Our dominant function, introverted intuition (Ni), is something we trust and identify the most with but not something that other types can understand easily. INFJ is one of the 16 personalities found in MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).It is said to be the rarest MBTI type, about 1-2 percent of the population. We feel feedback deeply. INFPs try to be aware of their own actions, especially when it comes to the things that matter. Take my career path as an example. We are very passionate when it comes to our ideas. I’m working on it” acknowledges the criticism received. How to Take Care of Yourself When You Have No Time for Life? Hold your identity lightly and no one can hurt you. Previously, I was attacked by a couple of animators because I wrote a post on why I quit my animation job. It’s constantly forming opinions and conclusions about things. Because they are talking about their experience with the INFJs they know, they are not talking about you. When people throw rocks at your ego, you can hold on tightly to your identity and protect or defend your position. If you’re an INFJ (or other sensitive introvert type), here are four things to keep in mind when you receive comments that sting. INFJs will have no problem setting up structures and routines for their business, but will also have enough flexibility to ensure that all of their workers are happy with the rules they set. In language, we say that we are INFJs. Each personality from free MBTI assessment has four dominant traits, i.e., functions that determine a person’s preferences, interactions with the world, strengths, and weaknesses. https://personalitygrowth.com/infj-criticism-how-infjs-deal-with-feeling-criticized I get why people say that you shouldn’t care what people think, but INFJs are naturally attentive to what people say and do. So most of us choose not to share our insights or deepest thoughts with random people. They called me an idiot and dissed me for wanting to be a writer. Having empathy also means that we care about what others say, even if we are confident in our abilities and who we are. The letters INFJ stand for the aspects of personality: Introverted (I): Individual, thoughtful, pensive, reflective, reserved Intuitive (N): Perceptive, pioneering, creative, instinctive Feeling (F): Caring, warm, honest, empathic,… The Advocate personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. report. Do you feel judged even when the criticism is constructive? Is anyone else more sensitive to criticism by strangers rather than their loved ones? A feeling type might take criticism personally and feel hurt, while a thinking type might be quick to deflect the criticisms back to the critics and argue with them rationally. How Each MBTI Type Responds To Criticism INFJ. This is good, that is bad, and etc. As INFJs, if you don’t feel good about the way you are being criticized, tell the other person. CLICK HERE to read it.). Your partner notices that you’re having a hard time sticking to your budget. Of course, text criticism is easier to deal with than verbal criticism. I laughed out loud and explained, “I’m just telling the truth. Or maybe you feel a cold pang around your chest as though your heart is sinking. Whenever I receive a comment, the first thing I would do is to pause. Ask INFJs. There’s no doubt that words and communication styles are important to us. Disagreeing with criticism can be especially hard for INFJs because we value harmony. We don’t want to risk being criticized, judged, or attacked by others. 11 comments. 8. But we are more than our MBTI type, Enneagram type, gender, nationality, occupation, the work we do, and etc, right? The INFJ personality distinguishes two subtypes, INFJ- A (Assertive) and INFJ-T (Turbulent). (Part 1): The Difference Between INFJ and INFP, Am I an INFJ? With conscious work to overcome this, though, ISFJs can learn to stand up for themselves in a confident, kind way. It’s easy to second-guess yourself, especially when you’re aware that you think differently from other people. feminism, or inequality to be our causes in … People can judge you but you don’t have to judge yourself. You don’t have to simply take in someone’s misconception of you as fact. We’re also good with words in general. If you can’t do that, then I don’t need your feedback.”. You are confusing me!” So I learn not to take it personally. Ask for a second, third, or fourth opinion. If multiple people have said the same thing, does that mean it’s true? If people respect your feelings, they will make an effort to deliver criticism to you in a way that’s constructive. INFPs are rather sensitive individuals, and because of this they truly dislike criticism. Even if the other person is not saying anything about you, you will take it personally. Both types experience high sensitivity to any sort of criticism—whether it’s constructive or not—and both also often write slowly. The INFJ may act differently with different people, but not because they have no personality. Take a free personality assessment.). So who do you listen to? It requires a lot of effort from the INFJ to calm down the Fe function and not take care of the other person’s feelings. An INFJ is always believe there is a more perfect and best option available. (This article was published at IntrovertDear.com. But people who genuinely care about you will make the effort to change how they communicate with you. This external desire to create harmony causes internal conflict. 9. 10. Sign up for our newsletters to get more stories like this. There is no need to change yourself or your work for the critic. And it’s not just him. The human mind loves to judge. If you want to find out more about how to love yourself as an INFJ, be sure to download my free eBook called Self-Acceptance for INFJs. But of course, not everyone will be able to change their communication style. INFJs are entranced by what being a human is all about, and it’s likely that they are deeply interested in defining the meaning of life. How to Deal with Controlling People in Your Life, “I can’t hear you well or receive your criticism well when you use such words or when you raise your voice.”, “Telling me that my work sucks or is not good enough doesn’t help me at all. Even though 99% of the comments I received are positive and I’m grateful for them, there’s still that 1% that disapproves of me and my work. Our worldviews are so different (my Ni vs his Si and my Fe vs his Te). Don’t even try it! Then, your critics will have no one to fight with. As you read the comment, continue to stay mindful. Giving feedback to an INFJ personality type. Positive compliments make us feel accomplished, whereas criticism might lead to feelings of worthlessness. Another example would be a family member criticizing your taste in men when she is unhappy with how her husband treats her. It doesn’t mean that the latter enjoys being criticized. Understanding that they were projecting their own issues of being animators onto me and protecting their ego, I was able to get over the criticism quickly and not react to their attacks. Perfectionist. Part of being perfect is also the hidden desire of not wanting to disappoint others. We feel criticism profoundly. There’s no uncertainty that words and correspondence styles are essential to us. (Part 2): The Difference Between INFJ and INTJ, Am I an INFJ? In his mind, I’m crazy to have left my accounting job. Moreover, everyone has different opinions about you and your work. 5 Reasons Why Self-Care Is Not Selfish. Not necessarily. This cuts down unnecessary conflicts and regrets that you might experience later. Positive commendations cause us to feel achieved, though analysis may prompt sentiments of uselessness. Or do they truly want to help you? 9. As a result, they’ll usually create a work culture that’s warm and flexible, with enough structures and rules to keep things running smoothing. (What’s your personality type? by Nerdy Creator | Nov 10, 2018 | INFJ, INFJ Emotion. How to Be More Self-Compassionate and Kind to Yourself? INFJs try to avoid conflict and are highly sensitive to criticism. INFJs Pick Up on Subtle Tones and Signals Easily. INFJs and INFPs must turn inward to integrate new information. 4. Are you an INFJ who has attracted toxic people and narcissists? Rupali Grover is an introvert and an HSP, who grew up in an extroverted Indian household. Our ego gets injured when other people have opinions that oppose our belief system. Do you experience shame, anxiety, depression, anger, or become defensive when someone criticizes you? Most INFJs are sensitive to criticism. Use your own discretion instead and follow your heart. One person might love your work while the other person might hate it for the same reason. 97% Upvoted. Say something like: If the other person resists and says that you are too sensitive or you need to toughen up, then tell them: “Yes, I am sensitive. share. You almost have to train others how to treat you nicely. Maybe INFJ’s are better at finding ways to present criticisms of others because we are so sensitive to them ourselves? A long-winded explanation isn’t needed to smooth things out. INFJs can accept feedback as long it is presented in a kind and considerate manner. 1. When it comes to receiving criticism, an INFJ may need the space to reflect on what someone said and why they said it. Advocates have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is that they are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact. Ask for a second, third, or fourth opinion. Since we don’t feel the need to share everything about ourselves, a critical person is looking at a small snapshot of what they see. INFJs are highly relational and can adjust to the individual needs of each person they interact with. If their intention is not to help but to hurt you, then forget about what they say. INFJs Have a Tendency to Be Perfect and People-Please. Their criticism might make you feel uncomfortable but don’t interpret that as a personal flaw or rejection. (Part 4): The Difference Between INFJ and ENFJ, Am I an INFJ? 3. Everything he says sounds like an accusation: “You are too soft! The acronym, INFJ, stands for Introversion (I), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), and Judging (J). Nowadays, when I notice that people are venting, I just ignore and don’t pay any attention to their comments. It’s crucial to give yourself a few days to let your emotions cool down and your brain process the criticism.