A cat stung by a wasp or bee reacts in one of two ways. So a ten pound cat would require 10mg of Benadryl. The right dosage of Benadryl is supposed to be 2-4 mg for the average-size cat. Most insect bites and stings are self-limiting and will resolve in a day or so. When a venomous reptile, such as a snake, bites your cat. Liquid Benadryl can be adjusted accordingly. With snake bites on the rise ... “The smaller the dog or cat, ... of dogs bitten by copperheads and other snakes and they were all fine after he gave them the allergy and itch reliever Benadryl. Keep in mind that even if a dose of Benadryl calms your cat’s itchiness, it might not be treating the underlying problem. The cat could easily bite or scratch if spooked, creating a more dangerous situation for the owner. Many vets recommend liquid Benadryl, which is sold in 12.5 mg per 5 mL of liquid suspension. : Don't really need any meds, just cool compresses. Well, Benadryl is safe to give canines the right dosage. Like us, cats can have severe, and uncomfortable reactions to the bite or sting and Benadryl can help tone it down. So, you need to have her on a once-a-month topical that is effective such as Frontline Plus, Advantage or Revolution. generally, how many mgs. BENADRYL ® (diphenhydramine) should only be used as directed by the label. When your cat is traveling and is prone to motion sickness. The bite site may also swell and thus, seem as inflamed redness. I recently took my mothers cat in for teeth problems. Apply an ice pack to the affected area for 10 minutes to reduce swelling. Abuse or misuse of this product can lead to serious side effects with potentially long-lasting or even life-threatening consequences. The 2-4 mg dosage of Benadryl should be administered every 8-12 hours. Do not use any Sargent's, Hartz or Biospot product. Allergic reactions (to things like pollen, insect bites & stings) prompt mast cells (defenders of the body) to release a chemical called histamine that sets in motion a cascade of symptoms to repel the invaders. To reduce the pain and discomfort, you can apply a cold pack over the bite site after wrapping the cold pack with a towel or cloth. All medications should be kept out of the reach of children at all times. Bugs and bees have no limits. Benadryl dosage for cats. Benadryl can cause side effects like hyper-excitability, drowsiness, dry mouth, urinary retention, vomiting, diarrhea or … If your cat has multiple stings or bites, a soothing oatmeal bath is the way to go. Soothe the bite site. You can also read: Giving Your Cat Benadryl: Everything You Need To Know Just like humans, the size, and bodyweight of a cat influence how a drug will act in their system. Joined Mar 1, 2009 Messages 28,523 Reaction score Bottom Line. Send thanks to the doctor. In such instances, Benadryl can be successfully used to relieve the symptoms of the allergy. They are not prejudiced against fur and have no issue biting cats. Keep Benadryl on hand at all times! It will help your cat for things that actually cause histamine release, which is the same as an allergic reacation. Here you go: For bites use benadryl, (diphenhydramine) Hydrocortisone cream, clean wound thoroughly and watch for signs of infection. Benadryl is not going to do anything for a snake bite. The dose will depend on your cat’s size, age, and health, so you should make an appointment with your vet before giving your cat Benadryl. Benadryl is a “antihistamine”, so the mechanism to stop the reaction makes Benadryl a good drug for this scenario. Most snakebites occur on either the muzzle or leg of a cat. Top Cat. The reason that the answer to giving a cat Benadryl for feline colds is both yes and no is that it can treat the common cat cold, but it cannot cure it. "i have heard that over-the-counter benadryl (diphenhydramine) can decrease swelling after an insect bite. Because Benadryl is an excellent antihistamine, it is a very useful medication for allergies and histaminic reactions. Benadryl is safe for your feline friends in the proper dosage. The pet cat website Cat-World.com suggests that after calling a veterinarian, take these steps on the way if you have a person to help you: Remove the cat’s collar. This equates to about 12.5mg. This is why liquid Benadryl is recommended by most vets, considering that it’s easier to get the measurements right. Here's a list of situations where you might consider giving Benadryl to your cat: When an insect, such as a scorpion or a bee, bites or stings your cat. BENADRYL FOR SNAKE BITES. Example: A 25-pound dog would ... Over the years she is the only one we considered taking our animals for care. Applying an ice pack or cortisone cream can help to reduce swelling. Answered by Dr. Thomas Riney: 25-50 for 60 y.o. When your cat is itching or scratching due to food or environmental allergies. It works best if given to your cat before exposure to the cause of the itching, but if the cause is something in your cat's environment, this is obviously not possible. Most commonly this medication would be given to cats for allergic skin reactions which are itchy, bug bites, or reactions to vaccinations. Benadryl can help a cat with allergies, but this isn't allergies. This is not the case for snake venoms, which work via different mechanisms. Minimize swelling. If itching continues to be a problem, you can give your cat some Benadryl to relieve symptoms. 6. Some dogs develop allergies to a wide variety of things from pollen to fleas, and end up with itchy skin conditions as a result. Benadryl is effective as an emergency drug to combat the allergic reactions of insect bites and stings because it is readily available and relatively safe. This article was written by a veterinarian of the United Waterfowlers Forum. “First, let me say that I have been a vet for 23 years in N Florida. 0. What happens if you provide too much Benadryl to a Dog? A higher amount of Benadryl will cause cramps. Dr. Anna is an angel! Uses of Benadryl for Cats. Feline Allergies Regarding Bug Bites. Benadryl can be used in cats and it is most recommended as a temporary treatment for allergies or to reduce or prevent swelling due to insect bites. Therefore, it can be used to calm and avert dangerous swelling caused by allergic reactions. Although cat bites do not trigger big wound and severe bleeding, it is still very painful. The dosage for an average-sized cat is typically 2-4 mg. So, if there is swelling of the face, tongue, or lips, or any difficulty breathing (like wheezing, whistling, rasping), especially if the cause is not obvious, it's critical that immediate medical attention (meaning call 911) be sought for the person, whether it’s happening to you or someone else. Carefully remove wasp or bee stings. If a venomous snake has bitten your cat, her skin may have one fang mark or several fang marks at the bite site.Unfortunately, these puncture marks may be obscured Because snake venom can negatively affect the blood’s ability to clot, there will likely be bleeding at the bite site as well. Benadryl is typically considered to be very safe for dogs, but remember that this medication, like any other medication, will most likely come with some side effects. When it comes to cat allergies, Benadryl is most often prescribed for itchy or allergic skin reactions, vaccine reactions, or bug bites. Your vet may also permit the use of Benadryl as a mild sedative for your cat when traveling. Depending on the exact nature of the bite it could result in an emergency situation. Examine the area of the snakebite. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the sting site. Insect bites can cause serious inflammation, especially if the cat is allergic to the insect poison or if the bite is located on the eye lids, throat or in the mouth. Benadryl can react with a variety of drugs; Drowsiness is a side effect of taking Benadryl for cats … Benadryl tablets or capsules can also be administered, coming in 12.5 mg or 25 mg tablets. What is Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) Benadryl is the brand name for an antihistamine consisting of diphenhydramine as the active ingredient. Topical BENADRYL® Itch Stopping Cream temporarily relieves pain and itching associated with insect bites, minor burns, sunburn, minor skin irritations, minor cuts, scrapes, and rashes due to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. It is primarily prescribed to treat itching due to insect bites, bee stings or allergies, as well as for motion sickness, travel anxiety, coughing (congestion), and sneezing [4, 2, 6].It may sometimes be prescribed to manage feline asthma. Benadryl Dosage. 90,000 U.S. doctors in 147 specialties are here to answer your questions or … Jul 30, 2013 #12 W. Willowy TCS Member. ... One time my mom thought my dog had an infected tick bite and took him to the vet, and it ended up being his belly button. Besides checking with a vet, the most important thing to consider when giving Benadryl to your cat is the size of your cat. For example, if your cat weighs 10 pounds, you would give him no more than 20 milligrams per dose. 6 thanks. Benadryl for Cats: Although cats can take Benadryl, it has potential side effects, including hyperexcitability, diarrhea, decreased appetite and urination, dry mouth, vomiting and sedation. What are the side effects of Benadryl in cats? That would translate to over 300 snake bite cases I have treated, or been involved in. is needed to decrease the swelling?" For instance, I deliver my 22lb dog a dose of 25 mg of Benadryl. It only takes one flea bite in a cat that is super allergic. Benadryl for cats can help with the symptoms that are experienced due to a cold. Drowsiness is a side effect of taking Benadryl for cats just as it is for humans. Most cats suffer from localized pain and swelling at the site of the sting, such as poor Lizzie developed after the wasp stung her. 0 comment. Benadryl in any form, though, is never a substitute for epinephrine. Most possibly, you will not ruin your canine, but you do not need to give much, because the attacks are serious. Why Does a Cat Need Benadryl? Before introducing Benadryl to your pet, it is always a good idea to consult with your vet so they can determine whether the drug might interact with the dog’s other medication. Please stop sharing this information. Bug bite, sting, or animal defense – another reaction can be from a bug bite or bee sting. For example, if your cat has fleas or a fungal infection like ringworm, Benadryl will only offer temporary benefits. To be even more precise, many vets recommend about 1mg of Benadryl for every pound the cat weighs. We treat probably an average of 15 snake bites a year. An average sized cat would most likely take a half of pill, which generally contain 25 mg of the active ingredient. In short, Benadryl is not effective for snake envenomations in humans or other animals. If your cat’s itchiness doesn’t go away, schedule a veterinary visit for your cat. A bag of frozen peas serves as a handy ice pack for individual bites. Snake bite is a common emergency seen at Guthrie ... Give your pet 1mg/pound of body weight of Benadryl or the generic equivalent. Many vets will recommend a quarter of an adult sized dosage of Benadryl or half of a child sized dosage.