in their book "Sports Nutrition," male marathon runners should range from 5 to 11 percent body fat and women 10 to 15 percent body fat. For men 40-years old and above, it's 28 per cent. 2. At 110 pounds, this woman still requires 100 pounds of lean body mass, but would only be carrying 10 pounds, or only 9% body fat. There is no photo of a 3% body fat lady since very few ladies can reach that level. Body Fat Percentage: The Basics. Amount of lean muscle tissue – muscle burns kilojoules rapidly. Regardless of your gender, keeping your body fat at a healthy percentage is ideal. Some extra fat and no muscle definition visible. TO THE PERSON THAT SAID 20% IS HIGH FOR A FEMALE.. you are part reason there are so many anorexic, 20% is beyond healthy for a female, as 12% for a female is way underweight, women need more fat on their body to function, and to survive. Daniel Brady | November 20, 2012 in Before And After Let’s get straight to it, there are example male and female photos from 35% body fat down to 3% body fat below. In 12 weeks I’d gone from 189 @ 20% body fat with a lean body mass of 151.2 down to 170.8 @ 9.9% body fat with a lean body mass of 153.9, so that means I was actually able to gain almost 3 pounds of solid muscle while dieting. and Michael Gleeson, M.D. Body fat is important for women because it helps when they become pregnant. From 20% body fat (30% in women), once visceral fat start accumulating, chronic inflammation (IL-6 levels) starts to increase. Body fat percentile is an indication of the percent of your body that is made of fat. Over 40% body fat: Overweight/obesity. Over 20 % body fat: Mildly/moderately overweight. Lost 20 pounds but still dont look sub 10 body fat. Younger men aged 20 to 40 have a lower healthy body fat range between 8-19%, compared to their over-40 counterparts, whose healthy range is 11-25%. I work out 3 to 4 times a week and have seen some pretty good gains in stength and endurance but i have not lost hardly any body fat for some reason and i need some pointers on getting below 10% body fat cause this is my goal. Women sprinters should aim for 12 to 20 percent and men for 8 to 10 percent. Dropping your body fat closer to 25-30% is within a healthy range. Amount of body fat – fat cells are ‘sluggish’ and burn far fewer kilojoules than most other tissues and organs of the body. This amount of body fat is associated with health risks such as diabetes, stroke, heart problems, etc. Reduce your body fat percentage with our safe, expert-backed tips for weight loss that also retains muscle tone. New technology is improving the accuracy of overall body-fat measurements. The Lean Category. Essential fat is necessary … im 19 at the moment i'm on around 21% body fat and i'm really struggling to lose that 5% i lift weights 3 times a week (including bench presses, squats, deadlifts) and do HIIT for the other 3 days for around 20 minutes. Here is another picture for your reference. right now I'm doing 40 min of weight lifting in the morning and 60 min of walking and running in the afternoon, no sugar, no bread, no fat in my diet and still stucked. Total body fat includes two types of fat: essential body fat and storage body fat. Whereas, women over 40 have a slightly higher healthy range of 23-36% body fat. The woman on the left is a weightlifter, while the one on the right is a triathlete. Healthy ranges of body fat range from between 14-20% for men, a percentage of greater than 25% is considered to be unhealthy and puts the individual at an increased risk of obesity related illness. This means your abs will not be visible. Most men are within the 18-24% body fat range. For men aged 20 to 39, anything above 25 per cent body fat is classed as obese. When you hit 20 to 24 percent body fat, there’s a good chance you will be soft around the middle. The following table tells about your fitness level considering the amount of fat you have. I eat a very healthy diet, lots of veg although my main source of protein is from shakes. To get down to 20% body fat keeping the same LBM (assumes no muscle loss), you need to lose 10lb of fat, so your new body weight will be 123lb. For those who want to take their body slightly further, you come to the lean category. Women seeking optimal fitness levels should aim for about 16 to 25 percent body fat, says Kathleen Laquale, Ph.D., athletic trainer at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts. Chart for Female. What 30% Body Fat Looks Like. Female athletes often have body fat levels between 14 and 20 percent. Just because a man’s body fat percent is 30% doesn’t mean he has to lose 20% body fat. 32% or more. As you can see, the goal of losing 20 pounds is not realistic or healthy. What Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage? “A good meso goal for a guy at 20% body fat would be to lose 5% in 90 days,” White suggests. From the body fat chart above, you can see that this is a dangerously low percentage. A male with a body-fat percentage of 20 percent has to be slightly more careful than a female, as the male is just 5 percent away from being obese. 5'9, 166 lb 30 yo male, been on a 1800-2000 calorie diet with a 50/30/20 (pro, carb, fat) split for a month. Fitness. Acceptable. Body size – larger adult bodies have more metabolising tissue and a larger BMR. female body fat percentage: 20% – 24% The separation between muscles, as well as the definition in the muscles becomes less apparent in the limbs while abs should still retain some definition. And to muddy the waters further there is … The average amount of body fat for women is between 25 and 31 percent. 30% is the higher end of average. I have a friend who is trying to drop weight and she wants to know what she will look like at around 20%, just as a rough guideline as to what she can expect as far as how she will look. Essential fat. 15-19% body fat: Normal/healthy level within the average. That is unheard of for me. The best ways to lose body fat fast as a woman. This represents between 9-12% body fat for males or 19-22% body fat for females. @Thatsamazing A majority of women have a body fat of 20-28, which is the healthy norm for women under 30. 25-31. This is the range that most female athletes fall in, and is considered as highly fit and more sustainable. Over 25% can be considered obese. Below is a chart of body fat … Classification . Upton calls this the higher end of “average” for males. The University of Pennsylvania recommends taking three steps to manage your body fat. First of all, 20% and 30% are a huge difference - and if you happen to be a female, and have a fat percentage of 20, you may not need to lose any fat at all - 20% is great body fat percentage for a female (and pretty good for a man, at that). According to Asker Jeukendrup, M.D. They both have visible abdominal muscles, but their muscle and fat distributions are rather different. Measurements of your body composition, or body fat levels, give you a more complete picture of your body's healthy weight than using a scale alone. For men, between 6-24% body fat can be considered healthy. Every human needs to have a certain amount of essential fat. The essential fat percent varies hugely between women and men. The formula is current LBM/(1-desired body fat percentage), so it’s 98/(1-.20… Body fat of ~27%. 21-24. Women ( Fat in Percentage) Obese. Stuck at 20% body fat. Workout has been a push/pull/push/pull/legs with an hour of max incline tredmill each day. Like the two women above, these two have very similar weights and body fat percentages. Example, woman at 120lb and 20% body fat has 24lb of fat plus 96lb of LBM. Body Fat Percent is calculated by dividing the total weight of the fat divided by the body weight. The body fat percentage (BFP) is the total mass of fat divided by total body mass, times 100. Women between 20-40 years of age are considered to have a healthy body fat if they are within the range 21-33%. Should i scale this … A body fat level of 32 percent and above puts you in the obese category. Hi, I am requesting pictures (tasteful) of 19-21% body-fat (verified) women. In the 24% body fat level, the separation between muscles starts to blur, almost no vascularity, or striations can be seen, typically there is a small stomach pouch of fat, the look is “soft” but not very round. Normal body fat percent for women is 20 to 30 (for men it is lower). Woman at 130lb and 20% body fat has 26lb of fat and 104lb of lean mass. If your body fat is between 21 and 24 percent, you are in the fitness category. 1. Between 14-21% body fat for women is usually seen in athletes. If you have 26% body fat at 133lb, you have 35lb of fat and 98lb of LBM. Before Their Transformations Gary And Frances Were Moderately Lean At 20% and 26% Body Fat Respectively. Managing Your Body Fat. Women need at least 8% body fat i think it was to actually live. Athletes. Now, to figure this out is a long process, i'll try to explain.. Healthy ranges for women range between 17-24% where a level of 30% body fat is considered unhealthy and at a level of increased risk. There is no data to say chronic inflammation is different at 8% or 12% or 16% body fat, so while it hurts muscle gains in the overweight, it shouldn’t concern leaner people much. 20% is a excellent goal! I have been working out for about a year now. It's been 2 years now, I've been able to maintain my weight and body fat (with a little back n forth), but I can't go below 20% body fat. Body fat … Essential body fat. Click through the following slides to see visuals and read exactly what it looks like to have 5% to 8% body fat, 9% to 13% body fat, 14% to 17% body fat, and 18% to 20% body fat.