six species still exist today. Age: disputed – possibly 3.5 billion years; oldest undisputed evidence says 2.1 – 2.7 … This impressive marine swimmer can live as long as 205 years. Which of the following marine species has existed the longest? These alien looking, ancient creatures are nearly identical to their oldest ancestors found in the fossil records. Required fields are marked *. The Greenland shark is a shark species from the North Atlantic part of the world that used to move very slowly in cold water rarely exceeding a swimming speed of 1 kilometre per hour in order to preserve its energy for hunting. They inhabit the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Baja California and typically live more than 30 years. 6. Their blood carries unique properties that are used to test the safety of vaccines and other injectable blood. There are around one hundred species of cuttlefish around the world. The longest on record was a female 110ft (33.58m) long, captured by whalers in the South Atlantic. A genus of early whale, it had a long, slender and sinuous body with vestigial limbs. Monotremes (Monotremata) The largest-known monotreme (egg-laying mammal) ever was the extinct long-beaked echidna species known as Zaglossus hacketti, known from a couple of bones found in Western Australia.It was the size of a sheep, weighing probably up to 30 kg (66 lb). Which of the following marine species has existed the longest? Like the red sea urchin, our next fish is a golden oldie. They may have made the transition about 490 – 430 million years ago. Cyanobacteria live in almost every terrestrial and aquatic habitat in the world, including, oceans, damp soil, desert rocks that were temporarily wet, and even Antarctic rocks. Kingdom:  Animalia In fact, there is evidence that predators existed before the anomalocaridids. That honor goes to Kronosaurus, which may have grown as long as 40 feet! They are currently over harvested for their shells – which contain mother-of-pearl (nacre) – their meat, and for use in aquariums. Age: 445 million years The new find challenges what scientists currently know about the timing of animal evolution. Earliest Geologic Eon:  Late Cambrian Earliest Geologic Eon:  Devonian Another stationary creature, the giant barrel sponge is one of the longest living animals on the planet. Earth once hosted more than 10,000 species of these ancient marine predators. The earliest fossil records of sponges date back to about 580 million years ago. Location:  Coastlines of the Indian Ocean and Indonesia. These plants are over 300 million years old and form a majority of the understory of the late Paleozoic forests. Longevity Secrets from the Five Longest-Lived Marine Animals 1. Kingdom:  Animalia Amazingly, a recent study on one shark found that it was anywhere from 272 years to 512 years old. The information listed on this site is to be used as a reference and is only our opinion/suggestion. The longest on record was a female 110ft (33.58m) long, captured by whalers in the South Atlantic. The shark lives mostly in the cold North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and specimens have been known to reach over 200 years old. cientists exploring the deep waters off Australia’s western coast have discovered what may be the longest animal ever seen, along with up to 30 new marine species. This register of marine species grew out of the European Register of Marine Species , and its combination with several other species registers maintained at the Flanders Marine Institute . One marine biologist disputed the conventional wisdom that jellyfish lack a central nervous system. The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African …