This is not what most new mothers are doing. Parturition involves the delivery of the neonate, as well as the placenta and fetal membranes. The placenta is an incredible organ that deserves celebration. The Raw placenta encapsulation process still involves dehydrating the placenta, but skips the steaming step. Some women choose to eat their placenta While unappetizing, the practice of eating the placenta after childbirth, known as placentophagy, has risen in popularity in recent years. Unlike the modern practice of eating a placenta in dehydrated pill form over a length of time or cooking it for later consumption, animals eat their placentas raw and immediately after giving birth. The evidence. A mother dog, for example, may feed on her placenta and lap up the amniotic fluid to reduce labor pains. It is instead a way of consuming the placenta without it first being steamed; some believe the … However, despite little or no scientific evidence, there is much anecdotal evidence from mums who swear that eating their placenta improved their mood and made them feel energised. The placenta is a critical organ that develops in the maternal uterus during pregnancy to support the fetus. Then comes the practice of placentophagia, eating the placenta, is also practiced in some parts of the world. Many women process the placenta or continue eating it months after birth. It was back in the 60s and 70s that the practice of eating placenta took hold on back-to-nature communes. Raw (simple) It is often thought that the raw method of encapsulation means that raw pieces of the placenta are somehow placed within capsules – this is not the way it works! Eating the raw placenta could help the mum recover from giving birth and boost her strength while breastfeeding, according to the theory. The placenta can be consumed cooked or raw, but most women in the survey consumed it in the easier-to-digest capsule form. The idea of eating bloody human flesh would be repulsive and inconceivable to most people. So, animals such as goats and lions eat the placenta, and they do so immediately after birth by eating the full organ raw and all at once. Those who practice placentophagy, or placenta eating, have a number of ways to consume it. In this preparation, a cooked or uncooked placenta is dehydrated (it will look like a dried mushroom). 3) A placenta smoothie We can't promise it will look as delicious as this picture suggests but this is a slightly more palatable way of eating the raw placenta. Placenta smoothie This practice appears to have given way to encapsulated placenta, a process by which a steamed and dehydrated — but sometimes raw — placenta is … Rather than chewing it, you could swallow it whole. There are even meal-like recipes for cooking placentas, including placenta stew, placenta lasagna, power drinks with blended placenta and others. You can also find recipes online. This article in Women’s Health Mag includes recipes for Placenta Lasagna, Placenta Chili, and Placenta Truffles. Eating it fresh or raw can increase your risk of contracting infections as the placenta may harbor some viruses and bacteria. DIY placenta encapsulation is not a difficult as you may think. It is said to be best for boosting immediate healing after giving birth. Many women feel squeamish about eating their placentas. Human placentophagy, or consumption of the placenta, is defined as "the ingestion of a human placenta postpartum, at any time, by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form". Placenta Tincture is made from a piece of the mother’s own raw placenta after birth, steeping in alcohol making a strong remedy over 6 weeks. Now mothers and families are grinding the organs up into powder to take them like a vitamin or supplement. It is uncommon (although it’s popular in celebrity circles. 4. It has been seen that not only the mother will feed on the placenta after birth, but the father can also join the feast along with other females in … Eating the Placenta Raw. Some women eat the placenta raw, immediately after birth. There are many ways to go about eating placenta. Except for camel, every other mammal eats their own placenta raw. It can be cooked: recipes are available for preparing it in various ways. Early versions of this practice involved eating raw placenta with some honey to resolve hemorrhage. Eat placenta raw: “It was now or never” Rossco Watson, who is 32 years old and a father of two, shared a video of himself eating his wife’s placenta. Eating the placenta can be done in many forms – in smoothies, pills, fried with onions or even eaten raw and immediately after birth. Lastly, some mommas cook their placenta right into common recipes in the kitchen. The placenta is the organ which supports and surrounds the fetus during a pregnancy. You could do this too. 5 Unique Ways To Eat Your Placenta #1 Encapsulate Your Placenta . The concept behind this approach is that more of the essence of the placenta is preserved as the steaming process can destroy vital enzymes in food. Eating it in a processed form such as in pills or in cooked food may still not protect you from the risk of getting infected. Eating the Placenta . It is suggested that you thoroughly rinse the placenta and cut it into very small pieces. + Background information & FAQs on the placenta encapsulation process! Part of the reason I wanted to eat my placenta in the first place is that I am fascinated by the human body and all that it can do. But, the dog will eat the raw placenta immediately after birth. Though some mums happily report that eating their placenta improved their energy and mood, more studies are needed to back this claim, says the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing in a past study.. 3. How do people eat placenta? As for how to eat placenta, there are several different ways: It can be eaten raw or cooked. The main reason behind the consumption of placenta after childbirth is its supposed benefits to the mother such as enhanced milk supply , hormonal balance, and prevention against postpartum depression. Although other animals eat it raw, some women cook, put it in smoothies, or have it encapsulated like I did, which definitely makes it more palatable! The placenta is an organ, and like other types of organ meat (think duck liver, cow tongue, sweetbreads) it can be consumed. What I wish I knew before eating my placenta + figuring out if placenta pills are good for you. Booker has been doing 'placenta medicine' for more than 10 years. Some women eat it raw, but many women have a yuck-factor objection to eating raw bloody tissue. If this is you, have your placenta made into 100-200 capsules and add it to your daily intake of vitamins and supplements. He said that their child, Lachlan, would be their last child, and said that “It was now or never” when it came to trying his wife’s placenta… If certain corners of the parenting Internet are to be believed, the benefits for a new mom of eating her placenta are manifold. 4. But mums are not just consuming placenta in pill form. In short, yes. This tutorial covers How to encapsulate placenta and my personal choices regarding an natural solution to common postpartum complaints. Some mommas prefer to eat their placenta raw because nutrients are not lost in the cooking and encapsulation process. Placenta, ready to cook. In recent years, … Some eat them raw or cook them into lasagna, chilli, tacos, and even smoothies! It is said that placenta tincture is used for emotional, mental and psychological instability and may also be very beneficial for treating PMS and menopause. She says that most of her clients ingest the placenta in capsule form, though rare exceptions eat it raw, in a smoothie. But one new father has told how he ate his wife’s placenta raw in a smoothie, and cooked in a taco. But — as with the appendix and other organs that the body tends to deem unnecessary — once it comes out, maybe it should stay out. Some mothers have been reported to eat placenta raw. Some prefer it raw or cooked as part of a meal or in a smoothie, while others grind it into powder and put in capsules for easier ingestion. Others may consider eating a placenta cannibalism, but I beg to differ. During encapsulation, a Placenta Specialist washes and dehydrates your placenta. Some people add herbs or other ingredients to their placenta. Placentophagy, also known as placentophagia, is the act of consuming part or all of the afterbirth following parturition in mammals. A postnatal meal of raw placenta is not likely to replace that of tea and toast on maternity wards anytime soon! After announcing that I planned to encapsulate my placenta and ingest a raw piece of it, my brother-in-law declared that he would never, ever eat spaghetti sauce or drink smoothies at my house again. Add placenta pieces and ground beef to the pan with the onion and garlic, and cook until beef is no longer pink. I didn’t suffer or die just so I (or someone else) could consume my placenta.