They believe that nobody has so far succeeded in giving life t… This is a decrease from 2011, when at least 1,923 people were known to have been sentenced … In the US, the death penalty statute in the state of Washington was declared unconstitutional in October. The latest report by Amnesty International recorded 690 confirmed executions in 2018, which confirms the significant downward trend observed over the last few years (993 executions were listed in 2017, 1,032 in 2016, and 1,634 in 2015). In 2018, 20 States carried out executions, compared to 23 in 2017. On November 17, 2020, for the eighth time, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for a […] At least four executions were recorded in Belarus in 2018, compared to two in 2017. Please log in to access our additional functions, *Duration: 12 months, billed annually, single license, The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Excluding China, 78% of all reported executions took place in just four countries – Iran, Saudi Arabia, Viet Nam and Iraq. The number of countries that imposed death sentences increased to 17 from 15 recorded in 2017. By 2019, 142 countries had abolished the death penalty in law or practice, leaving 56 countries still using capital punishment. The death penalty remains a controversial issue in many governments and states all over the world. Five countries – Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen – were known to have carried out executions, a 50% drop in executing countries. $39 per month* At least 19,336 people were known to be under sentence of death globally at the end of 2018. At least 607 executions were carried out worldwide in 2014, a decrease of almost 22% compared to the figures recorded for 2013. Japan more than tripled its annual figure (from 4 to 15), after the hanging of 13 men involved in a high-profile case, which saw a deadly Sarin chemical attack on the Tokyo underground in 1995. The United States ranked fifth for the highest number of executions. Amnesty International recorded at least 690 executions in 20 countries in 2018, a decrease of 31% compared to 2017 (at least 993 ). According to Amnesty International, as of July 2015, 101 countries have abolished the death penalty for all crimes in law, while 140 countries have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. This increase was mostly due to the rare disclosure of a figure from the authorities of Viet Nam. There were 657 recorded executions in 20 countries (excluding China, where thousands of executions are believed to have been carried out), with more than 25,000 people on death row. The U.S. ranked 11th in death sentences imposed. In 2016 the murder rate in non-death penalty states was 4.49 compared to a murder rate of 5.63 in states with the death penalty. In 2019, at least 251 people were executed in Iran. Per Amnesty International's 2017 death penalty annual report, "Amnesty International recorded at least 993 executions in 23 countries in 2017, down by 4% from 2016 (1,032 executions) and 39% from 2015 (when the organization reported 1,634 executions, the highest number since 1989)." At least 1,100 new death sentences across 17 countries were known to have been imposed, a slight increase from the total of 1,037 recorded the previous year. "Number of Executions Worldwide in 2019. Death Penalty Statistics. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. Amnesty International recorded commutations or pardons of death sentences in 29 countries: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, China, Egypt, Guyana, India, Iran, Kuwait, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco/Western Sahara, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, South Korea, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, UAE, USA and Zimbabwe. More than 70% of the world’s countries have abolished capital punishment in law or practice. At the end of 2018, 106 countries (a majority of the world’s states) had abolished the death penalty in law for all crimes, and 142 countries (more than two-thirds) had abolished the death penalty in law or practice. This helps us see which governments are continuing to use the death penalty and campaign for its end - and to show that over the years use of the death penalty is very gradually declining. Malaysia announced a moratorium on executions and a review of its death penalty laws. The authorities of Viet Nam indicated in November that 85 executions had been carried out during 2018, placing the country among the world’s top five executioners. (billed annually). That’s a 25 percent difference. Amnesty International did not report any executions in Bahrain, Bangladesh, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Palestine (State of) and United Arab Emirates (UAE), despite having done so in 2017. New, Everything you need to know about the industry development, Find studies from all around the internet. Privacy Policy Update, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Advertising & Media Outlook Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Content Marketing & Information Design for your projects: *The actual figures are likely to be higher according to Amnesty International. This figure represents the lowest number of executions that Amnesty International has recorded in the past decade. Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan continued to observe moratoriums on executions. However, those statistics do not include China, known as the world's top executioner, because the use … In recent decades, there has been a clear trend away from capital punishment, as many countries have either abolished the death penalty or discontinued its use. The fifth edition of this highly praised study charts and explains the progress that continues to be made towards the goal of worldwide abolition of the death penalty. For the 10th consecutive year, the USA remained the only country to carry out executions in the region. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Key figures and rankings about brands and companies, Consumer insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about regions and countries, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Technology Market Outlook Botswana, Sudan, Taiwan and Thailand all resumed executions last year. Figure 4 A table of result comparing the murder rates in death penalty and non-death penalty states in USA (Death Penalty Information Center 2017). Two new death sentences by stoning were known to have been imposed in Iran. Law enforcement groups argue that the death penalty is necessary to protect the police. Around 1,394 people have been executed since 1976, when death penalty was re-established by the U.S. Supreme Court. The full report: Death penalty statistics 2016 (PDF) At least 98 executions were known to have been carried out for drug-related offences in 4 countries – 14% of the global total and down from 28% in 2017. ", Amnesty International, Number of executions worldwide in 2019 Statista, (last visited February 13, 2021), U.S. capital punishment - share of prisoners with a death sentence, by gender 2018, U.S. capital punishment - prisoners under sentence of death, by age 2018, U.S. capital punishment - prisoners on death row by education 2018, U.S. capital punishment - prisoners on death row, by marital status 2018, Number of executions in the United States 2015-2021, U.S. capital punishment - executions per year 1990-2018, U.S. capital punishment - executions per year, by ethnicity 2000-2019, U.S. capital punishment - executions by method 1976-2021, U.S. capital punishment - total executions by state 1976-2020, U.S. capital punishment - time elapsed between sentencing and execution 1990-2018, Public assessment of crime as a serious issue U.S. 2000-2020, Opinion of U.S. citizens on the death penalty 1936-2020, Americans' moral stance towards the death penalty in 2020, Rate of botched executions in the U.S. 1890-2010, by method, Number of executions carried out in Saudi Arabia 2007-2019, U.S. capital punishment - number of prisoners executed by ethnicity 2018, Most common last words spoken by inmates at execution in the U.S. 1976-2016, Most common reasons to oppose the death penalty in the U.S. 2014, View of U.S. citizens on the frequency of the death sentence, Boston Bombings - survey on the death penalty for the convicted perpetrator 2013, View of U.S. citizens on the legitimacy of the death penalty, U.S. capital punishment - number of prisoners executed by state 2018, U.S. capital punishment - prisoners under sentence of death 2013, by Hispanic origin, U.S. capital punishment - criminal history of prisoners 2013. Singapore reported 13 executions, the first time since 2003 that its execution total reached a double-digit figure. Some countries in these areas, such as Brazil, still allow capital punishment, but only for exceptional situations that rarely occur, such as treason committed during wartime. 1,000 is a place holder. Amnesty International recorded at least 690 executions in 20 countries in 2018, a decrease of 31% compared to 2017 (at least 993). Your choice regarding cookies on this site There were 164 death row exonerations (using DNA and other evidence) … You only have access to basic statistics. Corporate solution including all features. April 21, 2020. At least 136 executions in nine countries were known to have been carried out throughout the region in 2018, compared to at least 93 in 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact me. This statistic shows the number of executions worldwide in 2019. As the debate over the death penalty continues in the U.S. and worldwide, here are five facts about the issue: 1 The annual number of U.S. executions peaked at 98 in 1999 and has fallen sharply in the years since. A greater part of the U.S. public prefers other alternatives over death penalty as the right punishment for murder. There are different opinions about the advocacy of death penalty to criminals. Amnesty recorded at least 2,591 death sentences imposed in 53 countries worldwide in 2017, down 17% from the reported 3,117 death sentenced imposed in 55 countries in 2016. The following methods of execution were used across the world in 2018: beheading, electrocution, hanging, lethal injection and shooting. In U.S. death penalty is legal in 32 states. The following death penalty statistics are from the Death Penalty Information Center, the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and other sources. Opinions on execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family in Russia as of July 2018, Share of French people who support death penalty 2017, Most common reasons to support the death penalty in the U.S. 2014, Opinion on abolishment of death penalty among young adults in India 2016, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre. Statista. The Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide was founded with a grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies. There were 1,170 recorded death sentences in 2018, marking an 89% increase compared to 2017, when 619 death sentences were recorded. In February and July respectively, Gambia and Malaysia both declared an official moratorium on executions. The figures represent minimum values according to Amnesty International. Burkina Faso abolished the death penalty for ordinary crimes only, and Gambia established a moratorium on executions and ratified an international treaty committing it to abolishing the death penalty.