Return to the area with the movable block and push it so you can reach the platform opposite the entrance. Riku still uses a three hit combo that can be Guarded. does anyone know what … It's the chest you can see behind the gate where you fight the Defender , skip to 2:49 , i think it has to do with the switches puzzle. Freeze the bubble on the other side with Blizzara and jump on it then to a ledge up high. This all comes in addition to her claw swipes and bite attacks. Drop back down to where you grabbed Salegg vol. Trinity Points are special spots where the three main party members -- Sora, Donald, and Goofy -- can make strange things happen. Jump on the pillars for some treasure chests with Tornado-Gs. Follow the adventures of a young boy, Sora, who joins the fight against the Heartless, unknown creatures of Darkness, who invade his homeland and separate him from his friends. A Defender charges up his shield to shoot Fire (right). It’s fastest to just drop off the ledges. Spin the columns (right) to get some Chests. However it is not the oldest work of Walt Disney's to have a world as it is second to the world based on Steamboat Willie's world, Timeless River. Along the way, he is joined by a cast of well-loved characters and some very well-known places. Beat them and hit the crystal again to continue. Glide from here to a central location and freeze the bubble here. Go down the stairs … The difficulty doesn’t drop for this rematch. Glide from here to another Chest on the pillar for an Orichalcum . Glide over to the Chest behind you for a Megalixir then climb up to the Castle Gates where you’ll surely find new enemies. Jump up to the Chest to claim a Mythril then across to another Chest for a Thundara-G . Area: Waterway ===== Treasure Chest (#05) Mythril Stone and (#06) AP Boost: When you enter this area from the "Wharf" follow the path to your left (Northeast) to see a Treasure Chest … Raid it for treasures (theres a nice Keychan here called the Oblivion) and then head through the Heart gate to face the last boss of Hollow Bastion. The Stealth Soldier is what you might expect, a Soldier that is invisible but targetable and damageable. Leave the Dungeon and button hook left to a switch, release it. Jump over the edge and glide to this hidden door (left). Change the crystal back to red and ride the elevator again, this time down. In this room there is a Save Point with a chest to its left, open it to get a Firaga Ring, then "Call" to clear the way. You learned Trinity Detect which will be used on the White Trinity Marks around the worlds, but for now you need to clear Hollow Bastion. Hollow Bastion: 61-63: Look for a green treasure chest in the Grand Hall. As soon as you get to the lift stop from the castle entrance, there's a crystal to the right that can either go to lower area or upper area. Maleficent can also breath a green fire on the ground that continues to burn. Enter the Lift Stop and cast Gravira on the floating platform holding a Chest then release Dalmatians 97, 98 and 99 . Some can be quite well-hidden, but the majority are out in the open. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Head up the steps and into the room with the Heartless Symbol. Part of the world is the Dwarfs's cottage based on the 1937 Disney film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which was Disney's first animated movie. Cast whichever Gravity magic you have to get it down. After the battle you receive Ragnorak . If you drop down onto the water you can walk on it. Continue along the upper level to a chest with a Drive Recovery (1/5). Exit out the hole into the Waterway.--== Hollow Bastion: Waterway ==--Take the bubble on the right, back to the save … ManaFreak 2 years ago #1. Likewise, Gravity provides the same opportunity while dealing a large chunk of damage in the process. a treasure chest containing Dalmations 91, 92, & 93. Jump into the bubbles suspended around the area to reach to the treasure chests underwater. Hollow Bastion - Castle Gates » Activate the elevator here and ride it to the orange platform. Cast whichever Gravity magic you have to get it down. $ 225,000 . Wizard’s often come in groups and as you might guess, cast a variety of magic. From here you can spot another chest on this level for a Mythril Shard (4/5) and across from it Awakening #3. Now head back down. Distract it so Beast gets a back attack then release the switch. #96 - 99: Hollow Bastion - High Tower » You should see a chest on a small platform above you. Screenshots . Open the Chest for a well-earned Dark Matter . Passing the Dwarfs's cottage in the Cottage Clearing, leads you to the Deep Woods. Go jump in the last bubble to be taken to a new area. Lock on to it and use Gravira in your magic selections and it will come down. Examine the red crystal on this ledge to open a way back to the Library. Final Fantasy and Disney collide in a surprisingly powerful and memorable story. There are five main types: Take it to the lower area to reach the waterway with two platforms. Once passed, the area holding Hollow Bastion's Keyhole and the Princesses of Heart, the Grand Hall is open to confront Riku in. Here, take the lower bubble to the Waterway. Use Gravira and open the Chest for a Royal Crown . They have the ability to disappear and reappear like Search Ghosts and are impervious to attack while using Thunder. You will be able. Strike Raid is a great ability for this particular approach. Return to the Castle Gates by using the switches in reverse order and enter the Entrance Hall. Grab Hafet Vol 4 off the table in the new room and place with the purple books. Open the Chest on the opposite pillar for an AP Up . Return to Hollow Bastion and you will find that the place is a bit overrun. Darkballs can charge and bite you to deal damage but they can also move through darkness to become un-hittable. Jump into the bubbles suspended around the area to reach to the treasure chests underwater.